android Programming Glossary: generation
cannot combine custom titles with other title features 13 So you see the Android UI is touted as being a 4th generation UI framework in which the UI is declarative and independently..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 seed is an array of bytes used to bootstrap random number generation. To produce cryptographically secure random numbers both the..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video queueing an input buffer will immediately result in the generation of one output buffer. Some codecs may accumulate several frames..
Detect a finger swipe through JavaScript on the iPhone and Android this jquery touchwipe plugin which works on both my first generation ipod touch and my droid incredible. http jquery..
What can you not do on the Dalvik VM (Android's VM) that you can in Sun VM? advanced. The most severe example is runtime bytecode generation and custom class loading. Let's say you would like to create.. to not work on Dalvik unless you change your bytecode generation. That prevents you from using certain dependency injection frameworks..
Force application to restart on first activity android
Does Android XML Layout's 'include' Tag Really Work? params set in the included XML file. During a layoutparams generation a runtime exception is thrown if either layout_width or layout_height..
Mocking library/framework that works best in Android? Mockito plain EasyMock since CGLib relies on byte code generation and won't work on Dalvik it also relies on the Java Beans package..
How to create pdf files on android [duplicate] on Android. Can any one help me java android pdf pdf generation share improve this question There is a lot of pdf libraries..
Aspect-oriented programming in android runtime weaving do not. Android does not support bytecode generation. Check the Guice wiki Behind the scenes method interception.. If you are on a platform that doesn't support bytecode generation such as Android you should use Guice without AOP support. ..
How to save state during orientation change in Android if the state is made of my classes? data was for optimizing things like thumbnail generation that are nice to save for performance reasons but not critical..
Making Sense of Android meta-viewport scaling: What am I missing? implies it only works for webkit browsers. Ramble The new generation Android and iOS devices have such varying screen DPIs that they've..
Android games development SDK? [closed] emerging in response to higher standards of the next generation in performance and hardware. Now Android platform has been surpported..
What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning? respect to that fixed location. My question is in current generation smart phones iphones android phones etc how accurately can one..
Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes? listening realize that no one is perfect even in a second generation business. This is a streaming audio file. Still have some issue..
Android Performance - 'Avoid Internal Getters/Setters' performance hit is a result of limitations of the current generation of older Android JIT compilers. This situation is sure to improve..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? in the market around Christmas. As to Icecream on current generation of Froyo Gingerbread phones official ODM carrier 4.0 releases..
How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available? phones. mkstubs does much the same as the DroidDoc stubs generation process however it does not use @hide annotations it uses a..
cannot combine custom titles with other title features uses sdk android minSdkVersion 7 android targetSdkVersion 13 So you see the Android UI is touted as being a 4th generation UI framework in which the UI is declarative and independently themed but at the end of the day it's all the same s t Developing..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 Javadocs which state Seeding SecureRandom may be insecure A seed is an array of bytes used to bootstrap random number generation. To produce cryptographically secure random numbers both the seed and the algorithm must be secure. By default instances..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video AVC codec supports one or the other. It's not the case that queueing an input buffer will immediately result in the generation of one output buffer. Some codecs may accumulate several frames of input before producing output and may produce output..
Detect a finger swipe through JavaScript on the iPhone and Android
What can you not do on the Dalvik VM (Android's VM) that you can in Sun VM? same way as standard Java bytecode though most of them are quite advanced. The most severe example is runtime bytecode generation and custom class loading. Let's say you would like to create some bytecode and then use classloader to load it for you if.. you if that trick works on your normal machine it is guaranteed to not work on Dalvik unless you change your bytecode generation. That prevents you from using certain dependency injection frameworks most known example being Google Guice though I am..
Force application to restart on first activity android
Does Android XML Layout's 'include' Tag Really Work? include tag. If they don't exist we will rely on the layout params set in the included XML file. During a layoutparams generation a runtime exception is thrown if either layout_width or layout_height is missing. We catch this exception and set localParams..
Mocking library/framework that works best in Android? no solution. You can immediately forget anything based on CGLib Mockito plain EasyMock since CGLib relies on byte code generation and won't work on Dalvik it also relies on the Java Beans package which is also not part of Android . For what it's worth..
How to create pdf files on android [duplicate] SDK 5 answers Can't find any library to create pdf files on Android. Can any one help me java android pdf pdf generation share improve this question There is a lot of pdf libraries for java which you use when you program for android . Here..
Aspect-oriented programming in android AspectJ's compile time weaving would work on android but runtime weaving do not. Android does not support bytecode generation. Check the Guice wiki Behind the scenes method interception is implemented by generating bytecode at runtime. Guice dynamically..
How to save state during orientation change in Android if the state is made of my classes? creation. And as Dianne pointed out retaining nonconfiguration data was for optimizing things like thumbnail generation that are nice to save for performance reasons but not critical to your activity functioning if they need to be redone it's..
Making Sense of Android meta-viewport scaling: What am I missing? device pixel ratio media query may also help but as the name implies it only works for webkit browsers. Ramble The new generation Android and iOS devices have such varying screen DPIs that they've resorted to reporting CSS pixels rather than actual device..
Android games development SDK? [closed] 2.0 branch for years still to come a 3.0 branch is quickly emerging in response to higher standards of the next generation in performance and hardware. Now Android platform has been surpported by jME3 Android Support Confirmed for jME3. So jMonkeyEngine..
What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning? phone is to be activated to track any further movements with respect to that fixed location. My question is in current generation smart phones iphones android phones etc how accurately can one expect to be able to track somebodies position based on the..
Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes? story in this business. This story will help everyone listening realize that no one is perfect even in a second generation business. This is a streaming audio file. Still have some issue I can update question more. android android layout android..
Android Performance - 'Avoid Internal Getters/Setters' setters despite the performance hit that this may incur. The performance hit is a result of limitations of the current generation of older Android JIT compilers. This situation is sure to improve has improved with Gingerbread. Reference http
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? for several months or longer and actual devices may show in the market around Christmas. As to Icecream on current generation of Froyo Gingerbread phones official ODM carrier 4.0 releases will never happen I'd love to be proved wrong on this. Any..
How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available? you with an additional API for stuff specific to Samsung phones. mkstubs does much the same as the DroidDoc stubs generation process however it does not use @hide annotations it uses a .defs file describing which packages classes fields to include..