android Programming Glossary: flaw
openSSL using Android's NDK problems Android NDK I dunno how but the ndk has a very interesting flaw which in my oppinion doesn't allow you to compile lot's of stuff..
ICS Android enable gps programmatically? gps programmatically I hope not as that would be a privacy flaw. AFAIK all known holes that allowed malware to enable GPS programmatically..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support Android NDK I dunno how but the ndk has a very interesting flaw which in my oppinion doesn't allow you to compile lot's of stuff..
What does this 4 line java code means in android application? used to disable home button in android but this security flaw has been fixed in newer versions of Android so it will not work..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment using this for a while I've found that there is a small flaw bug. IDEA will sometimes complain about not being able to open..
java.lang.NullPointerException : displaying records from database in an expandable listview wrong somewhere. if someone could point out the flaw i would be see this thing is driving me nuts. LOGCAT..
Android reading stored sqlite database getDataAsynk is working fine when wifi is connected so no flaw in that Next getImage stores data in database void getImage..
Android encryption share improve this question The java AES library has a flaw in it that allows under the right circumstances a listener to..
You are only allowed to have a single MapView in a MapActivity I think everyone was a little right it seams like a flaw in the API to me. I should be able to inflate a view and use..
How to enable GPS in android coding [duplicate] of Lookout they are most likely now exploiting a security flaw to accomplish this. It is not guaranteed to continue to work.. programmatically enable disable GPS at least until the flaw is fixed private void toggleGPS boolean enable String provider..
What does “This method is deprecated” mean for application developers or that the deprecated functionality had some irreparable flaw and should be avoided. You can usually keep using deprecated..
Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser Plugin on Android WebView and if somebody finds any flaw in it then I would be happy to correct it.And hope this solution..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off it is a bug which I still strongly believe is a logical flaw or they don't have the time resources to correct it. Bottomline..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems solution updated to NDK8c step zero download and fix the Android NDK I dunno how but the ndk has a very interesting flaw which in my oppinion doesn't allow you to compile lot's of stuff so to be able to compile OpenSSL you need to make a small..
ICS Android enable gps programmatically? share improve this question is there a way to enable gps programmatically I hope not as that would be a privacy flaw. AFAIK all known holes that allowed malware to enable GPS programmatically have now been closed. am trying to enable gps..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support solution updated to NDK8c step zero download and fix the Android NDK I dunno how but the ndk has a very interesting flaw which in my oppinion doesn't allow you to compile lot's of stuff so to be able to compile OpenSSL you need to make a small..
What does this 4 line java code means in android application?
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment of the list. You can delete if you like. Edit After using this for a while I've found that there is a small flaw bug. IDEA will sometimes complain about not being able to open a .iml project file in the google play services_lib directory..
java.lang.NullPointerException : displaying records from database in an expandable listview and display the records as desired i think i am going fundamentally wrong somewhere. if someone could point out the flaw i would be see this thing is driving me nuts. LOGCAT 06 17 17 33 32.444 E AndroidRuntime 569 FATAL EXCEPTION..
Android reading stored sqlite database this right way getDataInDataBase db flag 0 return rootView getDataAsynk is working fine when wifi is connected so no flaw in that Next getImage stores data in database void getImage final DataBaseHandler db AsyncTask Void Void DataBaseHandler..
Android encryption decrypt function java android security cryptography share improve this question The java AES library has a flaw in it that allows under the right circumstances a listener to decrypt the packets sent. See Padding Oracle Exploit Tool..
You are only allowed to have a single MapView in a MapActivity recreate it android android maps share improve this question I think everyone was a little right it seams like a flaw in the API to me. I should be able to inflate a view and use the map in it if I recall the view then be able to delete it..
How to enable GPS in android coding [duplicate] to do it manually. Edit It looks like in the new version of Lookout they are most likely now exploiting a security flaw to accomplish this. It is not guaranteed to continue to work but according to an open Android bug report from April 2010.. from April 2010 code similar to the following will successfully programmatically enable disable GPS at least until the flaw is fixed private void toggleGPS boolean enable String provider Settings.Secure.getString getContentResolver Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED..
What does “This method is deprecated” mean for application developers means that there's either a better way of doing things or that the deprecated functionality had some irreparable flaw and should be avoided. You can usually keep using deprecated methods but you are advised to either switch to some new API..
Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser This is all one has to do to implement Facebook Social Comment Plugin on Android WebView and if somebody finds any flaw in it then I would be happy to correct it.And hope this solution would save and time on any troubled developer like me ..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off are not trying to correct this because either they don't think it is a bug which I still strongly believe is a logical flaw or they don't have the time resources to correct it. Bottomline If you have a cellphone that does not send accelerometer..