android Programming Glossary: getapplicationinfo
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button ApplicationInfo applicationInfo getApplicationInfo PackageManager pm getPackageManager List PackageInfo pInfo.. 0 for PackageInfo item pInfo try applicationInfo pm.getApplicationInfo item.packageName 1 app_info counter new AppInfo pm.getApplicationIcon.. result 1000 .show ApplicationInfo applicationInfo getApplicationInfo PackageManager pm getPackageManager List PackageInfo pInfo..
Getting “debuggable” value of androidManifest from code? flags field for FLAG_DEBUGGABLE . boolean isDebuggable 0 getApplicationInfo .flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE share improve this..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory getString getApplicationInfo .labelRes If this does not exist we can create it here. if..
How to check if Facebook is installed Android I am using try ApplicationInfo info getPackageManager . getApplicationInfo 0 return true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException..
How to check programmatically whether app is running in debug mode or not? provides is the correct one boolean isDebuggable 0 getApplicationInfo .flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE from this Google blog..
How can I check if the Android Market is installed on my user's device? You can use the already mentioned getPackageManager and getApplicationInfo if the package is not found a PacketManager.NameNotFoundException..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button final ListView listApplication ListView findViewById ApplicationInfo applicationInfo getApplicationInfo PackageManager pm getPackageManager List PackageInfo pInfo new ArrayList PackageInfo pInfo.addAll pm.getInstalledPackages.. 0 AppInfo app_info new AppInfo pInfo.size int counter 0 for PackageInfo item pInfo try applicationInfo pm.getApplicationInfo item.packageName 1 app_info counter new AppInfo pm.getApplicationIcon applicationInfo String.valueOf pm.getApplicationLabel.. result.append n Toast.makeText MainActivity.this result 1000 .show ApplicationInfo applicationInfo getApplicationInfo PackageManager pm getPackageManager List PackageInfo pInfo new ArrayList PackageInfo pInfo.addAll pm.getInstalledPackages..
Getting “debuggable” value of androidManifest from code?
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken Only one time will we grab this location. final File path new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory getString getApplicationInfo .labelRes If this does not exist we can create it here. if path.exists path.mkdir return new File path String.valueOf..
How to check if Facebook is installed Android the facebook app installed required for SSO . Here is the code I am using try ApplicationInfo info getPackageManager . getApplicationInfo 0 return true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e return false The problem is it is always..
How to check programmatically whether app is running in debug mode or not? android share improve this question The answer that @Im0rtality provides is the correct one boolean isDebuggable 0 getApplicationInfo .flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE from this Google blog post UPDATE probably the should be just in the above expression..
How can I check if the Android Market is installed on my user's device? play share improve this question There are two ways. You can use the already mentioned getPackageManager and getApplicationInfo if the package is not found a PacketManager.NameNotFoundException will be thrown see here . Android Market's package name..