android Programming Glossary: middle
What's “tools:context” in Android layout files? based on the activity . This is documented here around the middle of the article subscribe to that page to keep up to date . ..
How to change colors of a Drawable in Android? say I have a 20x20 PNG file that has a white circle in the middle and that everything outside the circle is transparent. What's..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin the following comments This one is my bad. I was in the middle of changing the dependency system used by the templates and..
How to get the absolute coordinates of a view ImageView and I picked cells 4 as it's somewhere in the middle and most definitely should not have coordinates of 0 0 . The..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? is for ArrayAdapter though initializes a constant called middle. This is the middle of the list. No matter what the length of.. though initializes a constant called middle. This is the middle of the list. No matter what the length of the array MIDDLE can..
how to change position of Toast in android? bottom default position . now i want to display it in the middle of screen or according to my choice can any one guide me how..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] 'True' just to anchor things relative to the middle of the screen. Also you might have an empty TextField or LinearLayout..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees camera view in landscape I get a 320x320 box in the middle showing my portrait view with the sides chopped off. Here is..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate I am fully aware that this solution is prone to man in the middle attacks etc. So the solution must ignore the lack of trust in..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port there'd have to be a central server that I own as a middle man I believe . But i'd prefer if the communication was direct..
How to get the first name and last name from Android contacts? name Last name Name prefix Phonetic given name Phonetic middle name Phonetic family name android android contacts share..
How do I center text horizontally and vertical in a TextView in Android? in a TextView in android so that it appears exactly in the middle of the TextView android text center textview share improve..
Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask done and I would like to update progress the dialog in the middle of doing something. Any tips how to do this android android..
Android Drawing Separator/Divider Line in Layout? Line in Layout I would like to draw a line right in the middle of a layout and use it as a separator of other items like TextView...
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” copy paste the code that implements any updates in the middle of the block. Include only the smallest amount of code possible..
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website browser i get a quicktime logo with a question mark in the middle. Below is my code for playing the file. header 'Content type..
How to set a reminder in Android? to build a calendar app for Android. I am struck in the middle. I have managed to retrieve the information such as time and..
Problem to load flv video in webview 'high' bgcolor '#000000' name 'VideoPlayer' align 'middle' width '640' height '480' allowScriptAccess ' ' allowFullScreen.. true quality high bgcolor #000000 name VideoPlayer align middle allowScriptAccess allowFullScreen true type application x shockwave..
How do I create a header or footer button bar for my Android application other activities and inflate your particular view in the middle layout of the headerfooter.xml public class Home extends HeaderFooter..
What's “tools:context” in Android layout files?
How to change colors of a Drawable in Android? Drawable object so I can use it later. So for example say I have a 20x20 PNG file that has a white circle in the middle and that everything outside the circle is transparent. What's the best way to turn that white circle blue and cache the..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin now has a response with fixed template files attached and the following comments This one is my bad. I was in the middle of changing the dependency system used by the templates and a transient state got picked up into this tools build. The templates..
How to get the absolute coordinates of a view array contained within a TableLayout. Cells 0 is the top left ImageView and I picked cells 4 as it's somewhere in the middle and most definitely should not have coordinates of 0 0 . The code shown above still gives me all 0s in the logs which I..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? string though may be anything. The constructor is the same as is for ArrayAdapter though initializes a constant called middle. This is the middle of the list. No matter what the length of the array MIDDLE can be used to center the ListView in the.. anything. The constructor is the same as is for ArrayAdapter though initializes a constant called middle. This is the middle of the list. No matter what the length of the array MIDDLE can be used to center the ListView in the mid of the list. getCount..
how to change position of Toast in android? display some text on screen it displays little bit above the bottom default position . now i want to display it in the middle of screen or according to my choice can any one guide me how to achieve this any help would be appreciated. android toast..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] might use an empty TextField of width 0 and height 0 and centerInParent 'True' just to anchor things relative to the middle of the screen. Also you might have an empty TextField or LinearLayout so that you can give a layout_weight 1 to it and have..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees So on my g1 instead of a 320x480 portrait view over a 480x320 camera view in landscape I get a 320x320 box in the middle showing my portrait view with the sides chopped off. Here is my code so far public class RotateLayout extends FrameLayout..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate password@anyIPAddress blabla index.php param 1 param2 3 I am fully aware that this solution is prone to man in the middle attacks etc. So the solution must ignore the lack of trust in the certificate and ignore the hostname mismatch. Does anybody..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port than welcome. Going through the web could be an option although there'd have to be a central server that I own as a middle man I believe . But i'd prefer if the communication was direct between the two devices. Thank you very much for any ideas..
How to get the first name and last name from Android contacts? contacts I used Android 2.2. Name prefix First name Middle name Last name Name prefix Phonetic given name Phonetic middle name Phonetic family name android android contacts share improve this question Look at section 7.3 here for some example..
How do I center text horizontally and vertical in a TextView in Android? How do I center the text horizontally and vertically in a TextView in android so that it appears exactly in the middle of the TextView android text center textview share improve this question I'm assuming you're using XML layout. TextView..
Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask that onPostExecute is called only when all work is already done and I would like to update progress the dialog in the middle of doing something. Any tips how to do this android android asynctask progressdialog share improve this question AsyncTask..
Android Drawing Separator/Divider Line in Layout? Drawing Separator Divider Line in Layout I would like to draw a line right in the middle of a layout and use it as a separator of other items like TextView. Is there a good widget for this. I don't really want..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” this inside the method that is running in the background then copy paste the code that implements any updates in the middle of the block. Include only the smallest amount of code possible otherwise you start to defeat the purpose of the background..
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website real player. When i attempt to play the file through a web browser i get a quicktime logo with a question mark in the middle. Below is my code for playing the file. header 'Content type audio amr' query mysql_query SELECT FROM media WHERE media_id..
How to set a reminder in Android? to set a reminder in Android I am trying to build a calendar app for Android. I am struck in the middle. I have managed to retrieve the information such as time and task from the user. I don't know how to add this into android..
Problem to load flv video in webview fullscreen true video @VIDEO@' autoplay 'true' quality 'high' bgcolor '#000000' name 'VideoPlayer' align 'middle' width '640' height '480' allowScriptAccess ' ' allowFullScreen 'true' type 'application x shockwave flash' pluginspage.. fullscreen true video . expression_sad.flv autoplay true quality high bgcolor #000000 name VideoPlayer align middle allowScriptAccess allowFullScreen true type application x shockwave flash pluginspage http go getflashplayer..
How do I create a header or footer button bar for my Android application R.layout.headerfooter Now Extend above activity to your all other activities and inflate your particular view in the middle layout of the headerfooter.xml public class Home extends HeaderFooter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..