android Programming Glossary: flicker
jQuery Mobile flickering screen during transitions Mobile flickering screen during transitions I am testing a mobile web application.. my Galaxy Nexus running on android 4.0. There is a nasty flicker on the CSS swipe transition and i have looked around for fixes.. help me. What could be the problem android jquery mobile flicker share improve this question The only real way to prevent..
block Home Button in Ice cream sandwich and jelly bean there itself the users would notice nothing but a slight flicker in the screen . EDIT #1 Here is another workaround more suited..
override Home key in android ICS there itself the users would notice nothing but a slight flicker in the screen . EDIT #1 Here is another workaround more suited..
Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation basically the thing is working but the animation is flickering at the end. To further explain I got an TranslateAnimation.. Animation. This works properly and there is no longer any flicker towards the end of the animation. Hope this helps share improve..
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Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing figure out is how to get rid of the 1 2 second gap screen flicker between the data source change and the new video starting. The..
VideoView black flash before and after playing stopPlayback was called otherwise you'd again see a black flicker. The background must also not be set in the beginning otherwise.. the video actually ended I still got a short black screen flicker so I also had to set the still image as background of the container..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd miliseconds before it finishes. The problem is that it flickers because the new background appears is scaled for a short time.. Animation. This works properly and there is no longer any flicker towards the end of the animation. Hope this helps. share improve..
Force a ListView item to stay “pressed” after being clicked? after the press state changed back to normal because it flickers slightly. For example mListView.setOnItemClickListener new.. start an activity That code almost works except for the flicker User presses the list item and it turns to its pressed state.. but since your theme does not depend on state_pressed the flicker won't be visible. Once in onItemClick you set state_selected..
Android SurfaceView/Canvas flickering after trying to clear it SurfaceView Canvas flickering after trying to clear it So I am trying to clear the Canvas.. Color.BLACK but if I just call this once the display flickers and displays the old drawing which should have been covered.. if this is not set to change back to false it does not flicker toClear false Draw some objects that are moving around public..
Maintain WebView content scroll position on orientation change super.onPageFinished view url You do get the slight flicker as the content jumps from the beginning to the new scroll position..
CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH resolution produces green flickering video resolution produces green flickering video I haven't found any explanation for this so far. Basically.. 1920 x 1080 the video recorded is just a green flicker. I noticed if I changed 720 x 480 to 720 x 481 it did the same..
Android Animation Flicker as many threads on this topic that I can find on the flicker that arises in Android 2.2 when dealing with AnimationListeners.. I've finally got it working on the first part without any flicker thanks to the suggestion to call clearAnimation on the view.. doing the opposite ie moving the view back up there's a flicker at the start. I can't really call clearAnimation in the onAnimationStart..
jQuery Mobile flickering screen during transitions Mobile flickering screen during transitions I am testing a mobile web application built in jQuery Mobile 1.1.0. I am testing the website.. Mobile 1.1.0. I am testing the website application using my Galaxy Nexus running on android 4.0. There is a nasty flicker on the CSS swipe transition and i have looked around for fixes and found this .ui page webkit backface visibility hidden.. the index page which has a listview does not display. Please help me. What could be the problem android jquery mobile flicker share improve this question The only real way to prevent the flickering is to disable the jQuery Mobile page transitions..
block Home Button in Ice cream sandwich and jelly bean is pressed it will simply restart your application and remain there itself the users would notice nothing but a slight flicker in the screen . EDIT #1 Here is another workaround more suited to your needs. EDIT #2 Just came across this. Haven't tested..
override Home key in android ICS is pressed it will simply restart your application and remain there itself the users would notice nothing but a slight flicker in the screen . EDIT #1 Here is another workaround more suited to your needs. EDIT #2 Just came across this. Haven't tested..
Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation creating something like a SlideDrawer but with most customization basically the thing is working but the animation is flickering at the end. To further explain I got an TranslateAnimation then after this animation it returns back to the original..
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Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing reset and prepare just fine. What I haven't been able to figure out is how to get rid of the 1 2 second gap screen flicker between the data source change and the new video starting. The gap shows a black screen and I haven't found any way to get..
VideoView black flash before and after playing when it is stopped neither when it ended normally nor when stopPlayback was called otherwise you'd again see a black flicker. The background must also not be set in the beginning otherwise the video would be completely hidden right from the start... introVideo.start This however was not enough because when the video actually ended I still got a short black screen flicker so I also had to set the still image as background of the container that contained the video in my case it was the layout..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd which it does but you can clearly see that it is changed some miliseconds before it finishes. The problem is that it flickers because the new background appears is scaled for a short time until the animation really finishes. Is there a way to get..
Force a ListView item to stay “pressed” after being clicked? onItemClick listener but it seems to get called just a moment after the press state changed back to normal because it flickers slightly. For example mListView.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener @Override public void onItemClick AdapterView.. parent View view int position long id view.setPressed true start an activity That code almost works except for the flicker User presses the list item and it turns to its pressed state then user lets go completing the click and it turns back to.. state will still change rapidly before onItemClick is called but since your theme does not depend on state_pressed the flicker won't be visible. Once in onItemClick you set state_selected and the item will stay selected without any flicker occurring...
Android SurfaceView/Canvas flickering after trying to clear it SurfaceView Canvas flickering after trying to clear it So I am trying to clear the Canvas using canvas.drawColor Color.BLACK but if I just call this.. it So I am trying to clear the Canvas using canvas.drawColor Color.BLACK but if I just call this once the display flickers and displays the old drawing which should have been covered up by the drawColor. Here is the important bits of my code.. onDraw Canvas canvas if toClear canvas.drawColor Color.BLACK if this is not set to change back to false it does not flicker toClear false Draw some objects that are moving around public void clearScreen This method is called when the user pressed..
Maintain WebView content scroll position on orientation change sb.append window.devicePixelRatio view.loadUrl sb.toString super.onPageFinished view url You do get the slight flicker as the content jumps from the beginning to the new scroll position but it is barely noticeable. The next step is try a percentage..
CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH resolution produces green flickering video resolution produces green flickering video I haven't found any explanation for this so far. Basically I have a video recording class which works splendidly.. the video size to the width and height returned by the CamcorderProfile 1920 x 1080 the video recorded is just a green flicker. I noticed if I changed 720 x 480 to 720 x 481 it did the same thing. Therefore I can only assume this happens when the..
Android Animation Flicker Animation Flicker I've been trawling through as many threads on this topic that I can find on the flicker that arises in Android 2.2 when dealing with AnimationListeners but I can't quite solve my issue. What I've got is a LinearLayout.. down about 100 pixels and touches again to move it back up. I've finally got it working on the first part without any flicker thanks to the suggestion to call clearAnimation on the view being animated but when doing the opposite ie moving the view.. to call clearAnimation on the view being animated but when doing the opposite ie moving the view back up there's a flicker at the start. I can't really call clearAnimation in the onAnimationStart method as it won't animate Of course all animation..