android Programming Glossary: flush
ActionBar Up button and Navigation pattern handling specific url . When user press Up button I use flush method to emulate back navigation. But for case when user come..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed TCP does not flush until socket is closed I have been trying various implementations.. and open the socket. Problem The outstream does not get flushed until I close the socket. flush seems to have no effect. My.. outstream does not get flushed until I close the socket. flush seems to have no effect. My request Please post the changes..
Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? stream to stream copy routine augmented with smarts to flush and sync the output file static class TransferThread extends.. while len buf 0 out.write buf 0 len in.close out.flush out.getFD .sync out.close catch IOException e Log.e getClass..
Android TextView Justify Text you get the text of a TextView to be Justified with text flush on the left and right hand sides I found a possible solution..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor step but for some reason they were buried deep maybe a flush problem in the androidannotations processor At any rate the..
Android - I want to show file upload progress to the user bytes where buffered in parts and sent as total after the flush call. What worked was to sent it on socket level. You can use..
Forcing the Soft Keyboard open so that I can handle each character. I would like to flush each character from the Soft Keyboard after I have handled it...
Is there a way to completely eliminate padding in a LinearLayout containing buttons? a horizontal linear layout with the edges of the buttons flush with the border of the linear layout. To my surprise I found.. linear layout. Only the top edges of the buttons end up flush with the border of the linear layout. Why is that And is there..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? need to specify that only one can be active at a time and flush the tables and resync if you switch accounts. through a property..
MediaPlayer error -2147483648 when playing file on internal storage 07 46.590 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra 85 AudioStreamOutTegra flush 06 17 10 07 46.670 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra 85 AudioStreamOutTegra.. 07 46.670 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra 85 AudioStreamOutTegra flush returns When I record to internal storage and it fails the log..
WebView hides soft keyboard during loadUrl(), which means a keyboard cannot stay open while calling javascript in your javascript you would set some interval in which to flush the pending commands. On each interval it would call JSInterface.getPendingJS..
ActionBar Up button and Navigation pattern and search screen. Also I can open this screen from browser handling specific url . When user press Up button I use flush method to emulate back navigation. But for case when user come from browser I want to open home screen instead of previous..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed TCP does not flush until socket is closed I have been trying various implementations to make this work and have searched StackOverflow and.. allow me to read write multiple times without needing to close and open the socket. Problem The outstream does not get flushed until I close the socket. flush seems to have no effect. My request Please post the changes required to get this code.. without needing to close and open the socket. Problem The outstream does not get flushed until I close the socket. flush seems to have no effect. My request Please post the changes required to get this code working properly as described above..
Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? pipe 1 .getFileDescriptor TransferThread is a classic stream to stream copy routine augmented with smarts to flush and sync the output file static class TransferThread extends Thread InputStream in FileOutputStream out TransferThread InputStream.. @Override public void run byte buf new byte 8192 int len try while len buf 0 out.write buf 0 len in.close out.flush out.getFD .sync out.close catch IOException e Log.e getClass .getSimpleName Exception transferring file e When I run..
Android TextView Justify Text TextView Justify Text How do you get the text of a TextView to be Justified with text flush on the left and right hand sides I found a possible solution here but it does not work even if you change vertical center..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor log as the annotations processor runs before the full compile step but for some reason they were buried deep maybe a flush problem in the androidannotations processor At any rate the third line where it can't find the com.MyCompany.MyAppPro.R..
Android - I want to show file upload progress to the user improve this question For me HTTPClient didn't work. The bytes where buffered in parts and sent as total after the flush call. What worked was to sent it on socket level. You can use the HttpMultipartClient for this updated link on 30 10 2011..
Forcing the Soft Keyboard open the Soft Keyboard open How do I gab everything that is entered so that I can handle each character. I would like to flush each character from the Soft Keyboard after I have handled it. ie the user should not be able to enter whole words in the..
Is there a way to completely eliminate padding in a LinearLayout containing buttons? I tried the following to try to display two buttons in a horizontal linear layout with the edges of the buttons flush with the border of the linear layout. To my surprise I found that there is always still padding between the buttons and.. between the buttons and the left right and bottom edges of the linear layout. Only the top edges of the buttons end up flush with the border of the linear layout. Why is that And is there a way to control this behavior Thanks much. LinearLayout..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? sync both of them into the same database tables. Maybe you need to specify that only one can be active at a time and flush the tables and resync if you switch accounts. through a property page that queries what accounts are present . Maybe you..
MediaPlayer error -2147483648 when playing file on internal storage 85 setDataSource ' mnt sdcard audiorecordtest.3gp' 06 17 10 07 46.590 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra 85 AudioStreamOutTegra flush 06 17 10 07 46.670 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra 85 AudioStreamOutTegra flush returns When I record to internal storage and it.. AudioHardwareTegra 85 AudioStreamOutTegra flush 06 17 10 07 46.670 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra 85 AudioStreamOutTegra flush returns When I record to internal storage and it fails the log looks like this 06 17 10 08 28.380 DEBUG AudioHardwareTegra..
WebView hides soft keyboard during loadUrl(), which means a keyboard cannot stay open while calling javascript new JSInterface JSInterface Then in your javascript you would set some interval in which to flush the pending commands. On each interval it would call JSInterface.getPendingJS which would return a String of all of the..
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? cos new CipherOutputStream fos cipher Write bytes int b byte d new byte 8 while b d 1 cos.write d 0 b Flush and close streams. cos.flush cos.close fis.close After you execute this function there should be a file names encrypted..
Sending files using POST with HttpURLConnection wrapper request.writeBytes this.crlf request.writeBytes this.twoHyphens this.boundary this.twoHyphens this.crlf Flush output buffer request.flush request.close Get response InputStream responseStream new BufferedInputStream httpUrlConnection.getInputStream..
Save an arraylist of Strings to shared preferences dout.writeInt text_lines.size Save line count for String line text_lines Save lines dout.writeUTF line dout.flush Flush stream ... dout.close ... and close. catch IOException exc exc.printStackTrace Interal storage File IO Reading FileInputStream..
How to parse complex JSON file in android iStream Writing the bitmap to the temporary file as png file b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 fOutStream Flush the FileOutputStream fOutStream.flush Close the FileOutputStream fOutStream.close Create a hashmap object to store image..
Android: Flush DNS [closed] Flush DNS closed We recently released an android application that pulls information from an external server. Last week we moved..
Android - How Do I Set A Preference In Code put function putString putBoolean etc. The String is the key version good run and the value is the value 1.5.2 true Flush the buffer editor.commit This actually writes you put to the preferences. If your app crashes before this line then the..