android Programming Glossary: generatedid
ORMLite with CursorAdapter in Android create a column named _id using ORMLite @DatabaseField generatedId true private int _id or @DatabaseField generatedId true columnName.. generatedId true private int _id or @DatabaseField generatedId true columnName _id private int id If you are working with Cursor..
Saving nested foreign objects with ORMLite on Android Class. @DatabaseTable public class Parent @DatabaseField generatedId true public int id @DatabaseField public String name @DatabaseField.. Class. @DatabaseTable public class Child @DatabaseField generatedId true public int id @DatabaseField public String name I want..
Collections in ORMLite in my android app. For example class Person @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id @DatabaseField private String name @DatabaseField.. Collections Phone phones class Phone @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id @DatabaseField private String number @DatabaseField.. little @DatabaseTable public class Student @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id @DatabaseField private String name @DatabaseField..
How to extend the BaseDaoImpl class of ORMLite on Android to extend functionality @DatabaseField canBeNull false columnName ID_COLUMN_NAME generatedId true private int id @SerializedName value id @DatabaseField..
ORMLite with CursorAdapter in Android that you've already answered you problem. You can certainly create a column named _id using ORMLite @DatabaseField generatedId true private int _id or @DatabaseField generatedId true columnName _id private int id If you are working with Cursor s then.. certainly create a column named _id using ORMLite @DatabaseField generatedId true private int _id or @DatabaseField generatedId true columnName _id private int id If you are working with Cursor s then you may want to take a look at the last and moveAbsolute..
Saving nested foreign objects with ORMLite on Android call to dao.create For exmaple I have the following Parent Class. @DatabaseTable public class Parent @DatabaseField generatedId true public int id @DatabaseField public String name @DatabaseField public Child child and the following Child Class. @DatabaseTable.. name @DatabaseField public Child child and the following Child Class. @DatabaseTable public class Child @DatabaseField generatedId true public int id @DatabaseField public String name I want to be able to do the following. Parent parent new Parent
Collections in ORMLite Hello I want persist some collections data with ORMlite in my android app. For example class Person @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id @DatabaseField private String name @DatabaseField private String surname @ForeignCollectionField private.. private String surname @ForeignCollectionField private Collections Phone phones class Phone @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id @DatabaseField private String number @DatabaseField private String type How i should do it to persist.. is possible construction like that I changed class a little @DatabaseTable public class Student @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id @DatabaseField private String name @DatabaseField private String surname @DatabaseField private String..
How to extend the BaseDaoImpl class of ORMLite on Android to extend functionality OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME object_id @SerializedName value _id @DatabaseField canBeNull false columnName ID_COLUMN_NAME generatedId true private int id @SerializedName value id @DatabaseField canBeNull false columnName OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME index true..