android Programming Glossary: geomagneticfield
Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android depending where you are on earth. You can obtain by using GeomagneticField class. GeomagneticField geoField private final LocationListener.. on earth. You can obtain by using GeomagneticField class. GeomagneticField geoField private final LocationListener locationListener new.. void onLocationChanged Location location geoField new GeomagneticField Double.valueOf location.getLatitude .floatValue Double.valueOf..
Rotating an ImageView like a compass (with the “north pole” set elsewhere) float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLatitude.. 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLatitude .floatValue Double.. float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLatitude..
Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android north for your location. This difference is variable depending where you are on earth. You can obtain by using GeomagneticField class. GeomagneticField geoField private final LocationListener locationListener new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged.. This difference is variable depending where you are on earth. You can obtain by using GeomagneticField class. GeomagneticField geoField private final LocationListener locationListener new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged Location location.. LocationListener locationListener new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged Location location geoField new GeomagneticField Double.valueOf location.getLatitude .floatValue Double.valueOf location.getLongitude .floatValue Double.valueOf location.getAltitude..
Rotating an ImageView like a compass (with the “north pole” set elsewhere) don't have a Location we break out if LocationObj null return float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLatitude .floatValue Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLongitude.. out if LocationObj null return float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLatitude .floatValue Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLongitude .floatValue Double.valueOf.. don't have a Location we break out if LocationObj null return float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLatitude .floatValue Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLongitude..