android Programming Glossary: mediaurl
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException becomes available. public void startStreaming final String mediaUrl throws IOException try url new URL mediaUrl urlConn HttpURLConnection.. final String mediaUrl throws IOException try url new URL mediaUrl urlConn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection urlConn.setReadTimeout.. ne catch IOException ioe Log.e TAG Could not connect to mediaUrl stopSelf return if regularStream INTIAL_KB_BUFFER bitrate..
Streaming AAC audio with Android private File mediaFile private void playAudio String mediaUrl try URLConnection cn new URL mediaUrl .openConnection InputStream.. playAudio String mediaUrl try URLConnection cn new URL mediaUrl .openConnection InputStream is cn.getInputStream create file..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 becomes available. public void startStreaming final String mediaUrl long mediaLengthInKb long mediaLengthInSeconds throws IOException.. r new Runnable public void run try downloadAudioIncrement mediaUrl catch IOException e Log.e getClass .getName Unable to initialize.. .getName Unable to initialize the MediaPlayer for fileUrl mediaUrl e return new Thread r .start Download the url stream to a..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException location and update the MediaPlayer as new content becomes available. public void startStreaming final String mediaUrl throws IOException try url new URL mediaUrl urlConn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection urlConn.setReadTimeout 1000 20.. as new content becomes available. public void startStreaming final String mediaUrl throws IOException try url new URL mediaUrl urlConn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection urlConn.setReadTimeout 1000 20 urlConn.setConnectTimeout 1000 5 The getContentType.. else stopSelf return catch NullPointerException ne catch IOException ioe Log.e TAG Could not connect to mediaUrl stopSelf return if regularStream INTIAL_KB_BUFFER bitrate SECONDS BIT Runnable r new Runnable public void run try ..
Streaming AAC audio with Android MP4 3GP . It simply downloads the file and plays from the cache. private File mediaFile private void playAudio String mediaUrl try URLConnection cn new URL mediaUrl .openConnection InputStream is cn.getInputStream create file to store audio mediaFile.. and plays from the cache. private File mediaFile private void playAudio String mediaUrl try URLConnection cn new URL mediaUrl .openConnection InputStream is cn.getInputStream create file to store audio mediaFile new File this.getCacheDir mediafile..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 location and update the MediaPlayer as new content becomes available. public void startStreaming final String mediaUrl long mediaLengthInKb long mediaLengthInSeconds throws IOException this.mediaLengthInKb mediaLengthInKb this.mediaLengthInSeconds.. this.mediaLengthInSeconds mediaLengthInSeconds Runnable r new Runnable public void run try downloadAudioIncrement mediaUrl catch IOException e Log.e getClass .getName Unable to initialize the MediaPlayer for fileUrl mediaUrl e return new Thread.. mediaUrl catch IOException e Log.e getClass .getName Unable to initialize the MediaPlayer for fileUrl mediaUrl e return new Thread r .start Download the url stream to a temporary location and then call the setDataSource for that..