android Programming Glossary: lays
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application act.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE menu inflater.inflate null FrameLayout.LayoutParams lays new FrameLayout.LayoutParams 1 1 3 lays.setMargins 0 statusHeight 0 0 menu.setLayoutParams lays parent.addView menu ListView.. menu inflater.inflate null FrameLayout.LayoutParams lays new FrameLayout.LayoutParams 1 1 3 lays.setMargins 0 statusHeight 0 0 menu.setLayoutParams lays parent.addView menu ListView list ListView act.findViewById lays new FrameLayout.LayoutParams 1 1 3 lays.setMargins 0 statusHeight 0 0 menu.setLayoutParams lays parent.addView menu ListView list ListView act.findViewById list.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener..
Is there an example of how to use a TouchDelegate in Android to increase the size of a view's click target? parent View delegate.getParent new Runnable Post in the parent's message queue to make sure the parent lays out its children before we call getHitRect public void run final Rect r new Rect delegate.getHitRect r 4 r.bottom..
Android Softkeyboard enter the numeric value into edittext very slow xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android id @ id lays android layout_width wrap_content android background @color white android layout_height wrap_content android orientation..
Building FFMPEG with librtmp for android .. build ffmpeg armeabi extra cflags I.. rtmpdump librtmp extra ldflags L.. rtmpdump librtmp and rtmpdump directory lays on the same level as ffmpeg. As i understand last two strings in my config says where compiler may find sources of librtmp...
Stacking image views with overlapping still on top of eachother 100 android android layout share improve this question Create a custom ViewGroup that lays out it's children in onLayout. There are quite a few examples if you search for custom ViewGroup onLayout . In general the..