android Programming Glossary: ld.setlayerinset
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 ViewTreeObserver obs tv.getViewTreeObserver..
Multi-gradient shapes tv.getBackground int topInset tv.getHeight 2 does not work ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld However This leads.. LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 And I'm done Whew share improve this..
When Can I First Measure a View? when to call this so as not to get 0 int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld android layout.. production int height tv.getHeight int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld return true In.. mLastTvHeight mLastTvHeight height int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld return true But..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 ViewTreeObserver obs tv.getViewTreeObserver if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN..
Multi-gradient shapes findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int topInset tv.getHeight 2 does not work ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld However This leads to yet another annoying problem in that you cannot measure..
When Can I First Measure a View? ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int height tv.getHeight when to call this so as not to get 0 int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld android layout height android lifecycle share improve this question I.. tv height is tv.getHeight bad for performance remove on production int height tv.getHeight int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld return true In my test project onPreDraw has been called twice and I think.. remove on production int height tv.getHeight if height mLastTvHeight mLastTvHeight height int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld return true But that sounds a bit complicated for what you are trying to..