android Programming Glossary: mhandler.removecallbacks
Android OnLongClickListener not firing on MapView if mEventEndTime mEventStartTime LONG_PRESS_TIME mHandler.removeCallbacks mTask else moving panning etc .. up to you whether you want.. timing to start from now mEventStartTime ev.getEventTime mHandler.removeCallbacks mTask mHandler.postDelayed mTask LONG_PRESS_TIME return super.onTouchEvent..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer true mCurrentThumb.setAlpha ScrollFade.ALPHA_MAX mHandler.removeCallbacks mScrollFade mScrollFade.mStarted false if mDragging mHandler.postDelayed..
How to stop the handler.? to cancel the callback for the runnable it was started for mHandler.removeCallbacks previouslyStartedRunnable You can do that even without checking.. change until runnable fires . To cancel it you need to use mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages HandleUpdateInd.class 2. If you are using inline..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package Detach from list view. @Override public void onDestroyView mHandler.removeCallbacks mRequestFocus mList null super.onDestroyView This method will..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? startRepeatingTask void stopRepeatingTask mHandler.removeCallbacks mHandlerTask Note that doSomething should not take long something..
Repeat a task with a time delay?
Android character by character display text animation animateText CharSequence text mText text mIndex 0 setText mHandler.removeCallbacks characterAdder mHandler.postDelayed characterAdder mDelay public..
Correct pattern to acquire a WakeLock in a BroadcastReceiver and release it in a Service never having been explicitly released by the keyguard. mHandler.removeCallbacks mReleaser try mService.acquireWakeLock mToken mFlags mTag mWorkSource..
Android Regular GPS Polling in Service, maximizing battery life you stop the location listener and stop the timer with mHandler.removeCallbacks UPDATE Below is a simple example of a Runnable which you can.. mLoopCount setTextBoxMsg Running count mLoopCount mHandler.removeCallbacks this mHandler.postDelayed this mSleepTime 1000 keep looping.. mLoopCount 0 stopTimer break private void stopTimer mHandler.removeCallbacks mUpdateTimeTask private void startTimer mHandler.postDelayed..
Android OnLongClickListener not firing on MapView end time dont show if not long enough mEventEndTime ev.getEventTime if mEventEndTime mEventStartTime LONG_PRESS_TIME mHandler.removeCallbacks mTask else moving panning etc .. up to you whether you want to count this as a long press reset timing to start from now..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer if mThumbVisible mScrollFade.mStarted mThumbVisible true mCurrentThumb.setAlpha ScrollFade.ALPHA_MAX mHandler.removeCallbacks mScrollFade mScrollFade.mStarted false if mDragging mHandler.postDelayed mScrollFade 1500 private void getSections Adapter..
How to stop the handler.? to finish your activity e.g. in onDestroy you also need to cancel the callback for the runnable it was started for mHandler.removeCallbacks previouslyStartedRunnable You can do that even without checking if runnable was already fired while your activity was active... delayed runnable with current set of parameters which may change until runnable fires . To cancel it you need to use mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages HandleUpdateInd.class 2. If you are using inline call JPM thanks for the comment handler new Handler public void..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState ensureList Detach from list view. @Override public void onDestroyView mHandler.removeCallbacks mRequestFocus mList null super.onDestroyView This method will be called when an item in the list is selected. Subclasses..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? doSomething mHandler.postDelayed mHandlerTask INTERVAL void startRepeatingTask void stopRepeatingTask mHandler.removeCallbacks mHandlerTask Note that doSomething should not take long something like update position of audio playback in UI . If it can..
Repeat a task with a time delay?
Android character by character display text animation mHandler.postDelayed characterAdder mDelay public void animateText CharSequence text mText text mIndex 0 setText mHandler.removeCallbacks characterAdder mHandler.postDelayed characterAdder mDelay public void setCharacterDelay long millis mDelay millis You can..
Correct pattern to acquire a WakeLock in a BroadcastReceiver and release it in a Service should immediately acquire the wake lock once again despite never having been explicitly released by the keyguard. mHandler.removeCallbacks mReleaser try mService.acquireWakeLock mToken mFlags mTag mWorkSource catch RemoteException e mHeld true ... mService..
Android Regular GPS Polling in Service, maximizing battery life in the service. In that method you just have to make sure that you stop the location listener and stop the timer with mHandler.removeCallbacks UPDATE Below is a simple example of a Runnable which you can start stop by means of two buttons in your main.xml which should.. new Runnable public void run Code here for when timer completes mLoopCount setTextBoxMsg Running count mLoopCount mHandler.removeCallbacks this mHandler.postDelayed this mSleepTime 1000 keep looping @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. break case setTextBoxMsg Stopping timer mLoopCount 0 stopTimer break private void stopTimer mHandler.removeCallbacks mUpdateTimeTask private void startTimer mHandler.postDelayed mUpdateTimeTask mSleepTime 1000 You can adapt this to put it..