android Programming Glossary: mi
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment 53.45106000000001 legs duration value 797 text 13 mins distance value 7289 text 4.5 mi end_location lng 2.19414.. value 797 text 13 mins distance value 7289 text 4.5 mi end_location lng 2.19414 lat 53.43052 start_address 137.. Rd b toward b Park Dr b duration value 83 text 1 min distance value 729 text 0.5 mi end_location lng..
Android: How to find the position clicked from the context menu menuInfo AdapterContextMenuInfo mi AdapterContextMenuInfo menuInfo menu.add 0 0 0 Delete item ..
android get duration from directions a~l~Fjk~uOwHJy@P levels B B duration value 19 text 1 min html_instructions Head u003cb u003enorth u003c b u003e on.. Cermak Rd u003c b u003e distance value 207 text 0.1 mi ... ... additional steps of this leg ... ... additional legs.. legs of this route duration value 74384 text 20 hours 40 mins distance value 2137146 text 1 328 mi start_location lat..
How to get current memory usage in android? to get current memory usage in android I have used proc meminfo and parsed command response.however it result shows that.. visit this thread can come to know the steps parse proc meminfo command. You can find reference code here How to get Memory.. in android use below code and get current RAM . MemoryInfo mi new MemoryInfo ActivityManager activityManager ActivityManager..
JSON parsing of Google Maps API in Android App hoping to create a url get the JSON response and then examine that response for travel duration. After I create the JSON.. duration as inspired by this stackoverflow answer for a similar question. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject jsonOutput.. Map data ©2011 Google legs distance text 12.9 mi value 20807 duration text 27 mins value 1619 android..
About starting Android app from an URL how should I write that URL. I got the following code in mi AndroidManifest activity android name .MyActivity intent filter..
Handling a Menu Item Click Event - Android Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true.. menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true @Override public boolean..
Android options menu icon won't display item refuses to display. Here is the code for the menu ReminderListActivity @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu.. Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true.. menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true res menu list_menu.xml..
Android action bar not showing overflow public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true.. Menu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true Thanks android overflow..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment lng 2.26773 lat 53.4301 northeast lng 2.19414 lat 53.45106000000001 legs duration value 797 text 13 mins distance value 7289 text 4.5 mi end_location lng 2.19414 lat 53.43052 start_address 137 College Road Manchester.. lng 2.19414 lat 53.45106000000001 legs duration value 797 text 13 mins distance value 7289 text 4.5 mi end_location lng 2.19414 lat 53.43052 start_address 137 College Road Manchester Greater Manchester M16 0AA UK end_address.. steps html_instructions Head b southeast b on b College Rd b toward b Park Dr b duration value 83 text 1 min distance value 729 text 0.5 mi end_location lng 2.25758 lat 53.45005 polyline points ctfeIh yLrBaEdAoB`@w@N..
Android: How to find the position clicked from the context menu void onCreateContextMenu ContextMenu menu View view ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo AdapterContextMenuInfo mi AdapterContextMenuInfo menuInfo menu.add 0 0 0 Delete item I have the following method override to control de contextmenu..
android get duration from directions end_location lat 41.8525800 lng 87.6514100 polyline points a~l~Fjk~uOwHJy@P levels B B duration value 19 text 1 min html_instructions Head u003cb u003enorth u003c b u003e on u003cb u003eS Morgan St u003c b u003e toward u003cb u003eW Cermak.. on u003cb u003eS Morgan St u003c b u003e toward u003cb u003eW Cermak Rd u003c b u003e distance value 207 text 0.1 mi ... ... additional steps of this leg ... ... additional legs of this route duration value 74384 text 20 hours 40 mins .. mi ... ... additional steps of this leg ... ... additional legs of this route duration value 74384 text 20 hours 40 mins distance value 2137146 text 1 328 mi start_location lat 35.4675602 lng 97.5164276 end_location lat 34.0522342 lng 118.2436849..
How to get current memory usage in android? to get current memory usage in android I have used proc meminfo and parsed command response.however it result shows that MemTotal 94348 kB MemFree 5784 kB means. it shows there is only.. done and it works Let me tell you what I did So others who visit this thread can come to know the steps parse proc meminfo command. You can find reference code here How to get Memory usage and CPU usage in android use below code and get current.. reference code here How to get Memory usage and CPU usage in android use below code and get current RAM . MemoryInfo mi new MemoryInfo ActivityManager activityManager ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE activityManager.getMemoryInfo..
JSON parsing of Google Maps API in Android App to use the google maps API to fetch direction times. I'm hoping to create a url get the JSON response and then examine that response for travel duration. After I create the JSON object I have trouble navigating it. To me this indicates that.. to take that output and parse it into the final string duration as inspired by this stackoverflow answer for a similar question. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject jsonOutput JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject routes JSONObject.. lng 118.328860 southwest lat 33.995590 lng 118.446040 copyrights Map data ©2011 Google legs distance text 12.9 mi value 20807 duration text 27 mins value 1619 android json google maps api 3 share improve this question routes..
About starting Android app from an URL URL. So my question is How can I start an app from an URL and how should I write that URL. I got the following code in mi AndroidManifest activity android name .MyActivity intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN action action..
Handling a Menu Item Click Event - Android Toast.LENGTH_LONG public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item.. public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item switch item.getItemId..
Android options menu icon won't display The menu shows up but the corresponding icon of the menu item refuses to display. Here is the code for the menu ReminderListActivity @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater.. @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true res menu list_menu.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 menu.. @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true res menu list_menu.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 menu xmlns android http..
Android action bar not showing overflow android showAsAction ifRoom withText menu public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true Thanks android overflow android actionbar share improve.. ifRoom withText menu public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater mi getMenuInflater mi.inflate menu return true Thanks android overflow android actionbar share improve this question If..