android Programming Glossary: fling
Developing an Android Homescreen homescreen where you can switch between several views by flinging your finger over the touch screen. The solution is easy... Remember location of down touch mLastMotionX x If being flinged and user touches the screen initiate drag otherwise don't... don't. mScroller.isFinished should be false when being flinged. mTouchState mScroller.isFinished TOUCH_STATE_REST TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] the scroll functionality. If you don't care about having fling support in your list or if it's okay for the views to snap to.. okay for the views to snap to the center at the end of the fling animation then this will work for you However in the end it.. to remove the center locking feature without removing fling support. And I ask you what kind of list doesn't fling So alas..
How can I limit fling in Android gallery to just one item per fling? can I limit fling in Android gallery to just one item per fling I have a gallery.. can I limit fling in Android gallery to just one item per fling I have a gallery with several full screen images. I want to.. with several full screen images. I want to limit the fling gesture to only advance one image at a time like the HTC Gallery..
Smooth scrolling in Android experience with OpenGL nor accelerometer but swipe called fling in Android's API is not hard to achieve. First thing you need.. MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float vX float vY mScroller.fling getScrollX getScrollY int vX int vY 0 int mMaxScrollX 0 int.. boolean onDown MotionEvent e if mScroller.isFinished is flinging mScroller.forceFinished true to stop flinging on touch return..
How to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe/fling to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between.. Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling. I'd like it to behave more or less like the Android Launcher.. will flip between one view and the next. It should not fling across all of the views. If you swipe slowly you should see..
Android - basic gesture detection basic gesture detection I've been battling to get 'fling' gesture detection working on my Android application today... more complicated to implement something that recognizes a fling. I presume this is because it may span views If my activity.. two events as parameters allowing me to determine if the fling was noteworthy . public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity..
Programmatically Fling ListView Android Fling ListView Android Is there a way I can programatically perform.. Android Is there a way I can programatically perform a Fling on a listview I know there is monkey that does all these things..
how to implement Fling on group to implement Fling on group I want to fling some images after some animations..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? a new update. It now includes Double Tap Zoom and Fling in addition to Panning and Pinch Zoom. The code below is very..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] mBusy true mStatus.setText Fling break private static final String DATA Abbaye de Belloc Abbaye..
Developing an Android Homescreen if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen 0 Fling hard enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else.. velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1 Fling hard enough to move right snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else..
Adding Fling Gesture to an image view - Android Fling Gesture to an image view Android Okay I have been referencing.. extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY.. extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android Gesture and Webview in Android I have a webview control that.. onDown MotionEvent event return true public boolean onFling MotionEvent event1 MotionEvent event2 float velocityX float..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen 0 Fling hard enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else.. velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1 Fling hard enough to move right snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else..
Android Homescreen if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen 0 Fling hard enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else.. velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1 Fling hard enough to move right snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? Fling tab changing in conjunction with ScrollView The best I could.. to the next bold part for the interesting part So I got Fling Swipe Flick whatever you want to call it to work a while ago.. that extends SimpleOnGestureListener and overwrites onFling which is the same implementation as I have which leads me to..
Developing an Android Homescreen a homescreen. This homescreen should behave like the android homescreen where you can switch between several views by flinging your finger over the touch screen. The solution is easy. I have 3 view instances right left and current view . I get.. TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING break case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN Remember location of down touch mLastMotionX x If being flinged and user touches the screen initiate drag otherwise don't. mScroller.isFinished should be false when being flinged... flinged and user touches the screen initiate drag otherwise don't. mScroller.isFinished should be false when being flinged. mTouchState mScroller.isFinished TOUCH_STATE_REST TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL case..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] that I give the Gallery an OnTouchListener and override the scroll functionality. If you don't care about having fling support in your list or if it's okay for the views to snap to the center at the end of the fling animation then this will.. care about having fling support in your list or if it's okay for the views to snap to the center at the end of the fling animation then this will work for you However in the end it still proves impossible to remove the center locking feature.. will work for you However in the end it still proves impossible to remove the center locking feature without removing fling support. And I ask you what kind of list doesn't fling So alas this did not work for me. But if you're interested in this..
How can I limit fling in Android gallery to just one item per fling? can I limit fling in Android gallery to just one item per fling I have a gallery with several full screen images. I want to limit the fling.. can I limit fling in Android gallery to just one item per fling I have a gallery with several full screen images. I want to limit the fling gesture to only advance one image at a time.. in Android gallery to just one item per fling I have a gallery with several full screen images. I want to limit the fling gesture to only advance one image at a time like the HTC Gallery app . What's the right easiest way to achieve this android..
Smooth scrolling in Android android scrolling share improve this question I have no experience with OpenGL nor accelerometer but swipe called fling in Android's API is not hard to achieve. First thing you need when making such a custom View is implementing a GestureDetector.. int distanceY return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float vX float vY mScroller.fling getScrollX getScrollY int vX int vY 0 int mMaxScrollX 0 int mMaxScrollY invalidate don't remember if it's needed return.. don't remember if it's needed return true @Override public boolean onDown MotionEvent e if mScroller.isFinished is flinging mScroller.forceFinished true to stop flinging on touch return true else won't work @Override public boolean onTouchEvent..
How to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe/fling to make an Android view that flips between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling. I'd like it to behave more.. between views on swipe fling I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe fling. I'd like it to behave more or less like the Android Launcher behaves when flipping between views. In particular It should.. In particular It should flip views on swipe. Generally a swipe will flip between one view and the next. It should not fling across all of the views. If you swipe slowly you should see the views dragging as you're swiping eg. the way the Launcher..
Android - basic gesture detection basic gesture detection I've been battling to get 'fling' gesture detection working on my Android application today. I've been looking at these sources Detect Gestures Tutorial.. which implements View.OnClickListener . It seems infinitely more complicated to implement something that recognizes a fling. I presume this is because it may span views If my activity implements OnGestureListener I don't know how to set that as.. then I have no onFling method to override it has two events as parameters allowing me to determine if the fling was noteworthy . public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener OnTouchListener .....
Programmatically Fling ListView Android Fling ListView Android Is there a way I can programatically perform a Fling on a listview I know there is monkey that does all.. Fling ListView Android Is there a way I can programatically perform a Fling on a listview I know there is monkey that does all these things but that requires a computer connection with adb etc etc...
how to implement Fling on group to implement Fling on group I want to fling some images after some animations on them are over and the animations run inside a window The..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? share improve this question UPDATE I've just given TouchImageView a new update. It now includes Double Tap Zoom and Fling in addition to Panning and Pinch Zoom. The code below is very dated. You can check out the github project to get the latest..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] mBusy true mStatus.setText Touch scroll break case OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_FLING mBusy true mStatus.setText Fling break private static final String DATA Abbaye de Belloc Abbaye du Mont des Cats Abertam Abondance Ackawi Acorn Adelost Affidelice..
Developing an Android Homescreen 1000 int velocityX int velocityTracker.getXVelocity if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen 0 Fling hard enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1.. enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1 Fling hard enough to move right snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else snapToDestination if mVelocityTracker null mVelocityTracker.recycle..
Adding Fling Gesture to an image view - Android Fling Gesture to an image view Android Okay I have been referencing the code here Android basic gesture detection but just can.. event return true return false class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY try if Math.abs e1.getY e2.getY SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH return.. SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY 200 private class GestureListener extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android Gesture and Webview in Android I have a webview control that needs to support the fling gesture in Android in order to.. new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener public boolean onDown MotionEvent event return true public boolean onFling MotionEvent event1 MotionEvent event2 float velocityX float velocityY if event1.getRawX event2.getRawX show_toast swipe..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views 1000 int velocityX int velocityTracker.getXVelocity if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen 0 Fling hard enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1.. enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1 Fling hard enough to move right snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else snapToDestination if mVelocityTracker null mVelocityTracker.recycle..
Android Homescreen 1000 int velocityX int velocityTracker.getXVelocity if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen 0 Fling hard enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1.. enough to move left snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else if velocityX SNAP_VELOCITY mCurrentScreen getChildCount 1 Fling hard enough to move right snapToScreen mCurrentScreen 1 else snapToDestination if mVelocityTracker null mVelocityTracker.recycle..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? Fling tab changing in conjunction with ScrollView The best I could find on this particular issue although I do not use a Gallery.. my implementation does not use a Gallery obviously. Jump down to the next bold part for the interesting part So I got Fling Swipe Flick whatever you want to call it to work a while ago on my application. Inspiration was gathered from a couple of.. But it still handles gestures through a class that extends SimpleOnGestureListener and overwrites onFling which is the same implementation as I have which leads me to believe it won't really help . Source code for ScrollView from..