android Programming Glossary: generalized
My Xml design not working in all android Devices? You have to create multiple resources for your app. Android has 4 resolutions ldpi mdpi hdpi and xhdpi and 4 generalized screen sizes small medium large and extra large . So you have to make 4 layouts or 3 if you don't plan on supporting tablets..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions area compared to a normal or high density screen. For simplicity Android groups all actual screen densities into four generalized densities low medium high and extra high. If you want to support tablets also use large xlarge qualifiers. Nexus 7 is a..
Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers I had ~4500 markers and wanted to select those within a certain distance of a specific location. Took that code and generalized it to be used with any kind of Markers. The code that I will post below contains two methods that you can use selectLowDistanceMarkers..
ListView row marker ala GMail with the color I would like but it seems to me that this is an ugly hack. Another question would be also if there is a generalized way to combine the two ListView fragments somehow the way the GMail or Mail applications do it. android android layout..
How to customize share intent in Android?
Button Image size in android alternative bitmap drawables for different densities you should follow the 3 4 6 8 scaling ratio between the four generalized densities. For example if you have a bitmap drawable that's 48x48 pixels for medium density screen the size for a launcher..