android Programming Glossary: gd
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? colors 0xeeffffff 0xee0038a8 0xeece1126 GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM colors gd.setBounds.. gd new GradientDrawable Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM colors gd.setBounds 0 0 100 129 gd.setCornerRadius 20 gd.setStroke 5 0xaa666666.. Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM colors gd.setBounds 0 0 100 129 gd.setCornerRadius 20 gd.setStroke 5 0xaa666666 final Matrix mm..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android MyWebView extends WebView Context context GestureDetector gd public MyWebView Context context super context this.context.. Context context super context this.context context gd new GestureDetector context sogl @Override public boolean onTouchEvent.. public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event return gd.onTouchEvent event GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener..
How do I programmatically set the background color gradient on a Custom Title Bar? View layout findViewById GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM.. new int 0xFF616261 0xFF131313 gd.setCornerRadius 0f layout.setBackgroundDrawable gd For this.. gd.setCornerRadius 0f layout.setBackgroundDrawable gd For this to work I added an id to your main LinearLayout as..
Android - how to define ShapeDrawables programmatically? a look at my GradientDrawable example GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP new int Color.RED.. Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP new int Color.RED Color.GREEN gd.setStroke 10 Color.BLUE You may also need following method gd.setGradientCenter.. 10 Color.BLUE You may also need following method gd.setGradientCenter float x float y gd.setGradientRadius float..
Get maximum HorizontalScrollView scroll amount final GestureDetector gd new GestureDetector new SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public.. @Override public boolean onTouch View arg0 MotionEvent ev gd.onTouchEvent ev return false Output from the above debugging..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? new Runnable @Override public void run ad.start int colors 0xeeffffff 0xee0038a8 0xeece1126 GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM colors gd.setBounds 0 0 100 129 gd.setCornerRadius 20 gd.setStroke 5 0xaa666666.. int colors 0xeeffffff 0xee0038a8 0xeece1126 GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM colors gd.setBounds 0 0 100 129 gd.setCornerRadius 20 gd.setStroke 5 0xaa666666 final Matrix mm new Matrix mm.preTranslate 200 69.. 0xee0038a8 0xeece1126 GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM colors gd.setBounds 0 0 100 129 gd.setCornerRadius 20 gd.setStroke 5 0xaa666666 final Matrix mm new Matrix mm.preTranslate 200 69 pixels to offset mm.preRotate..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android webview new MyWebView this setContentView webview class MyWebView extends WebView Context context GestureDetector gd public MyWebView Context context super context this.context context gd new GestureDetector context sogl @Override public.. WebView Context context GestureDetector gd public MyWebView Context context super context this.context context gd new GestureDetector context sogl @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event return gd.onTouchEvent event.. context gd new GestureDetector context sogl @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event return gd.onTouchEvent event GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener sogl new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener public boolean..
How do I programmatically set the background color gradient on a Custom Title Bar? create a new GradientDrawable and set it as the background View layout findViewById GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM new int 0xFF616261 0xFF131313 gd.setCornerRadius 0f layout.setBackgroundDrawable.. GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM new int 0xFF616261 0xFF131313 gd.setCornerRadius 0f layout.setBackgroundDrawable gd For this to work I added an id to your main LinearLayout as follows xml.. new int 0xFF616261 0xFF131313 gd.setCornerRadius 0f layout.setBackgroundDrawable gd For this to work I added an id to your main LinearLayout as follows xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..
Android - how to define ShapeDrawables programmatically? It seems that is does not work with ShapeDrawable but take a look at my GradientDrawable example GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP new int Color.RED Color.GREEN gd.setStroke 10 Color.BLUE You may also need following.. GradientDrawable example GradientDrawable gd new GradientDrawable Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP new int Color.RED Color.GREEN gd.setStroke 10 Color.BLUE You may also need following method gd.setGradientCenter float x float y gd.setGradientRadius float..
Get maximum HorizontalScrollView scroll amount scrollView HorizontalScrollView toReturn.findViewById final GestureDetector gd new GestureDetector new SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onScroll MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float.. scrollView.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener @Override public boolean onTouch View arg0 MotionEvent ev gd.onTouchEvent ev return false Output from the above debugging 10 03 14 36 16.343 VERBOSE 20508 max 240 current 126 10 03..