android Programming Glossary: mediascanner
how to get frames of video file in android paste into the tail android android mediaplayer android mediascanner android mediarecorder share improve this question You can..
how to run media scanner in android help me. android android camera android gridview android mediascanner share improve this question I have found it best faster..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI changes android android sdcard contentobserver android mediascanner fileobserver share improve this question Let me try to unwind..
Force scan files after taking photo on the second I've got 14. So the image has been added to mediascanner but OS hasn't generated thumbnail for it. So how should I ask.. it. So how should I ask OS to create one android android mediascanner share improve this question after taking picture try calling..
Android's Media Scanner: How do I remove files? no longer exist on the Android storage android android mediascanner share improve this question I was able to put a method together..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? mediascanner on specific path folder how to I got this class import android.content.Context.. know what can someone help me with this. android android mediascanner share improve this question In Android there is a content.. content present on the device. When Android boots up the mediascanner service is launched and runs through the entire external storage..
how to get frames of video file in android selected sections cut selected sections paste into the head paste into the tail android android mediaplayer android mediascanner android mediarecorder share improve this question You can use the MediaMetadataRetriever class. It has getFrameAt method..
how to run media scanner in android scanner in right becomes me real headache. Please help me. android android camera android gridview android mediascanner share improve this question I have found it best faster least overhead to run media scanner on a specific file vs running..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI give the latest changes So any other method to get the latest changes android android sdcard contentobserver android mediascanner fileobserver share improve this question Let me try to unwind ContentObserver It doesn't give you information on what..
Force scan files after taking photo When I check count of first value I've got 13 elements and on the second I've got 14. So the image has been added to mediascanner but OS hasn't generated thumbnail for it. So how should I ask OS to create one android android mediascanner share improve.. added to mediascanner but OS hasn't generated thumbnail for it. So how should I ask OS to create one android android mediascanner share improve this question after taking picture try calling insert function of ContentResolver passing the information..
Android's Media Scanner: How do I remove files? How should I go about removing items from the library that no longer exist on the Android storage android android mediascanner share improve this question I was able to put a method together using bits and pieces from these two questions What..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? mediascanner on specific path folder how to I got this class import android.content.Context import but nothing is working. I do something wrong but I don't know what can someone help me with this. android android mediascanner share improve this question In Android there is a content database which is used by the media scanner to keep track.. is used by the media scanner to keep track of all the media content present on the device. When Android boots up the mediascanner service is launched and runs through the entire external storage to find if there is any new media content if it finds one..
Android - .nomedia not working for images you're using Android 4.0 as .nomedia functioned properly until then. The AOSP bug report for the issue explains MediaScanner on Android 4.0 fails to forget already indexed files when it encounters a .nomedia file but it does honor it if it's present..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? on Android forums. However it's become by necessity a programming question. Here's my problem. Android has a service MediaScanner which runs in the background any time I believe the SD card is un mounted and re mounted. This service collects data on..
Android file delete leaves empty placeholder in Gallery new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory It makes the MediaScanner service run again which should remove the deleted image from the device's cache. Looks like you also need to add this permission..
get the path of a Gallery Folder in Android view... android android emulator gallery image gallery share improve this question You can get path here but MediaScanner will find every folder on SDCARD with photos. final String path android.os.Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM share improve this..
How to update the android media database new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory It makes the MediaScanner service run again which should remove the deleted song from the device's cache. You also need to add this permission to..
i want get audio files in sd card list it.. How to get the URI for the selected audio file .. android audio ringtone share improve this question MediaScanner finds music for you populating the MediaStore database. Here's some code to look up a music entry final Uri uri MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..