android Programming Glossary: layout.setorientation
Admob on Multiple Activities? Log.i AdMob Start Setup layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layout.setGravity android.view.Gravity.BOTTOM..
How to Parse XML file Using Dom Parsing? display the view LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation 1 Create a new textview array to display the results TextView.. display the view LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation 1 Create a new textview array to display the results TextView..
How can i put my buttons like that? This is my code LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LinearLayout layout2 new LinearLayout..
Android: chronometer as a persistent stopwatch. How to set starting time? What is Chronometer “Base”? LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL mChronometer new Chronometer this Set..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL mChronometer new Chronometer this layout.addView..
Scroll TextView to text position to position LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layout.addView scrollView new LayoutParams..
PopupWindow in android LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for..
How do I programmatically add buttons into layout one by one in several lines? layout LinearLayout findViewById layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL Can also be done in xml by android orientation..
how to create a popup window in android? [closed] LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for..
How to register a custom speech recognition service? LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layout.addView startButton layout.addView..
Admob on Multiple Activities? Log.i Admob Calling External public void SetupAds Log.i AdMob Start Setup layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layout.setGravity android.view.Gravity.BOTTOM android.view.Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL To put AdMob..
How to Parse XML file Using Dom Parsing? mScrView1 new ScrollView this Create a new layout to display the view LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation 1 Create a new textview array to display the results TextView id TextView published TextView content TextView title TextView.. mScrView1 new ScrollView this Create a new layout to display the view LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation 1 Create a new textview array to display the results TextView id TextView published TextView content TextView title TextView..
How can i put my buttons like that? buttons like that I want to put my number button like that. This is my code LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LinearLayout layout2 new LinearLayout this layout2.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL TextView..
Android: chronometer as a persistent stopwatch. How to set starting time? What is Chronometer “Base”? void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL mChronometer new Chronometer this Set the initial value mChronometer.setText 00 10 layout.addView..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL mChronometer new Chronometer this layout.addView mChronometer Button startButton new Button this startButton.setText..
Scroll TextView to text position textView Button button new Button this button.setText Scroll to position LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layout.addView scrollView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT 200 layout.addView button new..
PopupWindow in android false else popUp.dismiss click true params new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for popup window layout.addView tv params popUp.setContentView..
How do I programmatically add buttons into layout one by one in several lines? such as LinearLayout or RelativeLayout. LinearLayout layout LinearLayout findViewById layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL Can also be done in xml by android orientation vertical for int i 0 i 3 i LinearLayout row new LinearLayout..
how to create a popup window in android? [closed] false else popUp.dismiss click true params new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL tv.setText Hi this is a sample text for popup window layout.addView tv params popUp.setContentView..
How to register a custom speech recognition service? View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v stopVoiceService LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this layout.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL layout.addView startButton layout.addView stopButton setContentView layout private void startVoiceService..