android Programming Glossary: lazy
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) ... don't use it as a bandaid just because you are too lazy to implement handle an orientation change correctly. Only use..
Listview click to show image in ImageView this tutorial http blog android lazy loading images and text in listview from http json data . and..
Lazy download images into gridView don't want to download all pictures at once. I read about lazy downloading and my question is Can i get only one part of the.. holder.imgPhoto return vi android json gridview lazy loading share improve this question This is how I fetch..
What's LazyList? source explaining what LazyList is. Anyone android lazylist share improve this question Lazy List is lazy loading.. lazylist share improve this question Lazy List is lazy loading of images from sd card or from server using urls. It.. user waiting to download large images and then displaying lazy list loads images on demand. Since images are cached you can..
How do I load a contact Photo? all and none that provided a good canned solution for the lazy developer. The class below takes a Context QuickContactBadge..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] Level duplicate Possible Duplicate Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView I am working on the listview with.. intervals. how to correct it android listview android lazyadapter android lazyloading share improve this question Praveen.. correct it android listview android lazyadapter android lazyloading share improve this question Praveen As you already..
Application idle time private Waiter waiter Thread which controls idle time only lazy initializations here @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images the other files in the source. package com.fedorvlasov.lazylist import import import.. for File f files f.delete android caching lazy loading out of memory outofmemoryerror share improve this..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView do I do a lazy load of images in ListView I am using a ListView to display.. am getting the images from the Internet. Is there a way to lazy load the images so while the text displays the UI is not locked..
How to clear cache Android cache.Basically I am using Fedor's Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView lazy list implementation and I want.. Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView lazy list implementation and I want to clear the cache automatically.. false return dir.delete android list caching clear lazy share improve this question this will delete cache public..
Android: How to declare global variables? they are generally the product of either a bad API or a lazy programmer. I disagree quite strongly with Diane's viewpoint..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? times since you rely on it being present. This bypasses lazy loading capabilities of the ViewPager but seems to be what you..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments be considered an implementation detail. A ViewPager does lazy loading of its pages by default it only loads the current page..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work lazy val my_button ImageButton button In reality lazy.. val my_button ImageButton button In reality lazy val his_button ImageButton button2 onCreate savedInstanceState..
Large ListView containing images in Android that there are already lots of questions here that discuss Lazy loading of images. But they mainly cover the problem of slow..
Lazy download images into gridView download images into gridView In my application I need to download.. you also want the adapter code let me know. I use Fedor's Lazy Loading method in the adapter. Phew. Hope any of this helps...
Android - How to do Marquee of images the Margin between them. And finally I am using @Fedor's Lazy Loading to display the Profile Pictures in the newly created..
How to parse complex JSON file in android 0 54 74_.jpg I have implemented Android Lazy Loading images and text in listview from http json data now..
Design of list view lazy loading images component refinement of the concept which is more or less working Lazy drawables source forge project. I also saw several stackoverflow..
How to play video as live wallpaper android?
What's LazyList? LazyList I can't find in any really credible source explaining what.. I can't find in any really credible source explaining what LazyList is. Anyone android lazylist share improve this question.. Anyone android lazylist share improve this question Lazy List is lazy loading of images from sd card or from server using..
How can i just download image with universal-image-loader nostra13 Android Universal Image Loader . It is based on Lazy List works on same principle . But it has lot of other configurations...
Caching images and displaying threads in SO. The top answers are to solve this by 1. Lazy List 2. Universal Image Loader I have gone through both the.. I have gone through both the solutions. I downloaded Lazy List codes in which the URL's are hardcoded strings stored in.. for a detailed explanation as well as implementation of Lazy loading. My apologies for not being able to reward an answer..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] Load images on Listview in android Beginner Level duplicate..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images I found Fedor's code here and implemented it into.. File android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory LazyList else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work and you will get access to scala unique features such as Lazy evaluations to define views inside the class body Implicit conversion..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean)
Listview click to show image in ImageView click to show image in ImageView I follow this tutorial http blog android lazy loading images and text in listview from http json data . and I wonder how can i click the listview item and show the image..
Lazy download images into gridView them in a gridView. It can be between 1 200 pictures . I don't want to download all pictures at once. I read about lazy downloading and my question is Can i get only one part of the Json download the pictures in a different thread and only.. imageLoader.DisplayImage arrayUrls.get position .getThumbnailUrl holder.imgPhoto return vi android json gridview lazy loading share improve this question This is how I fetch multiple photos in my activity. You can use parts of it for..
What's LazyList? LazyList I can't find in any really credible source explaining what LazyList is. Anyone android lazylist share improve this question Lazy List is lazy loading of images from sd card or from server using urls. It is like.. credible source explaining what LazyList is. Anyone android lazylist share improve this question Lazy List is lazy loading of images from sd card or from server using urls. It is like on demand loading images. Images can be cached to local.. to cache images. Cache can also be cleared. Instead of user waiting to download large images and then displaying lazy list loads images on demand. Since images are cached you can display images offline. https thest1 LazyList ...
How do I load a contact Photo? conundrum as I could only find a couple that worked at all and none that provided a good canned solution for the lazy developer. The class below takes a Context QuickContactBadge and a telephone number and will attach a locally stored image..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] Load images on Listview in android Beginner Level duplicate Possible Duplicate Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView I am working on the listview with the custom adapter. I want to load the images and text view.. in all items of list. Mismatches happening between solid item intervals. how to correct it android listview android lazyadapter android lazyloading share improve this question Praveen As you already found my blog post on this I just wanted.. Mismatches happening between solid item intervals. how to correct it android listview android lazyadapter android lazyloading share improve this question Praveen As you already found my blog post on this I just wanted to push it back to..
Application idle time static final String TAG ControlApplication.class.getName private Waiter waiter Thread which controls idle time only lazy initializations here @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate Log.d TAG Starting application this.toString waiter..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images them UPDATE Here is the code in case you don't want to view the other files in the source. package com.fedorvlasov.lazylist import import import import memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete android caching lazy loading out of memory outofmemoryerror share improve this question Generally your in memory image cache declaration..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView do I do a lazy load of images in ListView I am using a ListView to display some images and captions associated with those images. I am.. some images and captions associated with those images. I am getting the images from the Internet. Is there a way to lazy load the images so while the text displays the UI is not locked up and images are displayed as they are downloaded The number..
How to clear cache Android a way how to clear the data which my application stores in cache.Basically I am using Fedor's Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView lazy list implementation and I want to clear the cache automatically when I have for example.. my application stores in cache.Basically I am using Fedor's Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView lazy list implementation and I want to clear the cache automatically when I have for example 100 images loaded.Any ideas how.. success deleteDir new File dir children i if success return false return dir.delete android list caching clear lazy share improve this question this will delete cache public static void deleteCache Context context try File dir context.getCacheDir..
Android: How to declare global variables? not argue that Singletons cannot work well but I do argue that they are generally the product of either a bad API or a lazy programmer. I disagree quite strongly with Diane's viewpoint which I feel is a terrible basis for an API. I leave you with..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? is high enough to load your desired fragments at all times since you rely on it being present. This bypasses lazy loading capabilities of the ViewPager but seems to be what you desire for your application. Another approach is to override..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments added in a ViewPager at a particular time this should be considered an implementation detail. A ViewPager does lazy loading of its pages by default it only loads the current page and the one to the left and right. If you put your app into..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work extends Activity with ActivityUtil import Contains lazy val my_button ImageButton button In reality lazy val his_button ImageButton button2 onCreate savedInstanceState.. lazy val my_button ImageButton button In reality lazy val his_button ImageButton button2 onCreate savedInstanceState The type is automatically inferred. setContentView R.layout.main..
Large ListView containing images in Android end you could have the OutOfMemoryException again. I know that there are already lots of questions here that discuss Lazy loading of images. But they mainly cover the problem of slow loading not too much memory consumption. Edit I've now decided..
Lazy download images into gridView download images into gridView In my application I need to download a lot of pictures from urls and display them in a gridView... SOURCE public String getPhotoSource return PhotoSource If you also want the adapter code let me know. I use Fedor's Lazy Loading method in the adapter. Phew. Hope any of this helps. If you have further question feel free to ask. EDIT Adapter..
Android - How to do Marquee of images for setting up the size of the ImageViews and then setting the Margin between them. And finally I am using @Fedor's Lazy Loading to display the Profile Pictures in the newly created ImageViews . Hope this helps. And feel free to ask if you have..
How to parse complex JSON file in android images M MV5BMjMyOTM4MDMxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjIyNzExOA@@._V1._SX54_CR0 0 54 74_.jpg I have implemented Android Lazy Loading images and text in listview from http json data now I want to make the list item clickable and I am not able to..
Design of list view lazy loading images component component with several well known problems Jeremy Wadsack's refinement of the concept which is more or less working Lazy drawables source forge project. I also saw several stackoverflow questions regarding the problem 1 2 3 However I have one..
How to play video as live wallpaper android?
What's LazyList? LazyList I can't find in any really credible source explaining what LazyList is. Anyone android lazylist share improve this.. LazyList I can't find in any really credible source explaining what LazyList is. Anyone android lazylist share improve this question Lazy List is lazy loading of images from sd card or from.. in any really credible source explaining what LazyList is. Anyone android lazylist share improve this question Lazy List is lazy loading of images from sd card or from server using urls. It is like on demand loading images. Images can be..
How can i just download image with universal-image-loader in listview or gridview you can do as below. https nostra13 Android Universal Image Loader . It is based on Lazy List works on same principle . But it has lot of other configurations. You can display a error image if downlaod failed...
Caching images and displaying next to my text views in my ListView . After going through many threads in SO. The top answers are to solve this by 1. Lazy List 2. Universal Image Loader I have gone through both the solutions. I downloaded Lazy List codes in which the URL's are.. are to solve this by 1. Lazy List 2. Universal Image Loader I have gone through both the solutions. I downloaded Lazy List codes in which the URL's are hardcoded strings stored in an Array. What I would like to do is create my own Strings.. by Raghunandan down below. Please go through these answers for a detailed explanation as well as implementation of Lazy loading. My apologies for not being able to reward an answer with bounty as i was away for two days. android json imageview..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] Load images on Listview in android Beginner Level duplicate Possible Duplicate Android How do I do a lazy load of images..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images I found Fedor's code here and implemented it into my project. The only difference is that my application does.. .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED cacheDir new File android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory LazyList else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs final int stub_id R.drawable.stub public void..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work Now good things happen. First you can scalafy any activity and you will get access to scala unique features such as Lazy evaluations to define views inside the class body Implicit conversion functions to customize the interaction of view with..