android Programming Glossary: flips
Android png images big in memory I tried to do dynamic image loading so that if the user flips 2 images I'll load next 2 to memory and delete 2 first ones... kind of works but it is ugly and I have trouble when user flips images back imageflipper.showprevious I can't really shift all..
Android - String concatenate - how to keep the spaces at the end and/or beginning of String? ALL PAIRS on string string name Toast_Memory_GameWon_part2 flips string I do it this way String message_all_pairs_found getString.. getString R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1 total_flips getString R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part2 Toast.makeText..
Displaying card flip animation on old android gone RelativeLayout RelativeLayout As the layout file flips two view groups you could put anything else inside the view..
Android force Horizontal layout layout Right now if you turn the phone emulator it flips the graphics and squeezes them. I want the game to start horizontally..
Android: Disable rotations by 90°, but enable rotations by 180° in all four positions. Rotation the device by 180° flips the UI vertically resp. horizontally. When rotation the device..
How to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe/fling to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my.. fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling. I'd like it to behave..
AsyncTaskLoader vs AsyncTask can survive through config changes like screen flips. Is it recommended to use AsyncTaskLoader instead of AsyncTask..
Android png images big in memory 8 images loaded to memory I get an out of memory error. Well I tried to do dynamic image loading so that if the user flips 2 images I'll load next 2 to memory and delete 2 first ones. It kind of works but it is ugly and I have trouble when user.. I'll load next 2 to memory and delete 2 first ones. It kind of works but it is ugly and I have trouble when user flips images back imageflipper.showprevious I can't really shift all images and place new images to the beginning. My question..
Android - String concatenate - how to keep the spaces at the end and/or beginning of String? files string name Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1 you found ALL PAIRS on string string name Toast_Memory_GameWon_part2 flips string I do it this way String message_all_pairs_found getString R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1 total_flips getString.. flips string I do it this way String message_all_pairs_found getString R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1 total_flips getString R.string.Toast_Memory_GameWon_part2 Toast.makeText this message_all_pairs_found 1000 .show BUT THE SPACES at the..
Displaying card flip animation on old android clickable true android onClick onCardClick android visibility gone RelativeLayout RelativeLayout As the layout file flips two view groups you could put anything else inside the view group and it should work. Now lets look at the methods inside..
Android force Horizontal layout how to solve it but how can I force the app to stay in a Horizontal layout Right now if you turn the phone emulator it flips the graphics and squeezes them. I want the game to start horizontally and stay that way regardless of how the user turns..
Android: Disable rotations by 90°, but enable rotations by 180° android screenOrientation attribute my app is displayed correctly in all four positions. Rotation the device by 180° flips the UI vertically resp. horizontally. When rotation the device the following log messages are created maybe this helps .....
How to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe/fling to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling... to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling. I'd like it to behave more or less like the Android Launcher behaves when flipping..
AsyncTaskLoader vs AsyncTask to use AsyncTaskLoader . From what I understand the AsyncTaskLoader can survive through config changes like screen flips. Is it recommended to use AsyncTaskLoader instead of AsyncTask Does LoaderManager get in the picture too But I haven't found..