android Programming Glossary: findclass
FindClass from any thread in Android JNI from any thread in Android JNI Android's JNI tips page mentions.. JNI Android's JNI tips page mentions this FAQ Why didn't FindClass find my class They mention multiple solutions and the last option.. touched loaded yet. Essentially it's the identical to env FindClass in behavior when called from a native thread with the exception..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory config LOGD creating new bitmap... jclass bitmapCls env FindClass android graphics Bitmap jmethodID createBitmapFunction env GetStaticMethodID.. env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] config LOGD creating new bitmap... jclass bitmapCls env FindClass android graphics Bitmap jmethodID createBitmapFunction env GetStaticMethodID.. env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android that contains the method you need to call jclass clazz env FindClass the package MainActivity Get the method that you want to call.. env NewStringUTF env This comes from jni. jclass clazz env FindClass env com inceptix android t3d MainActivity jmethodID messageMe..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android To get a class instance you can use jclass clz callEnv FindClass CALL_CLASS . In this case is CALL_CLASS the full qualified path.. Can be thrown with the JNIEnv callEnv ThrowNew callEnv FindClass java lang Exception Hash generation failed You can also check..
How do I load my own Java class in C on Android? env vm AttachCurrentThread vm env 0 jclass theSubClass env FindClass env com example my package SubClass jthrowable exception env..
FindClass from any thread in Android JNI from any thread in Android JNI Android's JNI tips page mentions this FAQ Why didn't FindClass find my class They mention.. from any thread in Android JNI Android's JNI tips page mentions this FAQ Why didn't FindClass find my class They mention multiple solutions and the last option there is this one Cache a reference to the ClassLoader.. if from a native thread I try to loadClass that hasn't been touched loaded yet. Essentially it's the identical to env FindClass in behavior when called from a native thread with the exception that it won't return 0 for classes that were already use..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK Bitmap Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction env GetStaticMethodID bitmapConfigClass valueOf Ljava..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap int width int height Bitmap.Config config LOGD creating new bitmap... jclass bitmapCls env FindClass android graphics Bitmap jmethodID createBitmapFunction env GetStaticMethodID bitmapCls createBitmap IILandroid graphics.. Bitmap Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction env GetStaticMethodID bitmapConfigClass valueOf Ljava..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap int width int height Bitmap.Config config LOGD creating new bitmap... jclass bitmapCls env FindClass android graphics Bitmap jmethodID createBitmapFunction env GetStaticMethodID bitmapCls createBitmap IILandroid graphics.. Bitmap Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction env GetStaticMethodID bitmapConfigClass valueOf Ljava..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android NewStringUTF This string comes from JNI First get the class that contains the method you need to call jclass clazz env FindClass the package MainActivity Get the method that you want to call jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID clazz messageMe Ljava.. JNIEnv env jobject obj jstring jstr env NewStringUTF env This comes from jni. jclass clazz env FindClass env com inceptix android t3d MainActivity jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID env clazz messageMe Ljava lang String Ljava..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android further notice. But do not use javah again Class and methods To get a class instance you can use jclass clz callEnv FindClass CALL_CLASS . In this case is CALL_CLASS the full qualified path to the class de dhbw file sha1 SHA1HashFileAsyncTask . To.. NewStringUTF szReport It can be every char variable. Exceptions Can be thrown with the JNIEnv callEnv ThrowNew callEnv FindClass java lang Exception Hash generation failed You can also check if there is an exception occurred also with JNIEnv if callEnv..
How do I load my own Java class in C on Android? AndroidGetJavaVM This returns a valid JavaVM object JNIEnv env vm AttachCurrentThread vm env 0 jclass theSubClass env FindClass env com example my package SubClass jthrowable exception env ExceptionOccurred env if exception env ExceptionDescribe env..