android Programming Glossary: micon2
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context.. c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon.. if mp.mImageUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 else if mp.mVideoUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon3..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter Context context Cache the LayoutInflate.. context.getResources R.drawable.icon48x48_1 mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources R.drawable.icon48x48_2.. holder.icon.setTag null else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 Non null tag means the view still needs to load it's data holder.icon.setTag..
How to implement a view holder? mIcon1 id else _first false holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 try if id myElements.size id else id catch Exception e android.util.Log.i..
implement search on a custom listview mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context.. c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon.. if mp.mImageUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 else if mp.mVideoUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon3..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? Context context LayoutInflater mInflater ArrayList PostData mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context c super c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater c.getSystemService.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon.. null Name mp.mPostedBy holder.text2.setText mp.mMessage if mp.mImageUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 else if mp.mVideoUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon3 else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 return convertView..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter Context context Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time. mInflater LayoutInflater.from.. context Icons bound to the rows. mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources R.drawable.icon48x48_1 mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources R.drawable.icon48x48_2 The number of items in the list is determined.. mIcon1 Null tag means the view has the correct data holder.icon.setTag null else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 Non null tag means the view still needs to load it's data holder.icon.setTag this holder.text.setText DATA position Bind..
How to implement a view holder? myElements.get id holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 id else _first false holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 try if id myElements.size id else id catch Exception e android.util.Log.i callRestService e.getMessage return convertView..
implement search on a custom listview CustomListView extends ArrayAdapter Context context LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context c super c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater c.getSystemService.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon.. null Name mp.mPostedBy holder.text2.setText mp.mMessage if mp.mImageUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 else if mp.mVideoUrl null holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon3 else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 return convertView..