android Programming Glossary: layouts
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView new String ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE Name for group layouts new int new String ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Name for child layouts new int setListAdapter mAdapter And here.. new String ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE Name for group layouts new int new String ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application listView.getChildAt j .setEnabled false Then the layouts Layout of the menu res layout menu.xml LinearLayout xmlns android..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen this question Finally created a structure which handle layouts and icon for multiple screen. Android generalises device displays.. 320 ppi Typically screen size has most impact on your app layouts screen density has most impact on your image and graphic resources.. it will use this resources. Additional Tips Use relative layouts dp sp and mm dp units device independent pixels normalised to..
What's LazyList?
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) fonts and XML layouts Android I'm trying to define a GUI layout using XML files in..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio to experiment a bit yourself Just remember to look at the layouts in the emulator itself or an actual phone as the preview in..
How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh please read the README for 1.5 support though. In your layouts you simply add it like this.
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? animation class applies to objects such as views and layouts. The canvas is just a surface for drawing which is either part..
Android Layout Weight understand setting android layout_weight 2 for the linear layouts holding the buttons should make them take up more room than..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android in the right one. Is there such a layout or combination of layouts and parameters or do I have to implement my own ViewGroup for..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? been rotated it's faster Not so nice need to change your layouts if they are depending on screen size e.g. layouts with two columns.. your layouts if they are depending on screen size e.g. layouts with two columns or so Bad no flexible way to have different.. two columns or so Bad no flexible way to have different layouts on different orientation not so good when using fragments But..
Using Activities from Library projects for custom views with custom attributes in libraries. Layouts using custom attributes must use the namespace URI http
Heterogeneous GridLayout around from me. Caution should be used with too many LinearLayouts as according to Google's developers it can result in slow loading.. LinearLayout Solution 1 Explanation The key to LinearLayouts is to define your imperatives as separate Layouts and nest the.. to LinearLayouts is to define your imperatives as separate Layouts and nest the others in them. As you apply constraints to more..
Configure Eclipse to use signed keystore As my app is using Google Maps I take I have to update all Layouts to use the new API Key resulting from the app as well.. Now..
MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs all just returning an inflater with an .xml layout. XML Layouts main.xml map should be on this XML file xml version 1.0 encoding..
Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14 setTypeface font Now you can use it in your Layouts like this android layout_width..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts of Emoji Emoticon View Keyboard Layouts I am trying to figure out how the emoji emoticon selections..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android The app runs once fills the information on the screen Layouts Listviews Textviews ImageViews etc and user reads the information...
How to align views at the bottom of the screen? by the rest of the items in the layout EDIT Relative Layouts were indeed the answer Thank you xml version 1.0 encoding utf..
Android and Layouts and Layouts I need your help I need to locate text on view as showed on.. this question Here a couple quick guidelines Android Layouts tend to be much more deeply nested than you would normally expect...
Scrolling with Multiple ListViews for Android to a fixed height with scroll bars. Using other kinds of Layouts means no scrolling. Does anyone have any suggestions or will..
What's the difference between fill_parent and wrap_content? horizontal or vertical size. It's used to set a View or Layouts size based on either it's contents or the size of it's parent..
A grid layout of icon/text buttons a lay out the images with a combination of Relative Linear Layouts. GridView layout GridView xmlns android http
Android ImageView size not scaling with source image made a simplified test bed for this which nests weighted Layouts so that I have a wide but not very tall LinearLayout for the..
Multiple screen resolution in terms of Percentage The Problem occurs only with Views Layouts that have some constant width or height lets say 280dp . Solution.. if we programmatically set Layout Params of our Views Layouts in terms of Percentage and only use constant width or height.. to the screen resolution and by this way your Views Layouts will look exactly the same on every screen resolution . Conclusion..
Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate] So what I did was a single FrameLayout with both of the Layouts stacked together and then I just animate the top layout to slide.. layout xml quite simpe. The included .xml are simple LinearLayouts with a heading and a listview. The magic happens in the animation..
Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML) practices Layouts on Android Programmatic vs XML This question has been bugging..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 new String ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE Name for group layouts new int new String ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Name for child layouts new int Name for group layouts new int new String ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Name for child layouts new int setListAdapter mAdapter And here is my adapter which subclasses SimpleCursorTreeAdapter public.. android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 new String ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE Name for group layouts new int new String ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Name for child layouts new int
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application for int j 0 j listChildCount j if view.isFocusable listView.getChildAt j .setEnabled false Then the layouts Layout of the menu res layout menu.xml LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen concept. android android layout design screen share improve this question Finally created a structure which handle layouts and icon for multiple screen. Android generalises device displays into categories based on two parameters Screen size the.. 160 ppi hdpi high density 240 ppi xhdpi extra high density 320 ppi Typically screen size has most impact on your app layouts screen density has most impact on your image and graphic resources It is listed here the percentage difference of device.. v11` so the device which is having API11 and it is Hdpi then it will use this resources. Additional Tips Use relative layouts dp sp and mm dp units device independent pixels normalised to 1 physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density...
What's LazyList?
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) fonts and XML layouts Android I'm trying to define a GUI layout using XML files in Android. As far as I can find out there is no way to specify..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio
How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh 8 . The widget is now updated with support for 1.5 and later please read the README for 1.5 support though. In your layouts you simply add it like this. android id @ id android list android..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? android animation share improve this question The Android animation class applies to objects such as views and layouts. The canvas is just a surface for drawing which is either part of a View or linked to a bitmap. In onDraw in a custom view..
Android Layout Weight #c30505 EditText LinearLayout LinearLayout As I understand setting android layout_weight 2 for the linear layouts holding the buttons should make them take up more room than the edit text but it does the opposite for me making them both..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android but I would want a layout presenting the same widgets like in the right one. Is there such a layout or combination of layouts and parameters or do I have to implement my own ViewGroup for this java android gui layout share improve this question..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? every activity Goods no need to worry about your activity been rotated it's faster Not so nice need to change your layouts if they are depending on screen size e.g. layouts with two columns or so Bad no flexible way to have different layouts on.. activity been rotated it's faster Not so nice need to change your layouts if they are depending on screen size e.g. layouts with two columns or so Bad no flexible way to have different layouts on different orientation not so good when using fragments.. layouts if they are depending on screen size e.g. layouts with two columns or so Bad no flexible way to have different layouts on different orientation not so good when using fragments But if we don't use different layouts why not android android..
Using Activities from Library projects namespace URI see Revisions for ADT 17.0.0 Added support for custom views with custom attributes in libraries. Layouts using custom attributes must use the namespace URI http apk res auto instead of the URI that includes..
Heterogeneous GridLayout it should be multi screen friendly and requires no tooling around from me. Caution should be used with too many LinearLayouts as according to Google's developers it can result in slow loading UIs due to the layout_weight property. A second solution.. layout_weight 1 android text Button LinearLayout LinearLayout LinearLayout Solution 1 Explanation The key to LinearLayouts is to define your imperatives as separate Layouts and nest the others in them. As you apply constraints to more dimensions.. LinearLayout LinearLayout Solution 1 Explanation The key to LinearLayouts is to define your imperatives as separate Layouts and nest the others in them. As you apply constraints to more dimensions more LinearLayouts must be added to encapsulate..
Configure Eclipse to use signed keystore I have finally created a 'final' keystore for my app. As my app is using Google Maps I take I have to update all Layouts to use the new API Key resulting from the app as well.. Now I'm fully aware of the requirement to export a signed APK for..
MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs fragmentTransaction do nothing The Fragment classes are all just returning an inflater with an .xml layout. XML Layouts main.xml map should be on this XML file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14 font Typeface.createFromAsset getContext .getAssets robo_font.ttf setTypeface font Now you can use it in your Layouts like this android layout_width ... android layout_height ... ...
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts of Emoji Emoticon View Keyboard Layouts I am trying to figure out how the emoji emoticon selections are implemented on the Facebook app and the Google Hangouts..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android I developed an application that uses lots of images on Android. The app runs once fills the information on the screen Layouts Listviews Textviews ImageViews etc and user reads the information. There is no animation no special effects or anything..
How to align views at the bottom of the screen? a linear layout to fill all space apart from the minimum required by the rest of the items in the layout EDIT Relative Layouts were indeed the answer Thank you xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk..
Android and Layouts and Layouts I need your help I need to locate text on view as showed on the picture text 'Some more text' should be located in bottom.. help me Thanks for your help android layout share improve this question Here a couple quick guidelines Android Layouts tend to be much more deeply nested than you would normally expect. You often end up with empty layouts that just take up..
Scrolling with Multiple ListViews for Android my ListViews in the LinearView but all of the ListViews lock to a fixed height with scroll bars. Using other kinds of Layouts means no scrolling. Does anyone have any suggestions or will I need to programmatically add the list items to some layout..
What's the difference between fill_parent and wrap_content? Either attribute can be applied to View's visual control horizontal or vertical size. It's used to set a View or Layouts size based on either it's contents or the size of it's parent layout rather than explicitly specifying a dimension. fill_parent..
A grid layout of icon/text buttons layout and events are. Another option is to just create a lay out the images with a combination of Relative Linear Layouts. GridView layout GridView xmlns android http apk res android android id @ id myGrid android layout_width..
Android ImageView size not scaling with source image I just need them to be adjacent to each other. I've made a simplified test bed for this which nests weighted Layouts so that I have a wide but not very tall LinearLayout for the ImageViews xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..
Multiple screen resolution avoid this problem by setting LayoutParams at run time in terms of Percentage The Problem occurs only with Views Layouts that have some constant width or height lets say 280dp . Solution is quite simple if we programmatically set Layout Params.. width or height lets say 280dp . Solution is quite simple if we programmatically set Layout Params of our Views Layouts in terms of Percentage and only use constant width or height where necessary elsewhere try to use match_parent to fill up.. 100 here i'm calculating the new width for my layout according to the screen resolution and by this way your Views Layouts will look exactly the same on every screen resolution . Conclusion If you need to set some constant width height for your..
Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate] I don't know if it is perfect but it is working well. So what I did was a single FrameLayout with both of the Layouts stacked together and then I just animate the top layout to slide to the right of the screen just need to call the slideTo.. layout @layout main_news_list FrameLayout This is the layout xml quite simpe. The included .xml are simple LinearLayouts with a heading and a listview. The magic happens in the animation protected void applyTransformation float interpolatedTime..
Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML) practices Layouts on Android Programmatic vs XML This question has been bugging me for some time. I've already developed a couple of apps..