android Programming Glossary: ldpi
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? screen android screenSize large android screenDensity ldpi screen android screenSize large android screenDensity mdpi screen.. screen android screenSize xlarge android screenDensity ldpi screen android screenSize xlarge android screenDensity mdpi.. screen android screenSize normal android screenDensity ldpi screen android screenSize normal android screenDensity mdpi..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen screen densities Qualifier Description Nominal value ldpi low density 120 ppi mdpi medium density 160 ppi hdpi high density.. and give source drawable hdpi and destination drawable ldpi drawable mdpi drawable xdpi . The reason I insist you to use.. screen xhdpi hdpi mdpi may be get cut in small screen ldpi so for handling this just create separate Layout folder layout..
Standard Android menu icons, for example refresh [closed] website but I would like to get the correct hdpi mdpi and ldpi version preferable the original ones. android share improve..
Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android hdpi Drawable mdpi Drawable ldpi Android I was working on Android 1.5 but now moved to the latest.. 3 folders that hdpi means High dpi mdpi means medium dpi ldpi means low dpi But still I have some confusion around what is..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? at least 426dp x 320dp Generalised Dpi values for screens ldpi Resources for low density ldpi screens ~120dpi mdpi Resources.. Dpi values for screens ldpi Resources for low density ldpi screens ~120dpi mdpi Resources for medium density mdpi screens.. size of your resources assuming they are full screen ldpi Vertical 426 120 160 319.5px Horizontal 320 120 160 240px mdpi..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app you need to put your splash.png file into res drawable ldpi res drawable mdpi res drawable hdpi res drawable xhdpi . Where.. at least 640 x 480 medium mdpi at least 470 x 320 small ldpi at least 426 x 320 Then in your main Java class the one that..
How to find the device as LDPI MDPI HDPI or XHDPI [duplicate] to find the device as LDPI MDPI HDPI or XHDPI duplicate This question already has an answer.. case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW Toast.makeText context LDPI Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM..
Size of android notification bar and title bar? notification bar depending on the screen density 24px for LDPI 32px for MDPI 48px for HDPI So if you retrieve the screen density..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? some qualifiers but that's up to you For instance on LDPI small device you may want to remove some buttons or change a..
Only use XHDPI drawables in Android app? drawables in Android app If you're planning to support LDPI MDPI HPDI and perhaps XHDPI in the near future is it ok to only..
Android screen size HDPI, LDPI, MDPI screen size HDPI LDPI MDPI I have a background that I need fit in all screen sizes...
Explain the difference between drawable, drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi and drawable-hdpi here some quick and helpful tips Consider MDPI is 1 . Then LDPI is 0.75 and HDPI is 1.5 . What that means is that if you have.. say 50x50 on a MDPI screen it will have to be ~37x37 on a LDPI screen and 75x75 on a HDPI screen in order to appear at roughly.. small and have an HDPI screen or very large and have an LDPI screen. The whole point of this density differentiation is to..
How to support all the different resolutions of android products it supported the three commonly used resolutions 240x320 LDPI 320x480 MDPI and 480x800 HDPI . The 480x854 didn't do any harm.. devices to test my android apps on Samsung Galaxy Europe LDPI HTC Desire Z HDPI Luckily my girlfriend has a HTC Wildfire S.. 25 Besides the parameters I've also created drawables for LDPI MDPI and HDPI. This works fine for the resolutions described..
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? normal android screenDensity xhdpi all large size screens screen android screenSize large android screenDensity ldpi screen android screenSize large android screenDensity mdpi screen android screenSize large android screenDensity hdpi screen.. large android screenDensity xhdpi all xlarge size screens screen android screenSize xlarge android screenDensity ldpi screen android screenSize xlarge android screenDensity mdpi screen android screenSize xlarge android screenDensity hdpi.. screens no small size screens all normal size screens screen android screenSize normal android screenDensity ldpi screen android screenSize normal android screenDensity mdpi screen android screenSize normal android screenDensity hdpi..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen for example large tablets Android defines four generalised screen densities Qualifier Description Nominal value ldpi low density 120 ppi mdpi medium density 160 ppi hdpi high density 240 ppi xhdpi extra high density 320 ppi Typically screen.. once Action created for all size then just do Batch Automate and give source drawable hdpi and destination drawable ldpi drawable mdpi drawable xdpi . The reason I insist you to use Photoshop because it will resize automatically your image with.. Sometimes there may be possibility that the layout which support screen xhdpi hdpi mdpi may be get cut in small screen ldpi so for handling this just create separate Layout folder layout small for it and add ScrollView mostly . Thats it. Tablet..
Standard Android menu icons, for example refresh [closed] look everywhere for the images. I know the Android Drawables website but I would like to get the correct hdpi mdpi and ldpi version preferable the original ones. android share improve this question Never mind I found it in the source base.git..
Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android hdpi Drawable mdpi Drawable ldpi Android I was working on Android 1.5 but now moved to the latest version. So there is only one drawable folder in Android.. android project. And as I have found some articles for these 3 folders that hdpi means High dpi mdpi means medium dpi ldpi means low dpi But still I have some confusion around what is the exact purpose of these 3 folders and when to use a particular..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? normal screens are at least 470dp x 320dp small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp Generalised Dpi values for screens ldpi Resources for low density ldpi screens ~120dpi mdpi Resources for medium density mdpi screens ~160dpi . This is the baseline.. x 320dp small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp Generalised Dpi values for screens ldpi Resources for low density ldpi screens ~120dpi mdpi Resources for medium density mdpi screens ~160dpi . This is the baseline density. hdpi Resources for.. extra high density xhdpi screens ~320dpi . Therefore generalised size of your resources assuming they are full screen ldpi Vertical 426 120 160 319.5px Horizontal 320 120 160 240px mdpi Vertical 470 160 160 470px Horizontal 320 160 160 320px hdpi..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app order to have a splash screen in a PhoneGap Android application you need to put your splash.png file into res drawable ldpi res drawable mdpi res drawable hdpi res drawable xhdpi . Where those directories represent low medium high and extra large.. image should be xlarge xhdpi at least 960 x 720 large hdpi at least 640 x 480 medium mdpi at least 470 x 320 small ldpi at least 426 x 320 Then in your main Java class the one that extends DroidGap you'll need to add one line and modify another...
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? to devices with these features as defined in your application manifest. Screen densities LARGE MDPI LARGE HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI XLARGE LDPI XLARGE XHDPI NORMAL MDPI NORMAL HDPI NORMAL XHDPI Required device features.. application manifest. Screen densities LARGE MDPI LARGE HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI XLARGE LDPI XLARGE XHDPI NORMAL MDPI NORMAL HDPI NORMAL XHDPI Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait android.hardware.touchscreen..
How to find the device as LDPI MDPI HDPI or XHDPI [duplicate] to find the device as LDPI MDPI HDPI or XHDPI duplicate This question already has an answer here How to check an Android device is HDPI screen or.. getResources .getDisplayMetrics .densityDpi switch density case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW Toast.makeText context LDPI Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM Toast.makeText context MDPI Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break..
Size of android notification bar and title bar? there are only three different heights for the status notification bar depending on the screen density 24px for LDPI 32px for MDPI 48px for HDPI So if you retrieve the screen density of the device using densityDpi of DisplayMetrics you know..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? add some buttons or change the layout in landscape mode by adding some qualifiers but that's up to you For instance on LDPI small device you may want to remove some buttons or change a little bit to fit the small screen. You may also want to put..
Only use XHDPI drawables in Android app? use XHDPI drawables in Android app If you're planning to support LDPI MDPI HPDI and perhaps XHDPI in the near future is it ok to only include XHDPI drawables in the project and let the devices..
Android screen size HDPI, LDPI, MDPI screen size HDPI LDPI MDPI I have a background that I need fit in all screen sizes. I have three folders hdpi ldpi and mdpi for drawables but..
Explain the difference between drawable, drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi and drawable-hdpi great articles on this. However I'm going to try and list here some quick and helpful tips Consider MDPI is 1 . Then LDPI is 0.75 and HDPI is 1.5 . What that means is that if you have a drawable that is say 50x50 on a MDPI screen it will have.. 1.5 . What that means is that if you have a drawable that is say 50x50 on a MDPI screen it will have to be ~37x37 on a LDPI screen and 75x75 on a HDPI screen in order to appear at roughly the same physical size on each screen i.e. 2cm if you put.. and or resolution and or aspect ratio. A device could be very small and have an HDPI screen or very large and have an LDPI screen. The whole point of this density differentiation is to have things look the same size on all devices not fit the..
How to support all the different resolutions of android products me nuts. My first android app that I wrote was designed so it supported the three commonly used resolutions 240x320 LDPI 320x480 MDPI and 480x800 HDPI . The 480x854 didn't do any harm to the layout because it has the same width as 480x800. I've.. has the same width as 480x800. I've also bought the following devices to test my android apps on Samsung Galaxy Europe LDPI HTC Desire Z HDPI Luckily my girlfriend has a HTC Wildfire S MDPI so I've got most resolutions covered. But today my brother.. textSize 28 timeWidth 40 dayWidth 55 moneyWidth 25 Besides the parameters I've also created drawables for LDPI MDPI and HDPI. This works fine for the resolutions described above but this depends on the screen resolution i.c.w. screen..