

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:45

android Programming Glossary: layout_marginleft

How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application


layout_height 30dp android layout_marginRight 5dip android layout_marginLeft 10dip android layout_marginTop 10dip android layout_marginBottom..

Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google +


wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @ id filter android layout_marginLeft 20dp android layout_marginTop 3dp android text Islamabad android.. 18dp android layout_toRightOf @ id interested_in android layout_marginLeft 4dp android src @drawable separator_1 android layout_centerVertical.. wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_marginLeft 4dp android layout_toRightOf @ id separator android layout_centerVertical..

How to create a Custom Dialog box in android?


layout_width 100dp android layout_height 30dp android layout_marginLeft 5dp android background @android color white android clickable..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


true android layout_alignParentTop true android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginTop 34dp android text TextView CheckBox..

Caching images and displaying


true android layout_marginBottom 21dp android layout_marginLeft 31dp android text TextView TextView android id @ id textView2..

How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android?


wrap_content android layout_marginTop 20dip android layout_marginLeft 10dip android layout_marginRight 10dip android layout_gravity..

Multi-gradient shapes


fill_parent android layout_height 100dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp android gravity center..

Change ListView background - strange behaviour


wrap_content android layout_centerVertical true android layout_marginLeft 5dip TextView Hope it will help share improve this answer..

Percentage width in a RelativeLayout


@id host_label android layout_marginTop 4dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp EditText android id @ id.. @id username_label android layout_marginTop 4dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp TextView android id @ id.. @id password_label android layout_marginTop 4dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp ImageView android src @drawable..

ANDROID - ExpandableListView


5px android focusable false android textSize 14px android layout_marginLeft 10px android layout_marginRight 3px android layout_width fill_parent..

How to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title?


wrap_content android layout_centerVertical true android layout_marginLeft 10dp android textSize 20dp android maxLines 1 android ellipsize..

How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application


android id @ id menu_icon android layout_width 30dp android layout_height 30dp android layout_marginRight 5dip android layout_marginLeft 10dip android layout_marginTop 10dip android layout_marginBottom 10dip TextView android id @ id menu_label android layout_width..

Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google +


city android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @ id filter android layout_marginLeft 20dp android layout_marginTop 3dp android text Islamabad android textSize 22sp android textStyle bold android textColor.. separator android layout_width 2dp android layout_height 18dp android layout_toRightOf @ id interested_in android layout_marginLeft 4dp android src @drawable separator_1 android layout_centerVertical true TextView android id @ id age android layout_width.. true TextView android id @ id age android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_marginLeft 4dp android layout_toRightOf @ id separator android layout_centerVertical true android text 18 24 years android textSize..

How to create a Custom Dialog box in android?


android textStyle bold Button android id @ id btn_no android layout_width 100dp android layout_height 30dp android layout_marginLeft 5dp android background @android color white android clickable true android text No android textColor #5DBCD2 android textStyle..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_alignParentTop true android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginTop 34dp android text TextView CheckBox android id @ id checkBox1 android layout_width wrap_content..

Caching images and displaying


android layout_above @ id textView2 android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_marginBottom 21dp android layout_marginLeft 31dp android text TextView TextView android id @ id textView2 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..

How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android?


android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_marginTop 20dip android layout_marginLeft 10dip android layout_marginRight 10dip android layout_gravity center android text Now playing.. android textSize 16sp android..

Multi-gradient shapes


android background @drawable layer_list android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height 100dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp android gravity center android text Layer List Drawable android textColor @android..

Change ListView background - strange behaviour


Percentage width in a RelativeLayout


@android drawable editbox_background android layout_below @id host_label android layout_marginTop 4dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp EditText android id @ id port_input android inputType number android layout_width 100dp.. @android drawable editbox_background android layout_below @id username_label android layout_marginTop 4dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp TextView android id @ id password_label android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height.. @android drawable editbox_background android layout_below @id password_label android layout_marginTop 4dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp ImageView android src @drawable home android id @ id home android paddingTop 15dp android..

ANDROID - ExpandableListView


@ id childname android paddingLeft 15px android paddingRight 5px android focusable false android textSize 14px android layout_marginLeft 10px android layout_marginRight 3px android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout MyELAdapter..

How to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title?


title android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_centerVertical true android layout_marginLeft 10dp android textSize 20dp android maxLines 1 android ellipsize end android text RelativeLayout share improve this answer..