

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:44

android Programming Glossary: layout_aligntop

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


android layout_above @ id RL_ExtraOption android layout_alignTop @ id Img_logo android layout_margin 2dp android orientation..

Making two LinearLayouts have 50% of the screen each without using layout_weight


id mobFoxView android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_alignTop @id linearLayout1 android background @color white android gravity..

Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View


match_parent android layout_height 0dp android layout_alignTop @id collapse_to android layout_alignBottom @id collapse_to android..

Populate list of custom view using ListFragment


wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignTop @ id thumbnail android layout_toRightOf @ id thumbnail android.. wrap_content android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_alignTop @id menu_name android layout_marginRight 5dip android gravity..

Take screensot and save android


20dp android layout_alignParentTop true android layout_alignTop @ id button1 android layout_centerHorizontal true android layout_marginTop.. 40dp android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_alignTop @ id imageView2 android layout_marginRight 10dp android src.. layout_width 55dip android layout_height 44dip android layout_alignTop @ id imageButton1 android layout_marginLeft 30dp android layout_toRightOf..

android - ArrayAdapter.createViewFromResource(int, View, ViewGroup, int) line: 355 NullPointerException


android layout_height @dimen menu_button_height android layout_alignTop @ id Button_BACK android layout_below @ id ImageView_MenuHeader..

Custom Progress Bar in Android?


@id imgThree android layout_width wrap_content android layout_alignTop @id imgThree android layout_alignBottom @id imgThree android..

Android: Synchronized scrolling of two different views


timescroll android layout_toRightOf @id vertscroll android layout_alignTop @id vertscroll android layout_marginLeft 2dp android scrollbars..

Android Text over image


android layout_alignLeft @ id myImageView android layout_alignTop @ id myImageView android layout_alignRight @ id myImageView..

what is the difference betwenn @id/ and @+id/ in android? [duplicate]


wrap_content android layout_toLeftOf @id ok android layout_alignTop @id ok android text Cancel RelativeLayout Above you will see..

(Android)listview with multiple buttons, list item can't be clicked


wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @ id erase android layout_alignTop @ id erase android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge..

I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it?


android layout_toRightOf @id username_text android layout_alignTop @id username_text TextView android id @ id password_text android.. android layout_toRightOf @id password_text android layout_alignTop @id password_text android layout_below @id txt_username android..

How to draw text On image?


android text SampleText android textSize 12pt android layout_alignTop @ id ImageView01 android layout_height wrap_content FrameLayout..

Overlapping Views in Android


src @drawable navigmask android scaleType fitXY android layout_alignTop @id overview android layout_alignBottom @id overview android..

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_above @ id RL_ExtraOption android layout_alignTop @ id Img_logo android layout_margin 2dp android orientation vertical ImageButton android id @ id Img_Buyer android layout_width..

Making two LinearLayouts have 50% of the screen each without using layout_weight


android layout_height fill_parent android layout_above @ id mobFoxView android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_alignTop @id linearLayout1 android background @color white android gravity center android orientation vertical android weightSum..

Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View


TextView android id @ id title android layout_width match_parent android layout_height 0dp android layout_alignTop @id collapse_to android layout_alignBottom @id collapse_to android layout_toRightOf @id collapse_to android gravity center_vertical..

Populate list of custom view using ListFragment


name TextView android id @ id menu_name android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignTop @ id thumbnail android layout_toRightOf @ id thumbnail android text @string menu_name android textColor #040404 android.. android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_alignTop @id menu_name android layout_marginRight 5dip android gravity right android text @string price android textColor #10bcc9..

Take screensot and save android


id @ id imageView7 android layout_width 80dp android layout_height 20dp android layout_alignParentTop true android layout_alignTop @ id button1 android layout_centerHorizontal true android layout_marginTop 6dp android src @drawable logo_black ImageView.. id @ id imageView6 android layout_width 40dp android layout_height 40dp android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_alignTop @ id imageView2 android layout_marginRight 10dp android src @drawable icon_fb_sel ImageView android id @ id imageView5 android.. icon_album ImageButton android id @ id imageButton2 android layout_width 55dip android layout_height 44dip android layout_alignTop @ id imageButton1 android layout_marginLeft 30dp android layout_toRightOf @ id imageButton1 android maxHeight 44dp android..

android - ArrayAdapter.createViewFromResource(int, View, ViewGroup, int) line: 355 NullPointerException


android id @ id Button_BACK android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height @dimen menu_button_height android layout_alignTop @ id Button_BACK android layout_below @ id ImageView_MenuHeader android textSize @dimen menu_button_text_size android text..

Custom Progress Bar in Android?


android layout_height wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @id imgThree android layout_width wrap_content android layout_alignTop @id imgThree android layout_alignBottom @id imgThree android gravity bottom android text Please Wait... TextView RelativeLayout..

Android: Synchronized scrolling of two different views


android layout_height fill_parent android layout_below @id timescroll android layout_toRightOf @id vertscroll android layout_alignTop @id vertscroll android layout_marginLeft 2dp android scrollbars none android fadingEdge none com....HorizScrollView android..

Android Text over image


android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignLeft @ id myImageView android layout_alignTop @ id myImageView android layout_alignRight @ id myImageView android layout_alignBottom @ id myImageView android layout_margin..

what is the difference betwenn @id/ and @+id/ in android? [duplicate]


id cancel android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_toLeftOf @id ok android layout_alignTop @id ok android text Cancel RelativeLayout Above you will see a RelativeLayout . You will notice that the first occurrences..

(Android)listview with multiple buttons, list item can't be clicked


android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @ id erase android layout_alignTop @ id erase android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge android textColor #CC0 TextView android id @ id texxt2..

I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it?


android background @android drawable editbox_background android layout_toRightOf @id username_text android layout_alignTop @id username_text TextView android id @ id password_text android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. android background @android drawable editbox_background android layout_toRightOf @id password_text android layout_alignTop @id password_text android layout_below @id txt_username android layout_marginLeft 5dip android password true Button android..

How to draw text On image?


android layout_marginTop 20dip android layout_width wrap_content android text SampleText android textSize 12pt android layout_alignTop @ id ImageView01 android layout_height wrap_content FrameLayout android image text save share improve this question ..

Overlapping Views in Android


android id @ id navigmaske android background #0000 android src @drawable navigmask android scaleType fitXY android layout_alignTop @id overview android layout_alignBottom @id overview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content..