android Programming Glossary: flight
SharedPreferences value is not updated with apply writing to disk. The framework makes sure in flight disk writes from apply complete before switching states. share..
How to monitor SIM state change Desire with a T Mobile SIM card if I put the device into flight mode the following Intent is broadcast Intent android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED.. extras ss NOT_READY reason null If I then take it out of flight mode the following Intents are broadcast Intent android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED..
Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers the max distance for each marker think of a map with a flight company's routes from an airport these lines is drawn for each..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION in a user friendly form to annotate a photograph to drive flight instrument display or something similar. If you want to do computations..
Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread? if you avoid disk you avoid getting stuck behind other in flight or pending disk operations. so you'll probably want to load..
Enable Flight mode with out disabling the wifi and bluetooth in android in android I want to enable Flight mode but if i enable flight mode i cant able to use bluetooth wifi. my purpose is to restrict..
Android custom animation like airport schedule board to create an animation for the text like on Airport the flight schedule board does. Dropping from top and change the text on..
SharedPreferences value is not updated
How to monitor SIM state change broadcast when the SIM state changes. For example on my HTC Desire with a T Mobile SIM card if I put the device into flight mode the following Intent is broadcast Intent android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED with extras ss NOT_READY reason null.. broadcast Intent android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED with extras ss NOT_READY reason null If I then take it out of flight mode the following Intents are broadcast Intent android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED with extras ss LOCKED reason PIN..
Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers Float for Marker marker1 markers in this for loop we remember the max distance for each marker think of a map with a flight company's routes from an airport these lines is drawn for each airport marker1 being the airport and marker2 destinations..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION want the Euler angles is to display orientation information in a user friendly form to annotate a photograph to drive flight instrument display or something similar. If you want to do computations related to device orientation you're almost certainly..
Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread? of Android devices run on yaffs... Droid Nexus One etc. so if you avoid disk you avoid getting stuck behind other in flight or pending disk operations. so you'll probably want to load the SharedPreferences during your onCreate and re use the same..
Enable Flight mode with out disabling the wifi and bluetooth in android Flight mode with out disabling the wifi and bluetooth in android I want to enable Flight mode but if i enable flight mode i cant able to use bluetooth wifi. my purpose is to restrict only the receiving call and sms related things. I tried..
Android custom animation like airport schedule board custom animation like airport schedule board I want to create an animation for the text like on Airport the flight schedule board does. Dropping from top and change the text on it. Here is the image. So When I click on button the text..