android Programming Glossary: getadapter
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager past the first element go to element 9 2 7 setCurrentItem getAdapter .getCount 2 animate else if _position getAdapter .getCount 1.. getAdapter .getCount 2 animate else if _position getAdapter .getCount 1 Swiping right past the last element setCurrentItem..
Extending AdapterView setOnItemClickListener this @Override public ImageAdapter getAdapter TODO Auto generated method stub return mAdapter @Override public..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery public void resetPosition int pos Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 if getAdapter null getAdapter .getClass CarouselAdapter.class int size CarouselAdapter.. int pos Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 if getAdapter null getAdapter .getClass CarouselAdapter.class int size CarouselAdapter getAdapter.. .getClass CarouselAdapter.class int size CarouselAdapter getAdapter .getList .size if size 2 pos pos pos CarouselAdapter getAdapter..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox public ArrayAdapter CharSequence getAdapter return adapter public String getText return String adapter.getItem.. viewHolder.spin.setAdapter Used to handle events when the user changes the Spinner selection..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown? xNew yNew xOld yOld if yOld yNew setSelection ListAdapter getAdapter .getCount 1 then use it in your ListActivity. hope this helps..
android change text color of items in spinner final DropDownAdapter adapter new DropDownAdapter getAdapter CharSequence mPrompt getPrompt AlertDialog.Builder builder new..
How to force ViewPager to re-instantiate its items [duplicate] state ClassLoader loader ... public void refresh getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged android android widget android viewpager..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? r int b if changed CustomAdapter adapter CustomAdapter getAdapter int numColumns getContext .getResources .getInteger R.integer.list_num_columns..
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager _position boolean animate true if _position 1 Swiping left past the first element go to element 9 2 7 setCurrentItem getAdapter .getCount 2 animate else if _position getAdapter .getCount 1 Swiping right past the last element setCurrentItem 1 animate.. left past the first element go to element 9 2 7 setCurrentItem getAdapter .getCount 2 animate else if _position getAdapter .getCount 1 Swiping right past the last element setCurrentItem 1 animate CircularScroller.startScroll @Override public..
Extending AdapterView context attrs defStyle initThings private void initThings setOnItemClickListener this @Override public ImageAdapter getAdapter TODO Auto generated method stub return mAdapter @Override public void setAdapter ImageAdapter adapter TODO Auto generated..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery adapter super.setAdapter adapter if mInfinite resetPosition public void resetPosition int pos Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 if getAdapter null getAdapter .getClass CarouselAdapter.class int size CarouselAdapter getAdapter .getList .size if size 2 pos pos pos.. adapter if mInfinite resetPosition public void resetPosition int pos Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 if getAdapter null getAdapter .getClass CarouselAdapter.class int size CarouselAdapter getAdapter .getList .size if size 2 pos pos pos CarouselAdapter.. int pos Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 if getAdapter null getAdapter .getClass CarouselAdapter.class int size CarouselAdapter getAdapter .getList .size if size 2 pos pos pos CarouselAdapter getAdapter .getList .size else pos 0 setSelection pos public OnAnimationEndListener..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item public ArrayAdapter CharSequence getAdapter return adapter public String getText return String adapter.getItem selected public int getSelected return selected public.. DataHolder myContext viewHolder.spin Spinner view.findViewById viewHolder.spin.setAdapter Used to handle events when the user changes the Spinner selection viewHolder.spin.setOnItemSelectedListener new OnItemSelectedListener..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown? int xNew int yNew int xOld int yOld super.onSizeChanged xNew yNew xOld yOld if yOld yNew setSelection ListAdapter getAdapter .getCount 1 then use it in your ListActivity. hope this helps ps. check Configuration Changes only works for hand keyboard...
android change text color of items in spinner boolean handled super.performClick Context context getContext final DropDownAdapter adapter new DropDownAdapter getAdapter CharSequence mPrompt getPrompt AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder context if mPrompt null builder.setTitle..
How to force ViewPager to re-instantiate its items [duplicate] saveState return null @Override public void restoreState Parcelable state ClassLoader loader ... public void refresh getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged android android widget android viewpager share improve this question Had the same problem. For..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? protected void onLayout boolean changed int l int t int r int b if changed CustomAdapter adapter CustomAdapter getAdapter int numColumns getContext .getResources .getInteger R.integer.list_num_columns GridViewItemLayout.initItemLayout numColumns..