android Programming Glossary: layoutinflater
How ListView's recycling mechanism works View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.from parent.getContext convertView.. parent if convertView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.from parent.getContext convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item.. position convertView View row convertView if row null LayoutInflater inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? View newView Context context Cursor cur ViewGroup parent LayoutInflater li LayoutInflater getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. context Cursor cur ViewGroup parent LayoutInflater li LayoutInflater getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE return li.inflate..
Caching images and displaying private Activity activity private String data private LayoutInflater inflater null public ImageLoader imageLoader DisplayImageOptions.. LazyAdapter Activity a String d activity a data d inflater LayoutInflater activity.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE File..
Change the background color of the options menu SO FAR Several posters have suggested a hack involving LayoutInflater.Factory. The suggested hack worked for Android 2.2 and failed.. hack made an undocumented assumption that one could call LayoutInflater.getView directly without currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate.. directly without currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate on the same LayoutInflater instance. New code in Android..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d.. return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d.. NextFragment return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view import android.util.SparseBooleanArray import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import.. final List String list private final Activity context LayoutInflater inflater TextView CItv COtv static ViewHolder holder View view.. ArrayList Integer if convertView null inflater context.getLayoutInflater view inflater.inflate R.layout.test_listitems null final ViewHolder..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? DashboardActivity @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState inflater.inflate..
Custom Adapter for List View convertView ViewGroup parent View v convertView if v null LayoutInflater vi vi LayoutInflater.from getContext v vi.inflate R.layout.itemlistrow.. parent View v convertView if v null LayoutInflater vi vi LayoutInflater.from getContext v vi.inflate R.layout.itemlistrow null Item..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” if position 0 final TextView v TextView LayoutInflater getContext .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result context private final ArrayList String names private LayoutInflater mInflater private TextView txt public CustomAdapter Context.. names this.context context this.names names mInflater LayoutInflater.from context public Filter getFilter if newFilter null newFilter.. arrayList List String mOriginalValues Original Values LayoutInflater inflater public MyAdapter Context context List String arrayList..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works my getView from my BaseAdapter public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.from parent.getContext convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d.. public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.from parent.getContext convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position.. View convertView ViewGroup parent System.out.println getview position convertView View row convertView if row null LayoutInflater inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate layoutResourceId parent false holder new PakistaniDrama..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? cur super context R.layout.mylist cur @Override public View newView Context context Cursor cur ViewGroup parent LayoutInflater li LayoutInflater getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE return li.inflate R.layout.mylist parent false @Override.. R.layout.mylist cur @Override public View newView Context context Cursor cur ViewGroup parent LayoutInflater li LayoutInflater getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE return li.inflate R.layout.mylist parent false @Override public void bindView..
Caching images and displaying public class LazyAdapter extends BaseAdapter private Activity activity private String data private LayoutInflater inflater null public ImageLoader imageLoader DisplayImageOptions options public LazyAdapter Activity a String d activity.. ImageLoader imageLoader DisplayImageOptions options public LazyAdapter Activity a String d activity a data d inflater LayoutInflater activity.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE File cacheDir StorageUtils.getOwnCacheDirectory a MyFolderCache..
Change the background color of the options menu p android issues detail id 4441 SUMMARY OF SOLUTIONS SO FAR Several posters have suggested a hack involving LayoutInflater.Factory. The suggested hack worked for Android 2.2 and failed for Android 2.3 because the hack made an undocumented assumption.. worked for Android 2.2 and failed for Android 2.3 because the hack made an undocumented assumption that one could call LayoutInflater.getView directly without currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate on the same LayoutInflater instance. New.. undocumented assumption that one could call LayoutInflater.getView directly without currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate on the same LayoutInflater instance. New code in Android 2.3 broke this assumption and led to a NullPointerException...
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager newInstance SecondPageFragment f new SecondPageFragment return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView return inflater.inflate R.layout.second.. FirstPageFragment newInstance FirstPageFragment f new FirstPageFragment return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView View root inflater.inflate R.layout.first.. public static NextFragment newInstance NextFragment f new NextFragment return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView return inflater.inflate
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view import import android.content.Context import android.util.SparseBooleanArray import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.CheckBox.. public class DemoAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String private final List String list private final Activity context LayoutInflater inflater TextView CItv COtv static ViewHolder holder View view public DemoAdapter Activity context List String list super.. parent view null final ArrayList Integer checkedItems new ArrayList Integer if convertView null inflater context.getLayoutInflater view inflater.inflate R.layout.test_listitems null final ViewHolder viewHolder new ViewHolder viewHolder.CItv TextView..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? activity mIsLastMessages activity instanceof DashboardActivity @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_listview container mProgressView..
Custom Adapter for List View items @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View v convertView if v null LayoutInflater vi vi LayoutInflater.from getContext v vi.inflate R.layout.itemlistrow null Item p items.get position if p null TextView.. public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View v convertView if v null LayoutInflater vi vi LayoutInflater.from getContext v vi.inflate R.layout.itemlistrow null Item p items.get position if p null TextView tt TextView v.findViewById..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” int position View convertView ViewGroup parent throws IllegalAccessException if position 0 final TextView v TextView LayoutInflater getContext .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE .inflate android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item parent false..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result CustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String private final Context context private final ArrayList String names private LayoutInflater mInflater private TextView txt public CustomAdapter Context context ArrayList String names super context R.layout.row names.. context ArrayList String names super context R.layout.row names this.context context this.names names mInflater LayoutInflater.from context public Filter getFilter if newFilter null newFilter new Filter @Override protected void publishResults.. extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable List String arrayList List String mOriginalValues Original Values LayoutInflater inflater public MyAdapter Context context List String arrayList this.arrayList arrayList inflater LayoutInflater.from..
how to get select area which cover by canvas in android void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState myContext CanvasExample.this LayoutInflater layoutInflater LayoutInflater getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE int layoutId myContext.getResources .getIdentifier main.. int layoutId myContext.getResources .getIdentifier main layout getPackageName relMainOperationLayout RelativeLayout layoutInflater.inflate layoutId null relTabHeader RelativeLayout relMainOperationLayout.findViewById relMidalLayout..
How to add image in expandable List in parent in android? for the children. Construct Expandable List final String NAME name final String IMAGE image final LayoutInflater layoutInflater LayoutInflater this.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE final ArrayList HashMap String String headerData new.. childPosition .get IMAGE return v @Override public View newChildView boolean isLastChild ViewGroup parent return layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.expandable_list_item_with_image null false And inside your custom child layout named expandable_list_item_with_image.xml..
Layout problem with button margin in android aplication. I'm dynamically creating buttons and adding them with this code to my layout LayoutInflater layoutInflater LayoutInflater getBaseContext .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE for int i 0 i NO_NUMBERS i Button btn new.. .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE for int i 0 i NO_NUMBERS i Button btn new Button this btn Button layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.button null btn.setId 2000 i Integer randomNumber sort.getNumbersCopy i btn.setText randomNumber.toString..
Get focused View from ViewPager int position ViewPager ViewPager viewPager ViewPager container Wird verwendet um die Views aufzurufen LayoutInflater layoutInflater mActivity.getLayoutInflater Standardmä ig ist news eingeblendet View view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.news_fragment.. aufzurufen LayoutInflater layoutInflater mActivity.getLayoutInflater Standardmä ig ist news eingeblendet View view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.news_fragment null Falls sich die Position verändert so verändert sich auch die View if position 0 view.. R.layout.news_fragment null Falls sich die Position verändert so verändert sich auch die View if position 0 view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.favorite_fragment null else if position 2 view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.videos_fragment null View..
Android ViewPager and ListViews int getCount return titles.length @Override public Object instantiateItem View collection int position LayoutInflater layoutInflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater listView1 ListView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.listview1 null String listData null.. View collection int position LayoutInflater layoutInflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater listView1 ListView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.listview1 null String listData null MyArrayAdapter dataAdapter if position 0 listData context.getResources..
getting null pointer exception? LinearLayout mainLayout new LinearLayout this mainLayout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LayoutInflater layoutInflater getLayoutInflater mainLayout.addView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.main null mainLayout.addView layoutInflater.inflate.. mainLayout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LayoutInflater layoutInflater getLayoutInflater mainLayout.addView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.main null mainLayout.addView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.extra null this.addContentView mainLayout.. layoutInflater getLayoutInflater mainLayout.addView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.main null mainLayout.addView layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.extra null this.addContentView mainLayout params lv ListView findViewById lva new ListViewAdapter..