android Programming Glossary: flickers
How to make a ViewPager loop?
How to detect “Recent Apps” system button clicks (Honeycomb+) game pauses but the thread dosnt resume like it does every other time the game kind of just stands still on screen and flickers a bit. Hard to explain but I hope I'm being sort of clear if not ask android button user interface android 3.0 android..
Android AdMob SDK - requesting a new Advert returns same Advert furthermore the impressions are being counted in the Sites and Apps Reporting control panel. I can see that the AdView flickers just after the onReceiveRefreshedAd callback occurs so my assumption is that AdMob is simply serving the same ad time after..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd which it does but you can clearly see that it is changed some miliseconds before it finishes. The problem is that it flickers because the new background appears is scaled for a short time until the animation really finishes. Is there a way to get..
Force a ListView item to stay “pressed” after being clicked? onItemClick listener but it seems to get called just a moment after the press state changed back to normal because it flickers slightly. For example mListView.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener @Override public void onItemClick AdapterView..
Android SurfaceView/Canvas flickering after trying to clear it it So I am trying to clear the Canvas using canvas.drawColor Color.BLACK but if I just call this once the display flickers and displays the old drawing which should have been covered up by the drawColor. Here is the important bits of my code public..