android Programming Glossary: medium
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Description Nominal value ldpi low density 120 ppi mdpi medium density 160 ppi hdpi high density 240 ppi xhdpi extra high density.. normalised to 1 physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density. Scaled at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions screen densities into four generalized densities low medium high and extra high. If you want to support tablets also use..
how to add multiple widgets in one app? wiget for the user to choose from. for example I need a medium small and large size widget. so when the user install the app.. like this helloSmall helloMedium helloLarge I have the medium one ready but how can I make the small and the large in the.. like receiver android name .MyWidget android label @string medium_widget_name intent filter action android name android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE..
Android multiple screen sizes with same density I'm confused regarding the densities. I see that with medium density the screen resolution could be either 320x480 480x800.. If something is 100dp wide it will be 100px wide on a medium density screen. On a high density screen it will be 150px wide..
Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android for these 3 folders that hdpi means High dpi mdpi means medium dpi ldpi means low dpi But still I have some confusion around..
Size of android notification bar and title bar? 48 break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM Log.i display medium default myHeight display.getHeight 32 break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW..
How can I parse this JSON in Android? 9998 thumb 1270014645.png 1270014645 avatar_url_medium http production 9998 medium 1270014645.png.. http production 9998 medium 1270014645.png 1270014645 created_at 2010 03 15T05 44 51Z .. images default_avatar_thumb.jpg avatar_url_medium http images default_avatar_medium.jpg created_at..
Android Webview - Webpage should fit the device screen name viewport content width device width target densityDpi medium dpi But nothing works webpage is not fixed to the device screen..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? WVGA800 480x800 x854 layout hdpi layout land hdpi Xoom medium density large but 1280x800 res layout xlarge layout xlarge..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? for low density ldpi screens ~120dpi mdpi Resources for medium density mdpi screens ~160dpi . This is the baseline density...
phonegap - splash screen for Android app res drawable xhdpi . Where those directories represent low medium high and extra large dots per inch. You'll need to resize you.. xhdpi at least 960 x 720 large hdpi at least 640 x 480 medium mdpi at least 470 x 320 small ldpi at least 426 x 320 Then in..
Bitmap getWidth returns wrong value differing densities. Your resource is probably stored in a medium density folder but your device is hdpi. Medium density is 160dpi..
Store Android SQLite perfomance will be down. So Internal Memory is best till medium level database. Second Suggestion External Memory SD Card When.. Memory. However this can't be recognize while there are medium level's record of database. When there are very few data then..
selecting contact from autocomplete textview true android layout_below @id ccontName android text Medium Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceMedium.. Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceMedium android textColor #A5000000 TextView android id @ id ccontType..
Html List tag not working in android textview. what can i do? this one. ul li Trim tailored fit for a bespoke feel li li Medium spread collar one button mitered barrel cuffs li li Applied.. this one. ul li Trim tailored fit for a bespoke feel li li Medium spread collar one button mitered barrel cuffs li li Applied..
eclipse tells me my project has errors, nothing is red-highlighted [duplicate] 20 FallDown Displaying it with 'Normal Not Long Landscape Medium Density Finger Soft Qwerty Trackball 480x320' What is going..
Eclipse and Android XML layouts gives “'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination” screen aspect ratio Landscape Orientation No Dock Day time Medium Density Finger based touchscreen Soft keyboard Qwerty keybard..
Android: application-wide font-size preference item name font_xlarge 20sp item style style name FontStyle.Medium item name font_small 18sp item item name font_medium 20sp item.. FontStyle.valueOf open .getString FONT_STYLE public void setFontStyle FontStyle style edit .putString.. public enum FontStyle Small Small Medium Medium Large
Set icon for android application dpi Low density screen 36px x 36px drawable mdpi 160 dpi Medium density screen 48px x 48px drawable hdpi 240 dpi High density..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi layout land.. screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 layout large mdpi layout..
Bitmap getWidth returns wrong value stored in a medium density folder but your device is hdpi. Medium density is 160dpi high density is 240dpi. Thus your bitmap is..
Multi-layered ExpandableListView write your own GrandExpandableListAdapter with 3 levels. Medium solution use ExpandableListAdapter for first 2 levels and use..
layout-large-land-hdpi error WVGA400 240x400 x432 res layout ldpi res layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 res layout mdpi res layout.. screens HVGA 320x480 res layout mdpi res layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 res layout large mdpi res..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Android defines four generalised screen densities Qualifier Description Nominal value ldpi low density 120 ppi mdpi medium density 160 ppi hdpi high density 240 ppi xhdpi extra high density 320 ppi Typically screen size has most impact on your.. layouts dp sp and mm dp units device independent pixels normalised to 1 physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density. Scaled at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions or high density screen. For simplicity Android groups all actual screen densities into four generalized densities low medium high and extra high. If you want to support tablets also use large xlarge qualifiers. Nexus 7 is a large hdpi tablet technically..
how to add multiple widgets in one app? my Android widget. Now I need to have different sizes of this wiget for the user to choose from. for example I need a medium small and large size widget. so when the user install the app and hold the the home screen then choose widget in the widget.. widget with the same app name but with the size. something like this helloSmall helloMedium helloLarge I have the medium one ready but how can I make the small and the large in the same app knowing that all three sizes contain the same exact.. a receiver definition for each type in your manifest file like receiver android name .MyWidget android label @string medium_widget_name intent filter action android name android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE intent filter meta data android..
Android multiple screen sizes with same density multiple screen sizes with same density I'm confused regarding the densities. I see that with medium density the screen resolution could be either 320x480 480x800 or 480x854. So if I have an image thats 300px wide in the.. This is done by setting sizes in Density Independent pixels. If something is 100dp wide it will be 100px wide on a medium density screen. On a high density screen it will be 150px wide but they will both look about the same size on the actual..
Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android in the android project. And as I have found some articles for these 3 folders that hdpi means High dpi mdpi means medium dpi ldpi means low dpi But still I have some confusion around what is the exact purpose of these 3 folders and when to use..
Size of android notification bar and title bar? Log.i display high myHeight display.getHeight 48 break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM Log.i display medium default myHeight display.getHeight 32 break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW Log.i display low myHeight display.getHeight..
How can I parse this JSON in Android? user avatar_url_thumb http production 9998 thumb 1270014645.png 1270014645 avatar_url_medium http production 9998 medium 1270014645.png 1270014645 created_at 2010 03 15T05 44 51Z following_count.. production 9998 thumb 1270014645.png 1270014645 avatar_url_medium http production 9998 medium 1270014645.png 1270014645 created_at 2010 03 15T05 44 51Z following_count 14 updated_at 2010 08 30T18 22 15Z id 9998.. first_name Apple user avatar_url_thumb http images default_avatar_thumb.jpg avatar_url_medium http images default_avatar_medium.jpg created_at 2010 04 14T01 02 05Z following_count 0 updated_at..
Android Webview - Webpage should fit the device screen maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable 0 meta name viewport content width device width target densityDpi medium dpi But nothing works webpage is not fixed to the device screen size. Can anyone tell me how to get this android webview..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? mdpi layout large land mdpi High density Normal screens WVGA800 480x800 x854 layout hdpi layout land hdpi Xoom medium density large but 1280x800 res layout xlarge layout xlarge land android screen resolution share improve this question..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? x 320dp Generalised Dpi values for screens ldpi Resources for low density ldpi screens ~120dpi mdpi Resources for medium density mdpi screens ~160dpi . This is the baseline density. hdpi Resources for high density hdpi screens ~240dpi . xhdpi..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app into res drawable ldpi res drawable mdpi res drawable hdpi res drawable xhdpi . Where those directories represent low medium high and extra large dots per inch. You'll need to resize you slash.png for each directory or Android will stretch it for.. stretch it for you. The sizes of each image should be xlarge xhdpi at least 960 x 720 large hdpi at least 640 x 480 medium mdpi at least 470 x 320 small ldpi at least 426 x 320 Then in your main Java class the one that extends DroidGap you'll..
Bitmap getWidth returns wrong value share improve this question This is probably because of differing densities. Your resource is probably stored in a medium density folder but your device is hdpi. Medium density is 160dpi high density is 240dpi. Thus your bitmap is scaled to 1.5x..
Store Android SQLite Memory will get filled more than enough then your device's perfomance will be down. So Internal Memory is best till medium level database. Second Suggestion External Memory SD Card When you are storing database in external Memory like SD Card.. application perfomance's will be bit slower than Internal Memory. However this can't be recognize while there are medium level's record of database. When there are very few data then perfomance will be same in both the case. Now when you are..
selecting contact from autocomplete textview android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_below @id ccontName android text Medium Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceMedium android textColor #A5000000 TextView android id @ id ccontType.. true android layout_below @id ccontName android text Medium Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceMedium android textColor #A5000000 TextView android id @ id ccontType android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..
Html List tag not working in android textview. what can i do? of stripes that resembles twill. Take a closer look at this one. ul li Trim tailored fit for a bespoke feel li li Medium spread collar one button mitered barrel cuffs li li Applied placket with genuine mother of pearl buttons li li Split back.. of stripes that resembles twill. Take a closer look at this one. ul li Trim tailored fit for a bespoke feel li li Medium spread collar one button mitered barrel cuffs li li Applied placket with genuine mother of pearl buttons li li Split back..
eclipse tells me my project has errors, nothing is red-highlighted [duplicate] match for any device locale combination. 2010 09 02 16 09 20 FallDown Displaying it with 'Normal Not Long Landscape Medium Density Finger Soft Qwerty Trackball 480x320' What is going on android eclipse share improve this question Usually..
Eclipse and Android XML layouts gives “'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination” it with 'Locale Language ___Region __ Normal Screen Short screen aspect ratio Landscape Orientation No Dock Day time Medium Density Finger based touchscreen Soft keyboard Qwerty keybard Trackball navigation Screen resolution 480x320' It gets printed..
Android: application-wide font-size preference name font_medium 16sp item item name font_large 18sp item item name font_xlarge 20sp item style style name FontStyle.Medium item name font_small 18sp item item name font_medium 20sp item item name font_large 22sp item item name font_xlarge 24sp.. edit return open .edit public FontStyle getFontStyle return FontStyle.valueOf open .getString FONT_STYLE public void setFontStyle FontStyle style edit .putString FONT_STYLE .commit and FontStyle is public enum.. .putString FONT_STYLE .commit and FontStyle is public enum FontStyle Small Small Medium Medium Large Large private int resId private String title public int getResId..
Set icon for android application you should include a correctly sized icon drawable ldpi 120 dpi Low density screen 36px x 36px drawable mdpi 160 dpi Medium density screen 48px x 48px drawable hdpi 240 dpi High density screen 72px x 72px drawable xhdpi 320 dpi Extra high density..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? small ldpi layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 layout.. x432 layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 layout large mdpi layout large land mdpi High density Normal screens WVGA800 480x800..
Bitmap getWidth returns wrong value because of differing densities. Your resource is probably stored in a medium density folder but your device is hdpi. Medium density is 160dpi high density is 240dpi. Thus your bitmap is scaled to 1.5x the size it was originally. See the document..
Multi-layered ExpandableListView
layout-large-land-hdpi error ldpi res layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 res layout ldpi res layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 res layout mdpi res layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 res layout.. res layout ldpi res layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 res layout mdpi res layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 res layout large mdpi res layout large land mdpi High density Normal screens WVGA800..