android Programming Glossary: layoutparams.wrap_content
how to add button dynamically in android? LayoutParams lp new LayoutParams LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ll.addView myButton lp Have a look to this example share improve..
Android Layout with ListView and Buttons bottomNavParams new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT bottomNavParams.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM.. new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT bottomNavParams.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM bottomNavParams.addRule..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT setFadingEdgeLength 0 this.setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled false..
Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android? to measure it like this if v.getMeasuredHeight 0 v.measure LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap v.getMeasuredWidth.. v.getMeasuredHeight 0 v.measure LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap v.getMeasuredWidth v.getMeasuredHeight..
Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT llAlso.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL TextView txtSample.. new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT llAlso.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL llAlso.addView..
Android: Add a textview to linear layout programmatically new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LinearLayout linearLayout .addView valueTV But I only get the..
How to center progress indicator in ProgressDialog easily (when no title/text passed along) new ProgressBar context new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT return dialog public MyProgressDialog.. context new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT return dialog public MyProgressDialog Context context..
How to programmatically set the layout_align_parent_right attribute of a Button in Relative Layout? new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Now I have two buttons which I want to add in this relative..
Android: Expand/collapse animation expand final View v v.measure LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT final int targtetHeight v.getMeasuredHeight v.getLayoutParams.. t v.getLayoutParams .height interpolatedTime 1 LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT int targtetHeight interpolatedTime v.requestLayout @Override..
How to use RadioGroup in ListView custom adapter? RadioButton context LayoutParams lparam new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT rbtn.setSelected false holder.check.. lparam new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT rbtn.setSelected false holder.check rbtn radioGroup.addView..
how to create a popup window in android? [closed] else popUp.dismiss click true params new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL.. true params new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location zoomLayout.addView zoomView new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT mapView.displayZoomControls true.. new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT mapView.displayZoomControls true mc mapView.getController Geocoder..
how to add button dynamically in android?
Android Layout with ListView and Buttons LinearLayout buttons new LinearLayout this RelativeLayout.LayoutParams bottomNavParams new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT bottomNavParams.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM bottomNavParams.addRule RelativeLayout.CENTER_HORIZONTAL.. this RelativeLayout.LayoutParams bottomNavParams new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT bottomNavParams.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM bottomNavParams.addRule RelativeLayout.CENTER_HORIZONTAL buttons.setLayoutParams..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling Context context ArrayList ListItem items super context setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT setFadingEdgeLength 0 this.setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled false this.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled false LinearLayout internalWrapper..
Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android? displayed before the size of it will be zero. Its possible to measure it like this if v.getMeasuredHeight 0 v.measure LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap v.getMeasuredWidth v.getMeasuredHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas.. of it will be zero. Its possible to measure it like this if v.getMeasuredHeight 0 v.measure LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap v.getMeasuredWidth v.getMeasuredHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas b v.layout..
Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children 0 LinearLayout llAlso new LinearLayout this llAlso.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT llAlso.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL TextView txtSample new TextView this txtSample.setText header llAlso.addView.. ll.addView llAlso llAlso new LinearLayout this llAlso.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT llAlso.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL llAlso.addView txtSamItem widthSoFar txtSamItem.getMeasuredWidth else..
Android: Add a textview to linear layout programmatically this valueTV.setText hallo hallo valueTV.setId 5 valueTV.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LinearLayout linearLayout .addView valueTV But I only get the following error message java.lang.ClassCastException android.widget.TextView..
How to center progress indicator in ProgressDialog easily (when no title/text passed along) The next line will add the ProgressBar to the dialog. dialog.addContentView new ProgressBar context new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT return dialog public MyProgressDialog Context context super context ProgressBar to the dialog. dialog.addContentView new ProgressBar context new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT return dialog public MyProgressDialog Context context super context All the static methods..
How to programmatically set the layout_align_parent_right attribute of a Button in Relative Layout? new RelativeLayout this RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Now I have two buttons which I want to add in this relative layout. But the problem is both buttons are being shown on the..
Android: Expand/collapse animation if content changes. It works great for me. public static void expand final View v v.measure LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT final int targtetHeight v.getMeasuredHeight v.getLayoutParams .height 0 v.setVisibility View.VISIBLE Animation a new Animation.. void applyTransformation float interpolatedTime Transformation t v.getLayoutParams .height interpolatedTime 1 LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT int targtetHeight interpolatedTime v.requestLayout @Override public boolean willChangeBounds return true 1dp ms a.setDuration..
How to use RadioGroup in ListView custom adapter? RadioButton rbtn new RadioButton context LayoutParams lparam new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT rbtn.setSelected false holder.check rbtn radioGroup.addView rbtn lin.addView rbtn 0 convertView.setTag.. RadioButton rbtn new RadioButton context LayoutParams lparam new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT rbtn.setSelected false holder.check rbtn radioGroup.addView rbtn lin.addView rbtn 0 convertView.setTag holder else..
how to create a popup window in android? [closed] 10 10 popUp.update 50 50 300 80 click false else popUp.dismiss click true params new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for popup window.. 50 50 300 80 click false else popUp.dismiss click true params new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for popup window layout.addView tv params..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location View zoomView mapView.getZoomControls zoomLayout.addView zoomView new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT mapView.displayZoomControls true mc mapView.getController Geocoder geocoder new Geocoder this.. zoomView mapView.getZoomControls zoomLayout.addView zoomView new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT mapView.displayZoomControls true mc mapView.getController Geocoder geocoder new Geocoder this Locale.getDefault List Address..