android Programming Glossary: gestures
Menu like Facebook and Sliding from One View to Another by touch in Android 2.2 on the click of the menu button but I want to move it by gestures as well. I want to have the behavior that there is a center..
android maps: How to Long Click a Map? list that does not draw anything and use it to recognize gestures using the GestureDetector. It should then return true if it..
Pinch Zoom and Pan in both direction. Have a Gesture for pinch and zoom gestures and call listeners for them. For zoom you can increase the size..
Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended to intercept this guy and return true so that the other gestures are handled. https p android issues detail id..
Android multi-touch support I also wonder how can I define custom multi touch gestures Like 3 fingers rotate or 3 fingers stay static and fourth is.. I've dug around in the API and found a way to perform gestures like pinch reverse pinch so I believe the gestures you describe.. perform gestures like pinch reverse pinch so I believe the gestures you describe are possible it just takes figuring out how to..
Gesture in listview android paiego I whipped up the following code to recognize simple gestures horizontal swipes on ListView. However after a fling operation..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures How to handle right to left swipe gestures I want my app to recognize when a user swipes from right to..
Set minimum zoom level for MapView that zoom level no matter if user is zooming in through gestures or zoom controls. I've looked at different alternatives but..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash product to their customers using all the Android goodness gestures etc... on an Android tablet. As Honeycomb is not yet ready and..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? to implement HorizontalScrollView. But it still handles gestures through a class that extends SimpleOnGestureListener and overwrites.. is handled by the ScrollView @Override Used for swipe gestures public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event if gestureDetector.onTouchEvent..
Pinch zoom for custom view true The rest of the article deals with handling other gestures but rather than using their implementation you can use GestureDetector..
Swipe to switch tab selection what depth the gesture is listened to when you're making gestures on an Activity hosted in the tab control or if the inner activities.. and onInterceptTouchEvent to decide whether to dispatch gestures through to the children . See HorizontalPager 's source for..
How can a service listen for touch gestures/events? can a service listen for touch gestures events I'm wondering how apps like SwipePad and Wave Launcher.. like SwipePad and Wave Launcher are able to detect touch gestures events simply through a service. These apps are able to detect.. through a service. These apps are able to detect a touch gestures even though it is not in their own Activity. I've looked all..
Looking for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews this R.anim.slide_out_right listen for gestures this.filter new SimpleGestureFilter this this this.filter.setMode..
Menu like Facebook and Sliding from One View to Another by touch in Android 2.2 But I need something extra from them. Like here it works only on the click of the menu button but I want to move it by gestures as well. I want to have the behavior that there is a center view and on moving that center towards the right one view will..
android maps: How to Long Click a Map? easier way. Just make an overlay as the first overlay in the list that does not draw anything and use it to recognize gestures using the GestureDetector. It should then return true if it handled the event so it doesn't get propagated. List Overlay..
Pinch Zoom and Pan add the ScrollView into a HorizontalScrollView to have scroll in both direction. Have a Gesture for pinch and zoom gestures and call listeners for them. For zoom you can increase the size of each view via running a loop or probably use ScaleGestureDetector...
Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended e1.getX return true @Override Don't know why but we need to intercept this guy and return true so that the other gestures are handled. https p android issues detail id 8233 public boolean onDown MotionEvent e Log.d GestureDetector..
Android multi-touch support touch support reliable I've read it suffers from some problems. I also wonder how can I define custom multi touch gestures Like 3 fingers rotate or 3 fingers stay static and fourth is moving. I've come across some resources Gestures or MotionEvent.. Zdenek android multi touch share improve this question I've dug around in the API and found a way to perform gestures like pinch reverse pinch so I believe the gestures you describe are possible it just takes figuring out how to code them.. question I've dug around in the API and found a way to perform gestures like pinch reverse pinch so I believe the gestures you describe are possible it just takes figuring out how to code them up. Below I've pasted an example of a reverse pinch..
Gesture in listview android Based on answers from post #937313 1 thanks go to gav and paiego I whipped up the following code to recognize simple gestures horizontal swipes on ListView. However after a fling operation the ListView's onItemClick listener will be called too Therefore..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures How to handle right to left swipe gestures I want my app to recognize when a user swipes from right to left on the phone screen. How to do this android swipe gesture..
Set minimum zoom level for MapView You see the whole world map replicated. I would like to avoid that zoom level no matter if user is zooming in through gestures or zoom controls. I've looked at different alternatives but none seems to work. Does somebody have a good idea about this..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash Point or a keynote the commercial team will present the product to their customers using all the Android goodness gestures etc... on an Android tablet. As Honeycomb is not yet ready and because we need it before march we choose some random Froyo..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? 17 android snapping horizontal scroll too which provides a way to implement HorizontalScrollView. But it still handles gestures through a class that extends SimpleOnGestureListener and overwrites onFling which is the same implementation as I have which.. checked My onTouchEvent which is not hit when the onTouchEvent is handled by the ScrollView @Override Used for swipe gestures public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event if gestureDetector.onTouchEvent event return true else return false More general..
Pinch zoom for custom view Math.max 0.1f Math.min mScaleFactor 5.0f invalidate return true The rest of the article deals with handling other gestures but rather than using their implementation you can use GestureDetector just like ScaleGestureDetector is used in the code..
Swipe to switch tab selection in a tab. Is something like this possible I'm not sure at what depth the gesture is listened to when you're making gestures on an Activity hosted in the tab control or if the inner activities would have to pass data to the Tab Host. android gesture.. you'll need to write a custom layout and override onTouchEvent and onInterceptTouchEvent to decide whether to dispatch gestures through to the children . See HorizontalPager 's source for details on how you could go about doing that. You actually may..
How can a service listen for touch gestures/events? can a service listen for touch gestures events I'm wondering how apps like SwipePad and Wave Launcher are able to detect touch gestures events simply through a.. listen for touch gestures events I'm wondering how apps like SwipePad and Wave Launcher are able to detect touch gestures events simply through a service. These apps are able to detect a touch gestures even though it is not in their own Activity... Wave Launcher are able to detect touch gestures events simply through a service. These apps are able to detect a touch gestures even though it is not in their own Activity. I've looked all over the Internet and haven't found how they can do that. My..
Looking for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews this R.anim.slide_in_right slideRightOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.slide_out_right listen for gestures this.filter new SimpleGestureFilter this this this.filter.setMode SimpleGestureFilter.MODE_TRANSPARENT load the html resource..
Proximity sensor on Galaxy S4 (Air Gestures) sensor on Galaxy S4 Air Gestures The new Samsung Galaxy S4 have and interesting new type of gestures called Air Gesture that use an infrared sensor to process..
Android multi-touch support touch gestures Like 3 fingers rotate or 3 fingers stay static and fourth is moving. I've come across some resources Gestures or MotionEvent on but nothing states it clearly. Regards Zdenek android multi touch share improve..
Android: Slide gesture and animation for switching between tabs animation tabs slide gesture share improve this question Basic Gesture Detection stackoverflow Introduction to Gestures mobile tuts you have to definde your gestures with the android gesture tool you can find it in the emulator and implement..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? source code below it's probably not very vital. The gestureDetector inside my Tabs class with its associated listener Gestures gestureDetector new GestureDetector new MyGestureDetector gestureListener new View.OnTouchListener @Override public boolean..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures parent View gestures The problem is that if i Linkify the textView the underliyng ScrollView don't listen the sweep Gestures I've setted.Is there a way to have Linkify without messing with the underliyng view's gestures I tried to override ontouchEvent..
Android - basic gesture detection to get 'fling' gesture detection working on my Android application today. I've been looking at these sources Detect Gestures Tutorial SDK docs Calculator Code Nothing has worked for me so far and I was hoping for some pointers. What I have is a..