android Programming Glossary: lead
Disable Home Button in Android ICS (4.0) the option of reselecting a Home default as that would lead to data deletion. The code I have for disableing the Home button..
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler be garbage collected even after being destroyed. This may lead to memory leaks for some time at least as long as the messages..
Android AsyncTask for Long Running Operations of the activity that is not displayed anymore. This can lead to an Exception of the type java.lang.IllegalArgumentException..
Android ScrollView layout problem out yourself . Unfortunately googling this problem doesn't lead to any solutions so I tried my suggestion from my comment above... the ListViews into one parent ListView. This doesn't work leads to the same problem as with a ScrollView . Speaking to the..
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in Using an account which is not enabled for testing will lead to another error message E GameAgent Unable to retrieve 1P application..
How to close Android application? abruptly killed when the app is killed quickly. This can lead to various issues related to threading. For example if one of..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns come before my constraint definition. Something that may lead to the solution though is that whatever follows my parenthesized..
Finish parent and current activity in Android activity in Android I have 3 activities. Activity A which leads to activity B which in turn can go back to activity A or start.. A starts activity B Pressing Back on activity B should lead to A Activity B starts activity C Pressing Back on activity..
How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? to the Android Market but I got this error which did not lead me to the correct link when searched for in stackoverflow by..
Difference between Activity Context and Application Context crashes both ProgressDialog and Toast .... which lead me to this question What is the actual differences between a..
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents launching it from the phone's applications menu. This is leading to multiple copies of the same activity being launched which.. consists of the activities A B C then the above issue can lead to a stack A B C A. I tried using android launchMode singleTask..
Android - disable landscape mode? app doesn't have an extremely specific use case that would lead to an outright negative experience for supporting other orientations..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email When I send it the attachment sends correctly. That would lead me to believe something is quite wrong. Do I need a new permission..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client there is something in the points i mentioned which could lead to that your map does not work like you want. Good luck edit..
Android: How to declare global variables? subclass in this aspect. She continues And this leads more naturally to how you should be managing these things initializing.. inflexible design which is not easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract the.. pleasing aspects of programming with Android and helped lead to early developer adoption which drove the Android platform..
Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders String makePlaceholders int len if len 1 It will lead to an invalid query anyway .. throw new RuntimeException No..
Android REST client, Sample? API service Java REST client API for Android And that lead me to this Google I O 2010 video about REST client applications.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException one which is for add edit alarms. There is a button in it lead to the previous ListView activity. There is a weird situation..
Disable Home Button in Android ICS (4.0) doing our updates to the app we don't want to give the user the option of reselecting a Home default as that would lead to data deletion. The code I have for disableing the Home button in 3.2 is @Override public void onAttachedToWindow getWindow..
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler If handler is not static your Service or Activity cannot be garbage collected even after being destroyed. This may lead to memory leaks for some time at least as long as the messages stay int the queue. This is not much of an issue unless you..
Android AsyncTask for Long Running Operations UI of the new Activity. Indeed it updates the former instance of the activity that is not displayed anymore. This can lead to an Exception of the type java.lang.IllegalArgumentException View not attached to window manager if you use for instance..
Android ScrollView layout problem First Never put a ListView in a ScrollView as you found out yourself . Unfortunately googling this problem doesn't lead to any solutions so I tried my suggestion from my comment above. I implemented a custom ListAdapter and put the ListViews.. my comment above. I implemented a custom ListAdapter and put the ListViews into one parent ListView. This doesn't work leads to the same problem as with a ScrollView . Speaking to the guys on the official android irc #android dev on freenode they..
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in The problem is not related to the accounts for testing section. Using an account which is not enabled for testing will lead to another error message E GameAgent Unable to retrieve 1P application 547xxxxxx457 from network E CheckGameplayAcl Unable..
How to close Android application? P P B NOTE B All threads running under the process will be abruptly killed when the app is killed quickly. This can lead to various issues related to threading. For example if one of those threads was making multiple related changes to the database..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns on the link I provided says that CONTSTRAINT name should come before my constraint definition. Something that may lead to the solution though is that whatever follows my parenthesized column definitions is what the debugger complains about...
Finish parent and current activity in Android parent and current activity in Android I have 3 activities. Activity A which leads to activity B which in turn can go back to activity A or start activity C. However if I press back in activity C the app.. back in activity C the app should close. To sum up Activity A starts activity B Pressing Back on activity B should lead to A Activity B starts activity C Pressing Back on activity C should close the app How should I go from activity B to C..
How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? For My Android Market APK I want to upload my first APK app to the Android Market but I got this error which did not lead me to the correct link when searched for in stackoverflow by the way . Market does not accept apks signed with the debug..
Difference between Activity Context and Application Context Toast.makeText getApplicationContext .... using getApplicationContext crashes both ProgressDialog and Toast .... which lead me to this question What is the actual differences between a activity context and application context despite sharing the..
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents that lauching it from the market uses a different intent then launching it from the phone's applications menu. This is leading to multiple copies of the same activity being launched which are conflicting with each other. For example if my app consists.. which are conflicting with each other. For example if my app consists of the activities A B C then the above issue can lead to a stack A B C A. I tried using android launchMode singleTask on all the activities to fix this problem but it has the..
Android - disable landscape mode? a giant usability hassle especially on the Shield . If your app doesn't have an extremely specific use case that would lead to an outright negative experience for supporting other orientations you should probably not force landscape. I'm talking..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email the attachment but no text at all in the body or subject. When I send it the attachment sends correctly. That would lead me to believe something is quite wrong. Do I need a new permission in the Manifest launch an intent to send email w attachment..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client did not try. set center works. and setZoom level also . Maybe there is something in the points i mentioned which could lead to that your map does not work like you want. Good luck edit i forgot to mention that i am still getting that factory client..
Android: How to declare global variables? is no concrete benefit to using a Singleton instead of an Application subclass in this aspect. She continues And this leads more naturally to how you should be managing these things initializing them on demand. This ignores the fact that there.. and further that using Singletons generally points to extremely inflexible design which is not easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract the Android API offers to developer applications is one of the.. to developer applications is one of the most appealing and pleasing aspects of programming with Android and helped lead to early developer adoption which drove the Android platform to the success it has today. Suggesting using Singletons is..
Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders build not sure about Android Happy coding. Here is one implementation String makePlaceholders int len if len 1 It will lead to an invalid query anyway .. throw new RuntimeException No placeholders else StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder len 2 1..
Android REST client, Sample? other ideas you do use or like I've met these articles Restful API service Java REST client API for Android And that lead me to this Google I O 2010 video about REST client applications http watch v xHXn3Kg2IQE feature player_embedded.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException alarms. There are some buttons in it to start the other one which is for add edit alarms. There is a button in it lead to the previous ListView activity. There is a weird situation I ran into recently. My app works fine. But the problem is..