

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:34

android Programming Glossary: finalheight

How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView?


question Just tried this out and it works for me int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById R.id.scaled_image.. public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText.. finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true The ViewTreeObserver will let..

android get height width of ImageView


question My answer on this question might help you int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById R.id.scaled_image.. public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText.. finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true You can then add your image scaling..

Fixed aspect ratio View


mAspectRatioHeight mAspectRatioWidth int finalWidth finalHeight if calculatedHeight originalHeight finalWidth originalHeight.. originalHeight mAspectRatioWidth mAspectRatioHeight finalHeight originalHeight else finalWidth originalWidth finalHeight calculatedHeight.. finalHeight originalHeight else finalWidth originalWidth finalHeight calculatedHeight super.onMeasure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec..

How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView?


your help android imageview dimensions share improve this question Just tried this out and it works for me int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById R.id.scaled_image final TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.size_label.. vto iv.getViewTreeObserver vto.addOnPreDrawListener new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true The ViewTreeObserver.. public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true The ViewTreeObserver will let you monitor the layout just prior to drawing it i.e. everything..

android get height width of ImageView


and width android image height width share improve this question My answer on this question might help you int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById R.id.scaled_image final TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.size_label.. vto iv.getViewTreeObserver vto.addOnPreDrawListener new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true You can.. public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true You can then add your image scaling work from within the onPreDraw method. share improve..

Fixed aspect ratio View


heightMeasureSpec int calculatedHeight originalWidth mAspectRatioHeight mAspectRatioWidth int finalWidth finalHeight if calculatedHeight originalHeight finalWidth originalHeight mAspectRatioWidth mAspectRatioHeight finalHeight originalHeight.. finalHeight if calculatedHeight originalHeight finalWidth originalHeight mAspectRatioWidth mAspectRatioHeight finalHeight originalHeight else finalWidth originalWidth finalHeight calculatedHeight super.onMeasure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec.. originalHeight mAspectRatioWidth mAspectRatioHeight finalHeight originalHeight else finalWidth originalWidth finalHeight calculatedHeight super.onMeasure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec finalWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec..