android Programming Glossary: getallcontacts
Easy database access methods in Android rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.display getAllContacts this.getContentResolver ListView lv ListView findViewById TODO Auto generated method stub ma.toggle arg2 public void getAllContacts ContentResolver cr Cursor phones cr.query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI.. 2 textviews and one checkbox is inflated for each row. getAllContacts will get all contacts from the contacts list and you store them..
How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.listview getAllContacts this.getContentResolver listView ListView findViewById int arg2 long arg3 myAdapter.toggle arg2 public void getAllContacts ContentResolver cr Cursor cursor cr.query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI.. ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER Log.d TAG getAllContacts phoneNumber contactName.add name contactNumber.add phoneNumber..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME..
Easy database access methods in Android long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME KEY_EMAIL null null null null null retrieves a particular contact..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.display getAllContacts this.getContentResolver ListView lv ListView findViewById ma new MyAdapter lv.setAdapter ma lv.setOnItemClickListener.. onItemClick AdapterView arg0 View arg1 int arg2 long arg3 TODO Auto generated method stub ma.toggle arg2 public void getAllContacts ContentResolver cr Cursor phones cr.query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI null null null null while phones.moveToNext.. The above uses a Custom Adapter. A custom layout row.xml with 2 textviews and one checkbox is inflated for each row. getAllContacts will get all contacts from the contacts list and you store them in a list. Custom Adapter displays the items in a custom..
How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.listview getAllContacts this.getContentResolver listView ListView findViewById myAdapter new MyAdapter listView.setAdapter myAdapter.. @Override public void onItemClick AdapterView arg0 View arg1 int arg2 long arg3 myAdapter.toggle arg2 public void getAllContacts ContentResolver cr Cursor cursor cr.query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI null null null ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME.. phoneNumber cursor .getString cursor .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER Log.d TAG getAllContacts phoneNumber contactName.add name contactNumber.add phoneNumber cursor.close Intent in new Intent this TrackLogic.class..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME KEY_MOVES KEY_TIME null null null null null retrieves a particular..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE new String KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME KEY_EMAIL null null null null null retrieves a particular contact..