android Programming Glossary: float.tostring
How to create Custom Ratings bar in Android method stub Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Float.toString rating Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show I have used two images cookie.jpg..
Problem with getFloatv function in GL11 (Android) for int i 0 i previous.length i Log.d Integer.toString i Float.toString previous i mCube.draw gl11 Thank you in advance. android opengl..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? interval now lastEvetn lastEvetn now out.write Float.toString lastX Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString.. lastEvetn lastEvetn now out.write Float.toString lastX Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString interval n I bind.. now out.write Float.toString lastX Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString interval n I bind listener with following..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? float scale xScale yScale xScale yScale Log.i Test xScale Float.toString xScale Log.i Test yScale Float.toString yScale Log.i Test scale.. Log.i Test xScale Float.toString xScale Log.i Test yScale Float.toString yScale Log.i Test scale Float.toString scale Create a matrix.. Log.i Test yScale Float.toString yScale Log.i Test scale Float.toString scale Create a matrix for the scaling and add the scaling data..
What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals? float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP return.. float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP return..
How to create Custom Ratings bar in Android ratingBar float rating boolean fromUser TODO Auto generated method stub Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Float.toString rating Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show I have used two images cookie.jpg cookiee.jpg This two images are of same size one is used..
Problem with getFloatv function in GL11 (Android) 0 Log.d taille matrice Integer.toString previous.length for int i 0 i previous.length i Log.d Integer.toString i Float.toString previous i mCube.draw gl11 Thank you in advance. android opengl es share improve this question Depending on your device..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? lastZ se.values SensorManager.DATA_Z long now System.currentTimeMillis interval now lastEvetn lastEvetn now out.write Float.toString lastX Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString interval n I bind listener with following parameters mSensorManager.registerListener.. long now System.currentTimeMillis interval now lastEvetn lastEvetn now out.write Float.toString lastX Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString interval n I bind listener with following parameters mSensorManager.registerListener.. System.currentTimeMillis interval now lastEvetn lastEvetn now out.write Float.toString lastX Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString interval n I bind listener with following parameters mSensorManager.registerListener linAcc mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? float bounding width float yScale float bounding height float scale xScale yScale xScale yScale Log.i Test xScale Float.toString xScale Log.i Test yScale Float.toString yScale Log.i Test scale Float.toString scale Create a matrix for the scaling and.. bounding height float scale xScale yScale xScale yScale Log.i Test xScale Float.toString xScale Log.i Test yScale Float.toString yScale Log.i Test scale Float.toString scale Create a matrix for the scaling and add the scaling data Matrix matrix new.. yScale xScale yScale Log.i Test xScale Float.toString xScale Log.i Test yScale Float.toString yScale Log.i Test scale Float.toString scale Create a matrix for the scaling and add the scaling data Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postScale scale scale Create..
What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals? @param d @param decimalPlace @return public static float round float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP return bd.floatValue You need to decide if you want to round up or.. float to BigDecimal like this public static BigDecimal round float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP return bd And then call the function this way float x 2.3f BigDecimal..