android Programming Glossary: micon1
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? ArrayList PostData mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public.. c.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon.. mIcon3 else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 return convertView class ViewHolder TextView text TextView..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] private LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter Context context.. LayoutInflater.from context Icons bound to the rows. mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources R.drawable.icon48x48_1.. convertView.getTag if mBusy holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 Null tag means the view has the correct data holder.icon.setTag..
How to convert a Drawable to a Bitmap? v.findViewById if profile null Bitmap mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeStream url_value.openConnection .getInputStream..
How to implement a view holder? myElements.get id holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 id else _first false holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 try..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API URL http id picture type large Bitmap mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeStream img_value.openConnection .getInputStream.. .getInputStream userpicture.setImageBitmap mIcon1 Where ID is one your profile ID. For Further details check this..
implement search on a custom listview Context context LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public.. c.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon.. mIcon3 else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 return convertView class ViewHolder TextView text TextView..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? extends ArrayAdapter Context context LayoutInflater mInflater ArrayList PostData mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context c super c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater.. public CustomListView Context c super c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater c.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon.. mIcon2 else if mp.mVideoUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon3 else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 return convertView class ViewHolder TextView text TextView text2 ImageView icon LinearLayout ll public long getItemId int..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] holder public static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter Context context Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each.. LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time. mInflater LayoutInflater.from context Icons bound to the rows. mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources R.drawable.icon48x48_1 mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources.. access to the TextView and the ImageView. holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag if mBusy holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 Null tag means the view has the correct data holder.icon.setTag null else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 Non null tag..
How to convert a Drawable to a Bitmap? str_url URL url_value new URL name ImageView profile ImageView v.findViewById if profile null Bitmap mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeStream url_value.openConnection .getInputStream profile.setImageBitmap mIcon1 share improve this answer..
How to implement a view holder? the holder. if _first true if id myElements.size myElements.get id holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 id else _first false holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 try if id myElements.size id else id catch Exception e android.util.Log.i..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API URL img_value null img_value new URL http id picture type large Bitmap mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeStream img_value.openConnection .getInputStream userpicture.setImageBitmap mIcon1 Where ID is one your.. large Bitmap mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeStream img_value.openConnection .getInputStream userpicture.setImageBitmap mIcon1 Where ID is one your profile ID. For Further details check this Reference for Graph API ............................ share..
implement search on a custom listview mTitle of POJO Class class CustomListView extends ArrayAdapter Context context LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context c super c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater.. public CustomListView Context c super c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater c.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon.. mIcon2 else if mp.mVideoUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon3 else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 return convertView class ViewHolder TextView text TextView text2 ImageView icon LinearLayout ll public long getItemId int..