android Programming Glossary: finalize
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) TestActivity super Log.d TAG this this protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize Log.d TAG this finalize @Override.. this this protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize Log.d TAG this finalize @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. finalize throws Throwable super.finalize Log.d TAG this finalize @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory i've made it automatically free its native memory in the finalize method but don't let it be responsible of the job. it's too.. _handler _handler null @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize if _handler null return Log.w.. @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize if _handler null return Log.w DEBUG JNI bitmap wasn't freed..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] _handler _handler null @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize if _handler null return Log.w.. @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize if _handler null return Log.w DEBUG JNI bitmap wasn't freed..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development null Db.isOpen Db.close @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable try close finally super.finalize @Override.. void finalize throws Throwable try close finally super.finalize @Override public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db Create Tables..
How to close Android application? true ensures that all objects will be finalized and garbage collected when the the application exits. You can.. boolean killSafely if killSafely Notify the system to finalize and collect all objects of the app on exit so that the virtual.. but it could cause problems since resources will not be finalized first. For example all threads running under the process will..
Android SQLite DB When to Close to close the database in the singleton as well public void finalize throws Throwable if null mySingletonHelperField mySingletonHelperField.close.. mySingletonHelperField.close if null db db.close super.finalize if the users of your application have the ability to create..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images image loader in your Activity's onDestroy method or in the finalize of any other class that is managing it. Use the Eclipse Memory..
Implicit intent to uninstall application?
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) final String TAG TestActivity.class.getSimpleName public TestActivity super Log.d TAG this this protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize Log.d TAG this finalize @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. public TestActivity super Log.d TAG this this protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize Log.d TAG this finalize @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Log.d.. TestActivity super Log.d TAG this this protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize Log.d TAG this finalize @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Log.d TAG this onCreate TextView..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory or make the class implement Closable . As a safety measure i've made it automatically free its native memory in the finalize method but don't let it be responsible of the job. it's too risky. i've also made it write to the log when such a thing.. public void freeBitmap if _handler null return jniFreeBitmapData _handler _handler null @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize if _handler null return Log.w DEBUG JNI bitmap wasn't freed nicely.please rememeber to free.. _handler null return jniFreeBitmapData _handler _handler null @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize if _handler null return Log.w DEBUG JNI bitmap wasn't freed nicely.please rememeber to free the bitmap as soon as you can..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] public void freeBitmap if _handler null return jniFreeBitmapData _handler _handler null @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize if _handler null return Log.w DEBUG JNI bitmap wasn't freed nicely.please rememeber to free.. _handler null return jniFreeBitmapData _handler _handler null @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable super.finalize if _handler null return Log.w DEBUG JNI bitmap wasn't freed nicely.please rememeber to free the bitmap as soon as you can..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development getDatabase return Db public synchronized void close if Singleton null Db.isOpen Db.close @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable try close finally super.finalize @Override public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db Create Tables db.execSQL.. if Singleton null Db.isOpen Db.close @Override protected void finalize throws Throwable try close finally super.finalize @Override public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db Create Tables db.execSQL CREATE_TABLE1 db.execSQL CREATE_TABLE2 @Override..
How to close Android application? couple of lines in the onDestroy method. The call to System.runFinalizersOnExit true ensures that all objects will be finalized and garbage collected when the the application exits. You can also kill an application quickly via android.os.Process.killProcess.. it will be killed quickly. public static void killApp boolean killSafely if killSafely Notify the system to finalize and collect all objects of the app on exit so that the virtual machine running the app can be killed by the system without.. This is the quickest way to remove the app from the device but it could cause problems since resources will not be finalized first. For example all threads running under the process will be abruptly killed when the process is abruptly killed...
Android SQLite DB When to Close database object in the MyDBOpenHelper class you may want to close the database in the singleton as well public void finalize throws Throwable if null mySingletonHelperField mySingletonHelperField.close if null db db.close super.finalize if the users.. void finalize throws Throwable if null mySingletonHelperField mySingletonHelperField.close if null db db.close super.finalize if the users of your application have the ability to create many database interactions very quickly you should use something..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images Always ensure you stop interrupt the thread spawned by your image loader in your Activity's onDestroy method or in the finalize of any other class that is managing it. Use the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool in conjunction with DDMS to analyze your application's..
Implicit intent to uninstall application?