android Programming Glossary: findfragmentbyid
Android, How to restart/refresh a fragment from FragmentActivty? fragment CategoryFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById if fragment null fragment.getData ..
Android getting fragment that is in FragmentPagerAdapter change View of one of these fragments but I am not able to findFragmentById or findFragmentByTag I am unable to set id because I am not..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? behavior over the long term not to mention it should break findFragmentById though I can live with that . The author of this blog post indicates..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState friendListFragment FriendListFragment fm.findFragmentById if friendListFragment null.. when I implement the AsynTask as follows because the findFragmentById method returns a null pointer. private class onFriendAddedAsyncTask.. DummyFragment dummyFragment DummyFragment fm.findFragmentById ft.remove dummyFragment ft.commitAllowingStateLoss..
Fragments onResume from back stack if manager null MyFragment currFrag MyFragment manager. findFragmentById currFrag.onFragmentResume return result..
Get the current fragment object titleFragmentById TitleFragment fragmentManager.findFragmentById and TitleFragment titleFragmentByTag TitleFragment.. Package r3 and developing for API level 7 EDIT 2 findFragmentById and findFragmentByTag will work if we have set fragment using.. I need to identify which object is currently there Call findFragmentById on FragmentManager and determine which fragment is in your
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager fragment HomeListFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById mAdapter.fragId 0 fragment.updateDisplay public static class.. a reference to the Fragment from FragmentManager using findFragmentById or findFragmentByTag but I don't know the tag or id of my Fragments..
Android, How to restart/refresh a fragment from FragmentActivty? item switch item.getItemId case CategoryFragment fragment CategoryFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById if fragment null fragment.getData return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item..
Android getting fragment that is in FragmentPagerAdapter using FragmentPagerAdapter In some moment I would like to change View of one of these fragments but I am not able to findFragmentById or findFragmentByTag I am unable to set id because I am not declaring Fragment in XML because of the FragmentPagerAdapter..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? container and I am not sure whether or not that is reliable behavior over the long term not to mention it should break findFragmentById though I can live with that . The author of this blog post indicates that Gmail is not using setCustomAnimations at all..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction FriendListFragment friendListFragment FriendListFragment fm.findFragmentById if friendListFragment null friendListFragment new FriendListFragment ft.add Native Method I get the same IllegalStateExeption when I implement the AsynTask as follows because the findFragmentById method returns a null pointer. private class onFriendAddedAsyncTask extends AsyncTask String Void String protected void.. fm getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction DummyFragment dummyFragment DummyFragment fm.findFragmentById ft.remove dummyFragment ft.commitAllowingStateLoss In the next step I use a handler for the adding..
Fragments onResume from back stack FragmentManager manager getSupportFragmentManager if manager null MyFragment currFrag MyFragment manager. findFragmentById currFrag.onFragmentResume return result MyFragment.onFragmentResume will be called after a Back is..
Get the current fragment object FrameLayout Edit I tried the following TitleFragment titleFragmentById TitleFragment fragmentManager.findFragmentById and TitleFragment titleFragmentByTag TitleFragment fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag fragmentTag But both.. is null Did I miss something I'm using Compatibility Package r3 and developing for API level 7 EDIT 2 findFragmentById and findFragmentByTag will work if we have set fragment using fragmentTransaction.replac e or fragmentTransaction.add but..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager mPager.setAdapter mAdapter Attempt 2 HomeListFragment fragment HomeListFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById mAdapter.fragId 0 fragment.updateDisplay public static class MyAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements TitleProvider.. in getItem returned 0. As per the docs I tried by acquiring a reference to the Fragment from FragmentManager using findFragmentById or findFragmentByTag but I don't know the tag or id of my Fragments I have an android id @ id viewpager for ViewPager and..