android Programming Glossary: geo
Unable to get GPS coordinates using Javascript on browser in Android demo function getLocation if navigator.geolocation var options maximumAge 600000 timeout 100000 enableHighAccuracy.. timeout 100000 enableHighAccuracy true watchID navigator.geolocation.watchPosition showPosition showError options else x.innerHTML.. alert The current document will be unloaded navigator.geolocation.clearWatch watchID script body html Thanks a lot in..
Android LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation() returns null is always null in the emulator. I tried using the command geo fix latitude longitude to set it and also I tried using the.. see if the settings in it disable gps provider then send geo fix. However I would use Location Listener it would be ideal.. Listener it would be ideal in your case since you need a geo fix to proceed further.Location Listener is Used for receiving..
How to emulate GPS location in the Android Emulator? to a test position android testing android emulator geolocation share improve this question You can connect to the.. a Emulator console that lets you enter certain data like geo fixes network etc. How to use the console is extensively explained.. line and type telnet localhost 5554 You then can use the geo command to set a latitude longitude and if needed altitude on..
Get the distance between two geo points the distance between two geo points I want to make a apps that check what's the nearest.. think Cheers and thanks for reading or replying. android geolocation maps share improve this question http
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? private boolean in_descriptiontag false private boolean in_geometrycollectiontag false private boolean in_linestringtag false.. true else if localName.equals GeometryCollection this.in_geometrycollectiontag true else if localName.equals LineString .. false else if localName.equals GeometryCollection this.in_geometrycollectiontag false else if localName.equals LineString..
Android; Geocoder, why do I get “the service is not available”? savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Geocoder geo new Geocoder getApplicationContext List Address myAddrs new.. List Address myAddrs new ArrayList Address try myAddrs geo.getFromLocationName CO100AR 1 catch IOException e TODO Auto.. framework how where can I obtain such a service android geocoding android 2.2 share improve this question It's a bug..
Android WebView “tel:” links show web page not found work as well as the tel links. I can also add in there for geo links if I need to and it will not give me the issue that I..
Intent to start a navigation activity check for apps hooking google.navigation and perhaps geo but then you also get map apps You can enumerate the possible..
ZipCode from location you need to do is extract the http maps geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561.. maps geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561 123.896932 Or try experimenting this solutions.I.. new URL of API service http maps api geocode json latlng your_latitude your_longitude http
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client 1. you need a location . i recognized that setting only a geo position via DDMS view to the emulator is not enough. you have..
Android Rotating MapView Now every time you receive a geo fix update the bearing of the rotating layout and it should..
How to open standard Google Map application from my application? this question You should create an Intent object with a geo URI String uri String.format Locale.ENGLISH geo f f latitude.. with a geo URI String uri String.format Locale.ENGLISH geo f f latitude longitude Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
Unable to get GPS coordinates using Javascript on browser in Android p id demo Your coordinates p script var watchID var x document.getElementById demo function getLocation if navigator.geolocation var options maximumAge 600000 timeout 100000 enableHighAccuracy true watchID navigator.geolocation.watchPosition.. if navigator.geolocation var options maximumAge 600000 timeout 100000 enableHighAccuracy true watchID navigator.geolocation.watchPosition showPosition showError options else x.innerHTML Geolocation is not supported by this browser. function.. x.innerHTML An unknown error occurred. break function OnUnload alert The current document will be unloaded navigator.geolocation.clearWatch watchID script body html Thanks a lot in advance axs javascript android html5 geolocation gps share..
Android LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation() returns null loc lm.getLastKnownLocation provider The loc variable is always null in the emulator. I tried using the command geo fix latitude longitude to set it and also I tried using the DDMS way of setting it. Neither method had any effect on the.. may not have been started. A possible check could be to see if the settings in it disable gps provider then send geo fix. However I would use Location Listener it would be ideal in your case since you need a geo fix to proceed further.Location.. gps provider then send geo fix. However I would use Location Listener it would be ideal in your case since you need a geo fix to proceed further.Location Listener is Used for receiving notifications from the LocationManager when the location..
How to emulate GPS location in the Android Emulator? me how to achieve this How do I set the location of the emulator to a test position android testing android emulator geolocation share improve this question You can connect to the Emulator via Telnet. You then have a Emulator console that.. You can connect to the Emulator via Telnet. You then have a Emulator console that lets you enter certain data like geo fixes network etc. How to use the console is extensively explained here . To connect to the console open a command line.. explained here . To connect to the console open a command line and type telnet localhost 5554 You then can use the geo command to set a latitude longitude and if needed altitude on the device that is passed to all programs using the gps location..
Get the distance between two geo points the distance between two geo points I want to make a apps that check what's the nearest place from where the user is. I can easily get the location.. and have to do math to calculate it. What do you guys think Cheers and thanks for reading or replying. android geolocation maps share improve this question http reference android location Location.html Look into..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? in_placemarktag false private boolean in_nametag false private boolean in_descriptiontag false private boolean in_geometrycollectiontag false private boolean in_linestringtag false private boolean in_pointtag false private boolean in_coordinatestag.. else if localName.equals description this.in_descriptiontag true else if localName.equals GeometryCollection this.in_geometrycollectiontag true else if localName.equals LineString this.in_linestringtag true else if localName.equals point .. if localName.equals description this.in_descriptiontag false else if localName.equals GeometryCollection this.in_geometrycollectiontag false else if localName.equals LineString this.in_linestringtag false else if localName.equals point..
Android; Geocoder, why do I get “the service is not available”? public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Geocoder geo new Geocoder getApplicationContext List Address myAddrs new ArrayList Address try myAddrs geo.getFromLocationName CO100AR.. R.layout.main Geocoder geo new Geocoder getApplicationContext List Address myAddrs new ArrayList Address try myAddrs geo.getFromLocationName CO100AR 1 catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace I get the following.. a backend service that is not included in the core android framework how where can I obtain such a service android geocoding android 2.2 share improve this question It's a bug in the emulator for 2.2 http p android issues..
Android WebView “tel:” links show web page not found https view.loadUrl url return true Now my regular links work as well as the tel links. I can also add in there for geo links if I need to and it will not give me the issue that I was having before to open up maps on the phone. share improve..
Intent to start a navigation activity I can think of is to Explicitly check for known apps Implicitly check for apps hooking google.navigation and perhaps geo but then you also get map apps You can enumerate the possible implicit targets using PackageManage.queryIntentActivities..
ZipCode from location zipcode share improve this question Yes you can...All you need to do is extract the http maps geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561 123.896932 Or try experimenting this solutions.I can give.. can...All you need to do is extract the http maps geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561 123.896932 Or try experimenting this solutions.I can give you an idea. You can have a city right WIth this.. API v2 has been turned down on September 9th 2013. Here's the new URL of API service http maps api geocode json latlng your_latitude your_longitude http maps api geocode json latlng 10.32 123.90 sensor true..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client are obviously some missing to see a position on the map 1. you need a location . i recognized that setting only a geo position via DDMS view to the emulator is not enough. you have to explicitly press every time the Send button in DDMS to..
Android Rotating MapView
How to open standard Google Map application from my application? android google maps share improve this question You should create an Intent object with a geo URI String uri String.format Locale.ENGLISH geo f f latitude longitude Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse.. improve this question You should create an Intent object with a geo URI String uri String.format Locale.ENGLISH geo f f latitude longitude Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse uri context.startActivity intent If you want..