

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:37

android Programming Glossary: floor

How to build a mall map for Android


mall so the user can navigate in a map that represent each floor in the mall and compute the shortest path between his position.. Plus you'll need a 3 D fix in order to ascertain what floor the user is on. As a spin off of @hsander's ideas you could.. and you would be able to deal with the issue with multiple floors. If you have a budget and ability to install things in the..

android compass seems unreliable


50 off. I even tried to put my phone and compass on the floor to keep the compasses away from any magnetic interference with..

Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker


Marker m in mlist if m.within v int2 binIdx binIdx.x floor densityX m.coord.x v.x1 v.x2 v.x1 binIdx.y floor densityY m.coord.y.. binIdx.x floor densityX m.coord.x v.x1 v.x2 v.x1 binIdx.y floor densityY m.coord.y v.y1 v.y2 v.y1 grid binIdx.x binIdx.y .push..

Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer


destination place. place is a wide building with several floors. i can obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current.. 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current.. Problem I just need to display 1 image file each floor at a time then move to other floor by using scroll bar . But....

How to build a mall map for Android


for Android I want to build an Android application for a mall so the user can navigate in a map that represent each floor in the mall and compute the shortest path between his position and the selected place the mall located in the middle east.. isn't very reliable indoors unless there are windows everywhere. Plus you'll need a 3 D fix in order to ascertain what floor the user is on. As a spin off of @hsander's ideas you could have the user take a picture of a nearby store's sign logo and.. movement in real time but it would be a free solution and you would be able to deal with the issue with multiple floors. If you have a budget and ability to install things in the mall you could put GPS antennas on the roof of the mall in different..

android compass seems unreliable


seemed to be close but at other points it was more than 50 off. I even tried to put my phone and compass on the floor to keep the compasses away from any magnetic interference with the same results note i also keep the compass and phone apart..

Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker


densityY 2D array with some configurable fixed density foreach Marker m in mlist if m.within v int2 binIdx binIdx.x floor densityX m.coord.x v.x1 v.x2 v.x1 binIdx.y floor densityY m.coord.y v.y1 v.y2 v.y1 grid binIdx.x binIdx.y .push m just.. foreach Marker m in mlist if m.within v int2 binIdx binIdx.x floor densityX m.coord.x v.x1 v.x2 v.x1 binIdx.y floor densityY m.coord.y v.y1 v.y2 v.y1 grid binIdx.x binIdx.y .push m just push the reference drawing for int i 0 i densityX..

Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer


trying to create a prototype that could guide a person to his destination place. place is a wide building with several floors. i can obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current 1F destination 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th.. obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current 1F destination 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current location or may automatically set using current location.. update the current location upon moving going to destination Problem I just need to display 1 image file each floor at a time then move to other floor by using scroll bar . But.. don't know how to display it. I can get the current location..