android Programming Glossary: mediarecorder
camera app not working? isFocused false focusTaken false 04 17 12 12 07.588 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 start 04 17 12 12 07.598 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 getMediaRecorder.. 07.588 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 start 04 17 12 12 07.598 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 getMediaRecorder E 04 17 12 12 11.632 V MediaRecorderJNI.. 10379 start 04 17 12 12 07.598 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 getMediaRecorder E 04 17 12 12 11.632 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 process_media_recorder_call..
Android, How to manage start activity for result? then I'll close this activity. Also during preparation of MediaRecorder or MediaPlayer if problem happens then I'll close this activity...
How can I capture a video recording on Android? Here is a simple video recording example using the MediaRecorder public class VideoCapture extends Activity implements OnClickListener.. Activity implements OnClickListener SurfaceHolder.Callback MediaRecorder recorder SurfaceHolder holder boolean recording false @Override.. ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE recorder new MediaRecorder initRecorder setContentView R.layout.main SurfaceView cameraView..
Android: How to track down the origin of a InflateException?
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device encode this PCM data as a mp3 to save to the sdcard. The MediaRecorder object can encode audio coming from the microphone into various..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function than about 500 ms. Android offers another class called MediaRecorder but it doesn't support streaming and I may want to stream live..
Creating a WAV file from raw PCM data using the Android SDK to a WAV file or alternatively MP3 Oh and I know that MediaRecorder can'y be used because it doesn't support either WAV or MP3 formats...
Can the Android emulator record and play back audio using pc hardware? manager Virtual devices Edit Hardware New . Then use the MediaRecorder API 1 to record MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC . Code is fMediaRecorder.. Hardware New . Then use the MediaRecorder API 1 to record MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC . Code is fMediaRecorder new MediaRecorder fMediaRecorder.setAudioSource.. API 1 to record MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC . Code is fMediaRecorder new MediaRecorder fMediaRecorder.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC..
Android Recording Incoming and Outgoing Calls Here is a blog post on how to record audio using the MediaRecorder . I haven't tried recording phone call's but there is a option.. tried recording phone call's but there is a option in MediaRecorder AudioSource for VOICE_CALL Voice call uplink downlink audio..
how to get frames of video file in android android android mediaplayer android mediascanner android mediarecorder share improve this question You can use the MediaMetadataRetriever..
MediaRecorder crashes on start PID 890 SIG 9 Please help. android android emulator mediarecorder android mediarecorder share improve this question Ok I got.. help. android android emulator mediarecorder android mediarecorder share improve this question Ok I got it. I guess you initialized..
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder am doing wrong android video video streaming 3gp android mediarecorder share improve this question What you need to understand..
Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? wrong. Any suggestions Thanks in advance android android mediarecorder share improve this question I would guess this is related..
Android Camera RTSP/RTP Stream? player . I googled this and found two answers 1 using mediarecorder http using How to work with it..
Need a simple example for audio recording it works fine. android audio alsa audiorecord mediarecorder share improve this question You will get source code from..
MediaPlayer error -2147483648 when playing file on internal storage Audio track 06 17 10 07 34.470 WARN MediaRecorder 4472 mediarecorder went away with unhandled events 06 17 10 07 40.310 INFO StagefrightPlayer.. Audio track 06 17 10 08 34.100 WARN MediaRecorder 4559 mediarecorder went away with unhandled events 06 17 10 08 40.740 INFO StagefrightPlayer..
CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH resolution produces green flickering video in advance for any replies. android camera resolution mediarecorder share improve this question I came across this question.. param.set cam_mode 1 camera.setParameters param In mediarecorder you can then use mediarecorder.setVideoSize 1920 1080 although.. param In mediarecorder you can then use mediarecorder.setVideoSize 1920 1080 although this will now also work mediarecorder.setProfile..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? to pause resume a recording created with mediarecorder I'm trying to pause a recording on an incoming call and resume.. incoming call and resume it later. i'm using the andriod mediarecorder and trying to record in MPEG4 . I tried pause resume with resetting.. this or append two recordings or should i give up on mediarecorder . code private MediaRecorder media_recorder private String file_path..
android stream audio to server code samples for server side to receive the stream sent by mediarecorder from the device. Thank you very much for any help. My real final..
Error opening android camera for streaming video for back camera... But strange anyway. android android mediarecorder share improve this question I don't see output format setup..
Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs it if any sound occurs java android record sounds android mediarecorder share improve this question Try this code in your application.....
Improve Audio Recording quality in android? Audio Recording quality android voice recording android mediarecorder share improve this question Try this one recorder new MediaRecorder..
camera app not working? 10379 onTouchEvent isFocusable true isFocusableInTouchMode false isFocused false focusTaken false 04 17 12 12 07.588 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 start 04 17 12 12 07.598 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 getMediaRecorder E 04 17 12 12 11.632 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379.. false isFocused false focusTaken false 04 17 12 12 07.588 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 start 04 17 12 12 07.598 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 getMediaRecorder E 04 17 12 12 11.632 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 process_media_recorder_call 04 17 12 12 11.642 W.. focusTaken false 04 17 12 12 07.588 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 start 04 17 12 12 07.598 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 getMediaRecorder E 04 17 12 12 11.632 V MediaRecorderJNI 10379 process_media_recorder_call 04 17 12 12 11.642 W IMediaDeathNotifier 10379..
Android, How to manage start activity for result? of handset such as does it have camera if it doesn't have then I'll close this activity. Also during preparation of MediaRecorder or MediaPlayer if problem happens then I'll close this activity. If it device has camera and recording is done completely..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? android video recording recorder share improve this question Here is a simple video recording example using the MediaRecorder public class VideoCapture extends Activity implements OnClickListener SurfaceHolder.Callback MediaRecorder recorder SurfaceHolder.. using the MediaRecorder public class VideoCapture extends Activity implements OnClickListener SurfaceHolder.Callback MediaRecorder recorder SurfaceHolder holder boolean recording false @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. setRequestedOrientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE recorder new MediaRecorder initRecorder setContentView R.layout.main SurfaceView cameraView SurfaceView findViewById holder cameraView.getHolder..
Android: How to track down the origin of a InflateException?
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device PCM data to send to the speakers. Now I'm wondering if I can encode this PCM data as a mp3 to save to the sdcard. The MediaRecorder object can encode audio coming from the microphone into various formats but doesn't allow the encoding from programmatically..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function allows me to capture and process mic audio with a delay of less than about 500 ms. Android offers another class called MediaRecorder but it doesn't support streaming and I may want to stream live mic audio over a Wi Fi network in near real time. Where can..
Creating a WAV file from raw PCM data using the Android SDK alternatively is there any other way to record sound in Android to a WAV file or alternatively MP3 Oh and I know that MediaRecorder can'y be used because it doesn't support either WAV or MP3 formats. android audio wav pcm audiorecord share improve this..
Can the Android emulator record and play back audio using pc hardware? playback support to the emulator Android SDK and AVD manager Virtual devices Edit Hardware New . Then use the MediaRecorder API 1 to record MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC . Code is fMediaRecorder new MediaRecorder fMediaRecorder.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC.. emulator Android SDK and AVD manager Virtual devices Edit Hardware New . Then use the MediaRecorder API 1 to record MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC . Code is fMediaRecorder new MediaRecorder fMediaRecorder.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC fMediaRecorder.setOutputFormat.. devices Edit Hardware New . Then use the MediaRecorder API 1 to record MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC . Code is fMediaRecorder new MediaRecorder fMediaRecorder.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC fMediaRecorder.setOutputFormat MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.AMR_NB..
Android Recording Incoming and Outgoing Calls calls as there are legal requirements depending on the country. Here is a blog post on how to record audio using the MediaRecorder . I haven't tried recording phone call's but there is a option in MediaRecorder AudioSource for VOICE_CALL Voice call uplink.. post on how to record audio using the MediaRecorder . I haven't tried recording phone call's but there is a option in MediaRecorder AudioSource for VOICE_CALL Voice call uplink downlink audio source VOICE_DOWNLINK Voice call downlink Rx audio source VOICE_UPLINK..
how to get frames of video file in android selected sections paste into the head paste into the tail android android mediaplayer android mediascanner android mediarecorder share improve this question You can use the MediaMetadataRetriever class. It has getFrameAt method wherein you can specify..
MediaRecorder crashes on start anr traces.txt' 04 26 19 28 57.123 I Process 890 Sending signal. PID 890 SIG 9 Please help. android android emulator mediarecorder android mediarecorder share improve this question Ok I got it. I guess you initialized mStartRecording to true. Thus.. 19 28 57.123 I Process 890 Sending signal. PID 890 SIG 9 Please help. android android emulator mediarecorder android mediarecorder share improve this question Ok I got it. I guess you initialized mStartRecording to true. Thus your if is going into..
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder header damaged Error while decoding frame What I am doing wrong android video video streaming 3gp android mediarecorder share improve this question What you need to understand is that mp4 is not a live streamable format. hence there is..
Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? the pipe but I am not sure where specifically I am going wrong. Any suggestions Thanks in advance android android mediarecorder share improve this question I would guess this is related to my answer to your other question. Anyone Have MediaPlayer..
Android Camera RTSP/RTP Stream? video using RTP RTSP and play it in PC using vlc or any other player . I googled this and found two answers 1 using mediarecorder http using How to work with it i tried it but no result 2 using PreviewCallback onPreviewFrame..
Need a simple example for audio recording example using AudioRecorder in android. I tried with MediaRecorder it works fine. android audio alsa audiorecord mediarecorder share improve this question You will get source code from the following url. Please have a look on it http
MediaPlayer error -2147483648 when playing file on internal storage thread stopped 06 17 10 07 34.470 DEBUG MPEG4Writer 85 Stopping Audio track 06 17 10 07 34.470 WARN MediaRecorder 4472 mediarecorder went away with unhandled events 06 17 10 07 40.310 INFO StagefrightPlayer 85 setDataSource ' mnt sdcard audiorecordtest.3gp'.. thread stopped 06 17 10 08 34.090 DEBUG MPEG4Writer 85 Stopping Audio track 06 17 10 08 34.100 WARN MediaRecorder 4559 mediarecorder went away with unhandled events 06 17 10 08 40.740 INFO StagefrightPlayer 85 setDataSource ' data data my.record.test files..
CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH resolution produces green flickering video out what they might be. Has anyone else had this problem Thanks in advance for any replies. android camera resolution mediarecorder share improve this question I came across this question trying to solve the same problem. A solution is given over on.. camera Camera.Parameters param camera.getParameters param.set cam_mode 1 camera.setParameters param In mediarecorder you can then use mediarecorder.setVideoSize 1920 1080 although this will now also work mediarecorder.setProfile CamcorderProfile.get.. param camera.getParameters param.set cam_mode 1 camera.setParameters param In mediarecorder you can then use mediarecorder.setVideoSize 1920 1080 although this will now also work mediarecorder.setProfile CamcorderProfile.get CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? to pause resume a recording created with mediarecorder I'm trying to pause a recording on an incoming call and resume it later. i'm using the andriod mediarecorder and trying.. with mediarecorder I'm trying to pause a recording on an incoming call and resume it later. i'm using the andriod mediarecorder and trying to record in MPEG4 . I tried pause resume with resetting stopping a recording and starting it with the setOutputFile.. it would append but i had no luck. Is there a way to achieve this or append two recordings or should i give up on mediarecorder . code private MediaRecorder media_recorder private String file_path null public void startRecording path file_path path..
android stream audio to server like to understand how socket work especially I need some code samples for server side to receive the stream sent by mediarecorder from the device. Thank you very much for any help. My real final intent is to talk in device and listen it on PC just one..
Error opening android camera for streaming video Maybe because of pre build formats are for back camera... But strange anyway. android android mediarecorder share improve this question I don't see output format setup so try adding to recorder set up recorder.setOutputFormat..
Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs to do Is there any demo that listens for sound and records it if any sound occurs java android record sounds android mediarecorder share improve this question Try this code in your application... private int RECORDER_CHANNELS AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO..
Improve Audio Recording quality in android? path recorder.prepare recorder.start How do I improve Audio Recording quality android voice recording android mediarecorder share improve this question Try this one recorder new MediaRecorder recorder.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC..