android Programming Glossary: flip
Android: Why shouldn't I use activities inside tabs? android tabs activity share improve this question I'd flip it around why would you want to use activities as tabs All you..
Curl page from left to right android images via web streaming. But can't get it work when I flip back to the previous images or pages as the images are not coming.. by harism has behavior to load image more than one when flipping page example if you flipping page from 0 to 1 curlpage will.. load image more than one when flipping page example if you flipping page from 0 to 1 curlpage will load image for page 1 and..
How to use my own sqlite database? are doing an upgrade basically we just delete the db then flip the switch to create a new one if doUpgrade dbFile.delete ..
Android page Curl animation Curl animation Is there a simple way to do the Curl page flipping animation A Curl animation is animation of pages flipping.. flipping animation A Curl animation is animation of pages flipping including the page above rolling and the shadows over the.. layout of two images at a time it won't let me show a page flipping over the other like a book Using two pages placing somehow..
Android Animation - Flip I achieve this... using a ViewFlipper. android animation flip share improve this question You can do that with ScaleAnimations..
How to do page flip/turn/curl effect in android [duplicate] to do page flip turn curl effect in android duplicate Possible Duplicate Implement.. Duplicate Implement page curl on android How to do page flipping turning or curl animation in android Is is possible with.. Please provide any links or example if you know. android flip cocos2d android share improve this question You can use..
In Android how to display one view as overlay on top of another view?
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? Create a mirror image of the background horizontal flip for a more circular background. Matrix matrix new Matrix Like..
How to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe/fling to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my.. fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling. I'd like it to behave.. behave more or less like the Android Launcher behaves when flipping between views. In particular It should flip views on swipe...
Drawing mirrored bitmaps in android just mirror my rectangle that I am drawing from to get a flipped picture. Something like sourceRect new Rect 45 0 0 75 which.. would be way too expensive and you don't need a canvas to flip a bitmap. Simply create another bitmap with a Matrix applied.. bitmap with a Matrix applied like so BitmapDrawable flip BitmapDrawable d Matrix m new Matrix m.preScale 1 1 Bitmap src..
How to set dymanic images to ViewFlipper in android? class ArchiveGroup extends Activity Button btn ViewFlipper flip public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. btn Button findViewById flip ViewFlipper findViewById public void ClickHandler.. findViewById flip ViewFlipper findViewById public void ClickHandler View v flip.showNext public void..
Android: Why shouldn't I use activities inside tabs? why this is not a recommended approach... Any suggestions android tabs activity share improve this question I'd flip it around why would you want to use activities as tabs All you do is add overhead and complexity. Just use Views for the..
Curl page from left to right android and have successfully implemented it for loading images via web streaming. But can't get it work when I flip back to the previous images or pages as the images are not coming with the right index. i.e. they are not refreshing properly... android query share improve this question hm... curlpage by harism has behavior to load image more than one when flipping page example if you flipping page from 0 to 1 curlpage will load image for page 1 and page 2 and if you flip to page.. this question hm... curlpage by harism has behavior to load image more than one when flipping page example if you flipping page from 0 to 1 curlpage will load image for page 1 and page 2 and if you flip to page 5 curlpage will load image for..
How to use my own sqlite database? MD5 hashing the db before but that takes a while. If we are doing an upgrade basically we just delete the db then flip the switch to create a new one if doUpgrade dbFile.delete createDb true if createDb Open your local db as the input..
Android page Curl animation page Curl animation Is there a simple way to do the Curl page flipping animation A Curl animation is animation of pages flipping including the page above rolling and the shadows over the.. Curl animation Is there a simple way to do the Curl page flipping animation A Curl animation is animation of pages flipping including the page above rolling and the shadows over the lower page. What is the recommended way to do a gallery that.. just like a book Is it Letting the adapter display a linear layout of two images at a time it won't let me show a page flipping over the other like a book Using two pages placing somehow one near the other and then when it's time to animate move..
Android Animation - Flip height to slightly decreased height and back again. How can I achieve this... using a ViewFlipper. android animation flip share improve this question You can do that with ScaleAnimations set on a ViewFlipper . I do a similar thing without..
How to do page flip/turn/curl effect in android [duplicate] to do page flip turn curl effect in android duplicate Possible Duplicate Implement page curl on android How to do page flipping turning.. do page flip turn curl effect in android duplicate Possible Duplicate Implement page curl on android How to do page flipping turning or curl animation in android Is is possible with cocos2d. Please provide any links or example if you know. .. or curl animation in android Is is possible with cocos2d. Please provide any links or example if you know. android flip cocos2d android share improve this question You can use ViewFlipper to flip between views. http
In Android how to display one view as overlay on top of another view?
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? background to fit the screen. bgrW bgr.getWidth bgrH bgr.getHeight Create a mirror image of the background horizontal flip for a more circular background. Matrix matrix new Matrix Like a frame or mould for an image. matrix.setScale 1 1 Horizontal..
How to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe/fling to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling... to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling. I'd like it to behave more or less like the Android Launcher behaves when flipping.. between multiple views on a swipe fling. I'd like it to behave more or less like the Android Launcher behaves when flipping between views. In particular It should flip views on swipe. Generally a swipe will flip between one view and the next...
Drawing mirrored bitmaps in android my sprite walk to the Left. I had initially thought I could just mirror my rectangle that I am drawing from to get a flipped picture. Something like sourceRect new Rect 45 0 0 75 which doesn't seem to work not sure what actually happens here.. android bitmap share improve this question Method 2 would be way too expensive and you don't need a canvas to flip a bitmap. Simply create another bitmap with a Matrix applied like so BitmapDrawable flip BitmapDrawable d Matrix m new Matrix.. you don't need a canvas to flip a bitmap. Simply create another bitmap with a Matrix applied like so BitmapDrawable flip BitmapDrawable d Matrix m new Matrix m.preScale 1 1 Bitmap src d.getBitmap Bitmap dst Bitmap.createBitmap src 0 0 src.getWidth..
How to set dymanic images to ViewFlipper in android? am doing like these it is loading static these image public class ArchiveGroup extends Activity Button btn ViewFlipper flip public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView btn Button.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView btn Button findViewById flip ViewFlipper findViewById public void ClickHandler View v flip.showNext public void ClickHandler1 View v Toast.makeText.. savedInstanceState setContentView btn Button findViewById flip ViewFlipper findViewById public void ClickHandler View v flip.showNext public void ClickHandler1 View v Toast.makeText this text Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Parse JSON into a ListView friendly output thumbnail http files 226221.jpg url http item xml flip book as3 63869 sales 27 item XML Flip Book AS3 rating 5 id 63869 ... items_last_three_months cost 5.00 thumbnail http files 195638.jpg url..
Android Animation - Flip Animation Flip I need to create an animation Flip a view and show another one. The width of currently shown view is decreased slowly to.. Animation Flip I need to create an animation Flip a view and show another one. The width of currently shown view is decreased slowly to zero and after that the width of the.. from the currently shown height to slightly decreased height and back again. How can I achieve this... using a ViewFlipper. android animation flip share improve this question You can do that with ScaleAnimations set on a ViewFlipper ...
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views another view. In my app I would like to swipe through some ListViews with a scrolling background. What I've tested ViewFlipper I used big image and cut it vertically into 5 pieces. Then I set those cutted images in each Layout displaying the ListViews.. background image at its current locations canvas.translate X 0 background.draw canvas canvas.restore package import android.content.Context import android.os.Parcel import android.os.Parcelable.. android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.ViewConfiguration import android.widget.Scroller Flip different views. Taken from http android 2011 01 04 android homescreen view flipper public class ViewFlipper..
Flip-Animation for Activity-Change Animation for Activity Change i want to flip between two activities like the iPhone. I tried to use the overridePendingTransition..
How to set dymanic images to ViewFlipper in android? to set dymanic images to ViewFlipper in android I am doing like these it is loading static these image public class ArchiveGroup extends Activity Button.. I am doing like these it is loading static these image public class ArchiveGroup extends Activity Button btn ViewFlipper flip public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView btn Button findViewById flip ViewFlipper findViewById public void ClickHandler View v flip.showNext public void ClickHandler1 View v Toast.makeText..