android Programming Glossary:
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA String imageColumns MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA @Override protected void onCreate..
Get real path from URI, Android KitKat new storage access framework where id is equal to String sel MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Cursor cursor getContentResolver . query MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..
How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images? Query for all images on external storage String projection MediaStore.Images.Media._ID String selection String selectionArgs null mImageCursor managedQuery.. the cursor int imageID cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..
Get list of photo galleries on Android properties are we querying String projection new String MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview request only the image ID to be returned String projection MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Create the cursor pointing to the SDCard cursor managedQuery.. of the image ID columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Images.Media._ID g.setAdapter new ImageAdapter this Then in the ImageAdapter..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor Uri to a file using the following logic String projection MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.ORIENTATION MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA..
Built-in Camera, using the extra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT stores pictures twice (in my folder, and in the default) private int getLastImageId final String imageColumns MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA final String imageOrderBy MediaStore.Images.Media._ID.. MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA final String imageOrderBy MediaStore.Images.Media._ID DESC Cursor imageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. int id imageCursor.getInt imageCursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media._ID String fullPath imageCursor.getString imageCursor.getColumnIndex..
Get Path and Filename from Camera intent result private int getLastImageId final String imageColumns MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA final String imageOrderBy MediaStore.Images.Media._ID.. MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA final String imageOrderBy MediaStore.Images.Media._ID DESC Cursor imageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. int id imageCursor.getInt imageCursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media._ID String fullPath imageCursor.getString imageCursor.getColumnIndex..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 String mediaColumns MediaStore.Video.Media._ID MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA String imageColumns MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState TODO Auto generated method stub..
Get real path from URI, Android KitKat new storage access framework item in the array String id wholeID.split 1 String column MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA where id is equal to String sel MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Cursor cursor getContentResolver . query MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI column sel new String id null String..
How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images? mGridView GridView findViewById Query for all images on external storage String projection MediaStore.Images.Media._ID String selection String selectionArgs null mImageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI .. 2.x code is shown ... Build URI to the main image from the cursor int imageID cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Integer.toString imageID loadThumbnailImage..
Get list of photo galleries on Android images and log their bucket name and date_taken which image properties are we querying String projection new String MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN Get the base URI for the People table in..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview in the folder Gallery g Gallery findViewById request only the image ID to be returned String projection MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Create the cursor pointing to the SDCard cursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA.. like new String myimagesfolder null Get the column index of the image ID columnIndex cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Images.Media._ID g.setAdapter new ImageAdapter this Then in the ImageAdapter for the Gallery obtain the thumbnail to display public View..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor I'm using is that after the image is taken I convert the Uri to a file using the following logic String projection MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.ORIENTATION MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor activity.managedQuery uri projection..
Built-in Camera, using the extra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT stores pictures twice (in my folder, and in the default) like that Gets the last image id from the media store @return private int getLastImageId final String imageColumns MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA final String imageOrderBy MediaStore.Images.Media._ID DESC Cursor imageCursor managedQuery.. final String imageColumns MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA final String imageOrderBy MediaStore.Images.Media._ID DESC Cursor imageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI imageColumns null null imageOrderBy if.. imageColumns null null imageOrderBy if imageCursor.moveToFirst int id imageCursor.getInt imageCursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media._ID String fullPath imageCursor.getString imageCursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Log.d TAG getLastImageId id..
Get Path and Filename from Camera intent result doing that Gets the last image id from the media store @return private int getLastImageId final String imageColumns MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA final String imageOrderBy MediaStore.Images.Media._ID DESC Cursor imageCursor managedQuery.. final String imageColumns MediaStore.Images.Media._ID MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA final String imageOrderBy MediaStore.Images.Media._ID DESC Cursor imageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI imageColumns null null imageOrderBy if.. imageColumns null null imageOrderBy if imageCursor.moveToFirst int id imageCursor.getInt imageCursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media._ID String fullPath imageCursor.getString imageCursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Log.d TAG getLastImageId id..