android Programming Glossary: mic
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? GPS ProximitySensor LightSensor Gyroscope d sensors d mic true d mic d camera d location back d location d autofocus true.. LightSensor Gyroscope d sensors d mic true d mic d camera d location back d location d autofocus true d autofocus.. no image.sysdir.1 platforms android 10 images skin.dynamic yes galaxy_s2 skin.path platforms android 10 skins..
Improve Android Audio Recording quality? For making the audio higher quality you'd need a better mic. The built in mic can only capture so much which is not that.. audio higher quality you'd need a better mic. The built in mic can only capture so much which is not that good . Again look..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece have code that reads a recording in from the devices mic using the AudioRecord class and then playing it back out using..
Android API for detecting new media from inbuilt camera & mic API for detecting new media from inbuilt camera mic Is there any elegant way in the Android API for detecting new.. video taken by the camera and audio recorded from the mic. My current thinking is to periodically scan each media content..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function AudioRecord class process live mic audio quickly set up callback function I want to record audio.. set up callback function I want to record audio from the mic and access it for possible playback in near real time. I am.. of how to use the Android AudioRecord class to record some mic audio and quickly access it. For the AudioRecord class the official..
Is there a way to use the SpeechRecognizer API directly for speech input? The activity displays a pre configured pop up with the mic and passes its results using onActivityResult My question Is..
How does setMicrophoneMute() work? much success. That is it simply refuses to mute the microphone no matter what I do. I searched the web for some clues.. boolean doesn't work on some devices Unable to mute the microphone in Android Which begs the question Does AudioManager.setMicrophoneMute.. being used When does this flag actually disconnect the microphone signal from the pre amplifier circuit inside the phone..
Android: Need to record mic input Need to record mic input Is there a way to record mic input in android while it.. Need to record mic input Is there a way to record mic input in android while it is being process for playback preview.. that I cannot make a preview palyback while recording the mic input in real time. Any feedback is very much appreciated Thanks..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? supports NFC Wifi d networking d sensors Compass Accelerometer GPS ProximitySensor LightSensor Gyroscope d sensors d mic true d mic d camera d location back d location d autofocus true d autofocus d flash true d flash d camera d keyboard nokeys.. NFC Wifi d networking d sensors Compass Accelerometer GPS ProximitySensor LightSensor Gyroscope d sensors d mic true d mic d camera d location back d location d autofocus true d autofocus d flash true d flash d camera d keyboard nokeys d keyboard.. yes hw.sensors.proximity yes hw.touchScreen yes hw.trackBall no image.sysdir.1 platforms android 10 images skin.dynamic yes galaxy_s2 skin.path platforms android 10 skins GALAXY_S2 vm.heapSize 32 disk.dataPartition.size 2G
Improve Android Audio Recording quality? ringdroid Look at the screenshots and you'll see the monitor. For making the audio higher quality you'd need a better mic. The built in mic can only capture so much which is not that good . Again look at the ringdroid project glean some info.. the screenshots and you'll see the monitor. For making the audio higher quality you'd need a better mic. The built in mic can only capture so much which is not that good . Again look at the ringdroid project glean some info from there. At that..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece Getting audio to play through earpiece I currently have code that reads a recording in from the devices mic using the AudioRecord class and then playing it back out using the AudioTrack class. My problem is that when I play it out..
Android API for detecting new media from inbuilt camera & mic API for detecting new media from inbuilt camera mic Is there any elegant way in the Android API for detecting new media when it is written to the device I ™m mainly interested.. the device I ™m mainly interested in photos taken by the camera video taken by the camera and audio recorded from the mic. My current thinking is to periodically scan each media content provider and filter based on last scan time. I ™m just wondering..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function AudioRecord class process live mic audio quickly set up callback function I want to record audio from the mic and access it for possible playback in near.. AudioRecord class process live mic audio quickly set up callback function I want to record audio from the mic and access it for possible playback in near real time. I am unsure of how to use the Android AudioRecord class to record.. it for possible playback in near real time. I am unsure of how to use the Android AudioRecord class to record some mic audio and quickly access it. For the AudioRecord class the official site says 'the app polls the AudioRecord object in time'..
Is there a way to use the SpeechRecognizer API directly for speech input? speech input using the built in Google Speech Input Activity. The activity displays a pre configured pop up with the mic and passes its results using onActivityResult My question Is there a way to use the SpeechRecognizer class directly to do..
How does setMicrophoneMute() work? trying to use Android's AudioManager.setMicrophoneMute without much success. That is it simply refuses to mute the microphone no matter what I do. I searched the web for some clues and I found several references reporting similar experience.. functionality not working setMicrophoneMute boolean doesn't work on some devices Unable to mute the microphone in Android Which begs the question Does AudioManager.setMicrophoneMute work at all Is it only a stub method waiting.. don't understand How is that flag SET_MIC_MUTE in database being used When does this flag actually disconnect the microphone signal from the pre amplifier circuit inside the phone If it doesn't do that who does that If nothing does that how..
Android: Need to record mic input Need to record mic input Is there a way to record mic input in android while it is being process for playback preview in real time I tried.. Need to record mic input Is there a way to record mic input in android while it is being process for playback preview in real time I tried to use AudioRecord and AudioTrack to.. can be played by any player application. But the thing is that I cannot make a preview palyback while recording the mic input in real time. Any feedback is very much appreciated Thanks in advance android audio audio recording audiorecord ..