android Programming Glossary: getaccesstoken
android facebook authorization - can not login when official facebook app installed .authorizeCallback requestCode resultCode data public void getAccessToken SessionEvents.AuthListener listener new SessionEvents.AuthListener.. setupAccessToken facebookConnector.getFacebook .getAccessToken @Override public void onAuthFail String error Toast.makeText..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API need our previosly refresh token private static String getAccessToken String refreshToken HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? access_token_url authorize_url mAccessToken mSession.getAccessToken configureToken public void setListener TwDialogListener listener.. sharedPref.getString TWEET_USER_NAME public AccessToken getAccessToken String token sharedPref.getString TWEET_AUTH_KEY null String..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) REQUEST_URL ACCESS_URL AUTHORIZE_URL mAccessToken mSession.getAccessToken configureToken public void setListener TwDialogListener listener.. sharedPref.getString TWEET_USER_NAME public AccessToken getAccessToken token sharedPref.getString TWEET_AUTH_KEY null tokenSecret sharedPref.getString..
Google Drive SDK Exception protected String doInBackground Account... params return getAccessToken params 0 @Override protected void onPostExecute String s if.. @param activity @param account @return private String getAccessToken Account account try return GoogleAuthUtil.getToken ctx
How to retrieve an Facebook-AuthToken from the accounts saved on Android
Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error app_id mAppId if isSessionValid parameters.putString TOKEN getAccessToken String url endpoint Util.encodeUrl parameters if context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission..
Android Tumblr Oauth-signpost 401 url if token null try String accessToken helper.getAccessToken token 1 editor.putString OauthToken accessToken 0 editor.putString.. e e.printStackTrace finish The helper class's getAccessToken and getVerifier look like this public String getVerifier String.. return new String token verifier public String getAccessToken final String verifier throws OAuthMessageSignerException OAuthNotAuthorizedException..
android facebook authorization - can not login when official facebook app installed resultCode Intent data this.facebookConnector.getFacebook .authorizeCallback requestCode resultCode data public void getAccessToken SessionEvents.AuthListener listener new SessionEvents.AuthListener @Override public void onAuthSucceed setupAccessToken.. new SessionEvents.AuthListener @Override public void onAuthSucceed setupAccessToken facebookConnector.getFacebook .getAccessToken @Override public void onAuthFail String error Toast.makeText getApplicationContext getString R.string.error_login Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API Play Android Developer API Getting the access token. We will need our previosly refresh token private static String getAccessToken String refreshToken HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost post new HttpPost https o oauth2..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? mHttpOauthprovider new DefaultOAuthProvider request_url access_token_url authorize_url mAccessToken mSession.getAccessToken configureToken public void setListener TwDialogListener listener mListener listener @SuppressWarnings deprecation private.. null editor.commit public String getUsername return sharedPref.getString TWEET_USER_NAME public AccessToken getAccessToken String token sharedPref.getString TWEET_AUTH_KEY null String tokenSecret sharedPref.getString TWEET_AUTH_SECRET_KEY null..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) mSecretKey mHttpOauthprovider new DefaultOAuthProvider REQUEST_URL ACCESS_URL AUTHORIZE_URL mAccessToken mSession.getAccessToken configureToken public void setListener TwDialogListener listener mListener listener private void configureToken if mAccessToken.. null editor.commit public String getUsername return sharedPref.getString TWEET_USER_NAME public AccessToken getAccessToken token sharedPref.getString TWEET_AUTH_KEY null tokenSecret sharedPref.getString TWEET_AUTH_SECRET_KEY null if token null..
Google Drive SDK Exception me.cancel true @Override protected String doInBackground Account... params return getAccessToken params 0 @Override protected void onPostExecute String s if s null Wait for the extra intent else accountName s getDriveFiles.. DIRECTLY. It must be run asynchronously inside an AsyncTask. @param activity @param account @return private String getAccessToken Account account try return GoogleAuthUtil.getToken ctx oauth2 DriveScopes.DRIVE IMPORTANT DriveScopes must..
How to retrieve an Facebook-AuthToken from the accounts saved on Android
Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error client_id mAppId else parameters.putString app_id mAppId if isSessionValid parameters.putString TOKEN getAccessToken String url endpoint Util.encodeUrl parameters if context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission Manifest.permission.INTERNET PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED..
Android Tumblr Oauth-signpost 401 Callback Url and does this with it String token helper.getVerifier url if token null try String accessToken helper.getAccessToken token 1 editor.putString OauthToken accessToken 0 editor.putString OauthSecret accessToken 1 editor.commit catch Exception.. OauthSecret accessToken 1 editor.commit catch Exception e e.printStackTrace finish The helper class's getAccessToken and getVerifier look like this public String getVerifier String myUrl extract the token if it exists Uri uri Uri.parse myUrl.. oauth_token String verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier return new String token verifier public String getAccessToken final String verifier throws OAuthMessageSignerException OAuthNotAuthorizedException OAuthExpectationFailedException OAuthCommunicationException..