android Programming Glossary: medittext
How to horizontally align some programmatically added views? Activity private LinearLayout mLayout private EditText mEditText private Button mButton @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. mLayout LinearLayout findViewById mEditText EditText findViewById mButton Button findViewById.. void onClick View v mLayout.addView createNewTextView mEditText.getText .toString mLayout.addView createNewButton private..
Live Character Count For EditText Android has changed private TextView mTextView private EditText mEditText private final TextWatcher mTextEditorWatcher new TextWatcher.. Editable s you set the TextWatcher for the edittext with mEditText.addTextChangedListener mTextEditorWatcher share improve this..
how can i edit the text files in assets folder in android
DEBUG/SntpClient(60): request time failed: Address family not supported by protocol public class UDPDemo extends Activity private EditText mEditText private Button sendButton private DatagramSocket client_socket.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mEditText EditText findViewById sendButton Button findViewById.. try client_socket new DatagramSocket String data mEditText.getText .toString send_data data.getBytes DatagramPacket send_packet..
TextWatcher for more than one EditText CustomTextWatcher implements TextWatcher private EditText mEditText public CustomTextWatcher EditText e mEditText e public void.. EditText mEditText public CustomTextWatcher EditText e mEditText e public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int..
Android - Add textview to layout when button is pressed LinearLayout private LinearLayout mLayout private EditText mEditText private Button mButton @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. mLayout LinearLayout findViewById mEditText EditText findViewById mButton Button findViewById.. void onClick View v mLayout.addView createNewTextView mEditText.getText .toString private TextView createNewTextView String..
Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes static final String TAG FragmentTest.FragmentOne EditText mEditText @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup.. text editor and restore the last saved state if needed. mEditText EditText v.findViewById if savedInstanceState.. null Log.d TAG OnCreateView SavedInstanceState not null mEditText.setText savedInstanceState.getCharSequence text else Log.d..
How to horizontally align some programmatically added views? clicks a button The code public class ExampleActivity extends Activity private LinearLayout mLayout private EditText mEditText private Button mButton @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mLayout LinearLayout findViewById mEditText EditText findViewById mButton Button findViewById mButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener.. mButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mLayout.addView createNewTextView mEditText.getText .toString mLayout.addView createNewButton private TextView createNewTextView String text final LayoutParams..
Live Character Count For EditText Android this question you can use a TextWatcher to see when the text has changed private TextView mTextView private EditText mEditText private final TextWatcher mTextEditorWatcher new TextWatcher public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int..
how can i edit the text files in assets folder in android
DEBUG/SntpClient(60): request time failed: Address family not supported by protocol if create client in C or java it working fine. any suggestion. public class UDPDemo extends Activity private EditText mEditText private Button sendButton private DatagramSocket client_socket private static InetAddress IPAddress private byte send_data.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mEditText EditText findViewById sendButton Button findViewById sendButton.setOnTouchListener send OnTouchListener.. View v MotionEvent event if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP try client_socket new DatagramSocket String data mEditText.getText .toString send_data data.getBytes DatagramPacket send_packet new DatagramPacket send_data send_data.length IPAddress..
TextWatcher for more than one EditText new CustomTextWatcher e private class CustomTextWatcher implements TextWatcher private EditText mEditText public CustomTextWatcher EditText e mEditText e public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after.. private class CustomTextWatcher implements TextWatcher private EditText mEditText public CustomTextWatcher EditText e mEditText e public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int..
Android - Add textview to layout when button is pressed after you click on the button the text will add to the LinearLayout private LinearLayout mLayout private EditText mEditText private Button mButton @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mLayout LinearLayout findViewById mEditText EditText findViewById mButton Button findViewById mButton.setOnClickListener onClick TextView.. onClick return new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v mLayout.addView createNewTextView mEditText.getText .toString private TextView createNewTextView String text final LayoutParams lparams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..
Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes fragment public class FragmentOne extends Fragment private static final String TAG FragmentTest.FragmentOne EditText mEditText @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d TAG OnCreateView.. R.layout.fragmentonelayout container false Retrieve the text editor and restore the last saved state if needed. mEditText EditText v.findViewById if savedInstanceState null Log.d TAG OnCreateView SavedInstanceState not null mEditText.setText.. EditText v.findViewById if savedInstanceState null Log.d TAG OnCreateView SavedInstanceState not null mEditText.setText savedInstanceState.getCharSequence text else Log.d TAG OnCreateView SavedInstanceState null return v @Override..