android Programming Glossary: fill_horizontal
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly the right of my GridLayout. I tried setting layout_gravity fill_horizontal but that only applies to the last view on the row. This means..
GridLayout in Android 2.0? 2 android rowCount 13 TextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text SN TextView android id @ id snTextView android.. TextView android id @ id snTextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal TextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text.. fill_horizontal TextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text Ver TextView android id @ id verTextView android..
Android action bar with two stretched buttons android layout_height match_parent android gravity fill_horizontal android orientation horizontal LinearLayout android layout_alignParentLeft..
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe 2 app layout_rowSpan 2 android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string string_1 Button app layout_columnSpan 2.. Button app layout_columnSpan 2 android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string string_2 Button app layout_rowSpan 4 android.. 3 app layout_rowSpan 2 android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string string_4 Button app layout_columnSpan 3..
How to display custom view in ActionBar? android layout_height match_parent android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android focusable true FrameLayout android layout_width fill_parent.. wrap_content android layout_gravity center_vertical fill_horizontal EditText android id @ id search_query android layout_width fill_parent..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView bold android textSize 18px android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android gravity left android layout_height wrap_content android..
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly evenly for each row. This causes a lot of extra space to the right of my GridLayout. I tried setting layout_gravity fill_horizontal but that only applies to the last view on the row. This means Cell 1 stretches all the way to give enough space for Cell..
GridLayout in Android 2.0? android layout_height wrap_content android columnCount 2 android rowCount 13 TextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text SN TextView android id @ id snTextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal TextView android layout_gravity.. android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text SN TextView android id @ id snTextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal TextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text Ver TextView android id @ id verTextView android layout_gravity.. text SN TextView android id @ id snTextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal TextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text Ver TextView android id @ id verTextView android layout_gravity fill_horizontal TextView android layout_gravity..
Android action bar with two stretched buttons apk res android android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height match_parent android gravity fill_horizontal android orientation horizontal LinearLayout android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_width fill_parent android..
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe orientation horizontal app columnCount 8 Button app layout_columnSpan 2 app layout_rowSpan 2 android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string string_1 Button app layout_columnSpan 2 android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string.. layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string string_1 Button app layout_columnSpan 2 android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string string_2 Button app layout_rowSpan 4 android text @string string_3 Button app layout_columnSpan 3 app.. 4 android text @string string_3 Button app layout_columnSpan 3 app layout_rowSpan 2 android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string string_4 Button app layout_columnSpan 3 android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android text @string..
How to display custom view in ActionBar? attr actionButtonStyle android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height match_parent android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android focusable true FrameLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_gravity.. FrameLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_gravity center_vertical fill_horizontal EditText android id @ id search_query android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_gravity..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView android paddingTop 3px android paddingBottom 3px android textStyle bold android textSize 18px android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android gravity left android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content CheckBox android id @ id checkbox..