android Programming Glossary: mhandler.postdelayed
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock mProgress setSupportProgress progress if mProgress 100 mHandler.postDelayed mProgressRunner 50 private int mProgress 100 @Override protected..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? does not support traffic stat monitoring. else mHandler.postDelayed mRunnable 1000 Last but not least we need to update our display..
Android Location Listener call very often 0 0 mLocationListener Run this again in an hour mHandler.postDelayed onRequestLocation DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS Of course you ought..
Android OnLongClickListener not firing on MapView start time start the timer mEventStartTime ev.getEventTime mHandler.postDelayed mTask LONG_PRESS_TIME else if ev.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP.. ev.getEventTime mHandler.removeCallbacks mTask mHandler.postDelayed mTask LONG_PRESS_TIME return super.onTouchEvent ev share improve..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager schedule the current sound to stop after set milliseconds mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run if mKillSoundQueue.isEmpty mSoundPool.stop..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer mScrollFade mScrollFade.mStarted false if mDragging mHandler.postDelayed mScrollFade 1500 private void getSections Adapter adapter mList.getAdapter..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run doStuff 5000 private void doStuff..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour listView.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run call any new activity..
Android: How to stop media (mp3) in playing when specific milliseconds come? public void onSeekComplete MediaPlayer mp mPlayer.start mHandler.postDelayed mStopAction mEndTime mStartTime Note also that the MediaPlayer.create..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? new Runnable @Override public void run doSomething mHandler.postDelayed mHandlerTask INTERVAL void startRepeatingTask
Repeat a task with a time delay? updateStatus this function can change value of mInterval. mHandler.postDelayed mStatusChecker mInterval void startRepeatingTask
Android: Multiple simultaneous count-down timers in a ListView
Custom tap window on Google Map hit Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show flag true mapView.invalidate mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run TODO Auto generated..
Android character by character display text animation mText.subSequence 0 mIndex if mIndex mText.length mHandler.postDelayed characterAdder mDelay public void animateText CharSequence.. mIndex 0 setText mHandler.removeCallbacks characterAdder mHandler.postDelayed characterAdder mDelay public void setCharacterDelay long millis..
Show my Layout while SurfaceView is loading Camera Preview be shown. Without the delay your UI will feel inresponsive mHandler.postDelayed mLoadCamera 100 And here's the second Activity's layout WITHOUT..
Correct pattern to acquire a WakeLock in a BroadcastReceiver and release it in a Service acquire long timeout synchronized mToken acquireLocked mHandler.postDelayed mReleaser timeout private void acquireLocked if mRefCounted..
Android + HTML5(LocalStorage) + Admob: Bug? super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run doStuff 5000 private void doStuff..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock int progress Window.PROGRESS_END Window.PROGRESS_START 100 mProgress setSupportProgress progress if mProgress 100 mHandler.postDelayed mProgressRunner 50 private int mProgress 100 @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState setTheme SampleList.THEME..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? this alert.setTitle Uh Oh alert.setMessage Your device does not support traffic stat monitoring. else mHandler.postDelayed mRunnable 1000 Last but not least we need to update our display and reschedule the runnable. private final Runnable..
Android Location Listener call very often mLocationManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 mLocationListener Run this again in an hour mHandler.postDelayed onRequestLocation DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS Of course you ought to disable all of your callbacks in onPause and enable them..
Android OnLongClickListener not firing on MapView ev if ev.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN record the start time start the timer mEventStartTime ev.getEventTime mHandler.postDelayed mTask LONG_PRESS_TIME else if ev.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP record the end time dont show if not long enough mEventEndTime..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f mKillSoundQueue.add soundId schedule the current sound to stop after set milliseconds mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run if mKillSoundQueue.isEmpty mSoundPool.stop mKillSoundQueue.firstElement 3000 share improve..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer ScrollFade.ALPHA_MAX mHandler.removeCallbacks mScrollFade mScrollFade.mStarted false if mDragging mHandler.postDelayed mScrollFade 1500 private void getSections Adapter adapter mList.getAdapter if adapter instanceof HeaderViewListAdapter..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? mHandler new Handler @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run doStuff 5000 private void doStuff Toast.makeText this Delayed Toast Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour view int position long id selectedListItem position EfficientAdapter listView.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run call any new activity here or do any thing you want here 200L listView.setAdapter..
Android: How to stop media (mp3) in playing when specific milliseconds come? @Override public void onDestroy mPlayer.release @Override public void onSeekComplete MediaPlayer mp mPlayer.start mHandler.postDelayed mStopAction mEndTime mStartTime Note also that the MediaPlayer.create method you are using returns a MediaPlayer that has..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? INTERVAL 1000 60 2 2 minutes Handler mHandler Runnable mHandlerTask new Runnable @Override public void run doSomething mHandler.postDelayed mHandlerTask INTERVAL void startRepeatingTask void stopRepeatingTask mHandler.removeCallbacks mHandlerTask..
Repeat a task with a time delay? mStatusChecker new Runnable @Override public void run updateStatus this function can change value of mInterval. mHandler.postDelayed mStatusChecker mInterval void startRepeatingTask void stopRepeatingTask mHandler.removeCallbacks mStatusChecker..
Android: Multiple simultaneous count-down timers in a ListView
Custom tap window on Google Map Toast.makeText this.mapLocationViewer.getContext I am hit Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show flag true mapView.invalidate mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run TODO Auto generated method stub flag false mapView.invalidate 200L else selectedMapLocation..
Android character by character display text animation characterAdder new Runnable @Override public void run setText mText.subSequence 0 mIndex if mIndex mText.length mHandler.postDelayed characterAdder mDelay public void animateText CharSequence text mText text mIndex 0 setText mHandler.removeCallbacks characterAdder.. mDelay public void animateText CharSequence text mText text mIndex 0 setText mHandler.removeCallbacks characterAdder mHandler.postDelayed characterAdder mDelay public void setCharacterDelay long millis mDelay millis You can then use this in an Activity like..
Show my Layout while SurfaceView is loading Camera Preview Post the Runnable with a Slight delay than your layout will be shown. Without the delay your UI will feel inresponsive mHandler.postDelayed mLoadCamera 100 And here's the second Activity's layout WITHOUT A SURFACEVIEW xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout..
Correct pattern to acquire a WakeLock in a BroadcastReceiver and release it in a Service WakeLock.acquireLocked methods are as follows... public void acquire long timeout synchronized mToken acquireLocked mHandler.postDelayed mReleaser timeout private void acquireLocked if mRefCounted mCount 0 Do this even if the wake lock is already thought to..
Android + HTML5(LocalStorage) + Admob: Bug? onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run doStuff 5000 private void doStuff final String MY_AD_UNIT_ID yourAD_UNIT_ID AdView adView..